in #fathers6 years ago (edited)

32650036_1741869132567634_189134794754359296_n.jpgThe two biggest lessons I learnt from you, my father, were independence and hard work. To this day, he gets up before 6am and is the last to get to bed in the household. If it’s necessary, you can be beyond sure he will be present. He is what I call a grand strategist, a protector. He was and still is a hero and mentor I know I can count on to disagree with and still smile and make plans together. While growing up, we all felt safe once he was around. I could dare lions or king cobras if whenever he was with me. 😄

32648658_1741869142567633_9032616360097611776_n.jpgThe biggest disagreements and fights I had in my life were with him. Some were as a team against opponents, and others were between the two us. Both of us wouldn’t budge once we decided. I guess the reason I left his house to live on my own by 19 (the 4th picture after I became independent in 2008 - we still attended events together, enjoyed doing errands with and for him and being his personal driver occasionally, the 5th picture taken just outside my very first house). I loved it whenever we had victories on account of my strategies, I hated it when we lost. But you still held my hand and blessed me through it all.

32512116_1741869245900956_3504839617301970944_n.jpgAs I grew older, we got closer than ever. He told me everything. Even secrets I didn’t expect he would. And he begun to respect my decisions because I had results. He was the biggest opposition and critic against Tonniez Group because he initially thought it was too wild a dream to build a trillion dollar vision. It’s different now after he saw the strength of my resolve.

32752065_1741869269234287_1751090859870257152_n.jpgWhen I took a girl home to marry, he gave me advice that made me embarrassed to hear from my father, but was beyond proud that he left no stone unturned. His support was unbelievable. Then we could talk about anything like brothers. He was authentic, he is authentic. Once he decides, that’s it.

Lastly, some others of all his twelve outstanding attributes listed in his upcoming brutally honest biography is his generosity, selflessness and humour. He gives without holding back, even if it’s all he has. He is the funniest human being i know. I remember laughing and crying at the same time while being punished as a child. He was that funny. This book took me as long as my mother’s to complete (7years) and is a complete account of his life.32738947_1741854569235757_295066052826497024_o.jpg

I celebrate you once again today. These aren’t new words from me to you, but I believe great fathers shouldn’t be kept secret. I love and honour you, always will.


This is a humbling tribute to more than just your father but indeed to all fathers! Coming especially after mother's day!!!

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Thank you for the feedback @mirrors
Fathers need more recognition than they are receiving..

I agree. Thanks for the fine write.

Many thanks for the feature. Humbled.. :)

The pleasure is mine, @tonnyrutakirwa. I am glad your acquaintance.

great stuff parenthood is not for everyone its a gift some have

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