
You're the one that started threatening and calling people names after I told you to fuck off, so kindly fuck the fuck off.

i don't make "threats"....i'm as real as it gets when my mouth opens. i did not start anything with you. You just said above i made threats AFTER you told me to fuck off. Maybe where your from you can talk reckless even though you cant back it up but that dont work with me. Like i said, someday your gonna get a chance to say all this to my face....but i know you wont. Soft as baby shit.

Are you actually mentally challenged? Cause I'll lay off if you are and I feel bad about what I've said.

Is this your first day on the internet? Someone tells you to fuck off and you take that as a reason to result to physical violence? And for some reason you like to think yourself as some immortal human who would actually win in a physical fight? Dude, can you be more of a fucking joke? The fuck do you know about me or what I say to who's face in person.

i see your doing a lot to help steem here. such a fake..."creator or OCD" funny

Okay man, I'm starting to get it, sorry I'm just going to mute you I think it's the best for everyone. Hope you'll find some help.

I dont need no on the other hand....when you meet me in person.

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