in #farms6 years ago


Hello friends of the farms in this opportunity I am going to talk about aloe vera, a miraculous plant that has many properties and very easy to grow in our home. Aloe Vera has been used throughout the history of humanity, to this day, both in the treatment of diseases and in the healing of skin and hair. The Chinese were the first to use Aloe Vera.
Cleopatra used it as an essential ingredient in her daily cures. Called the Immortality Plant, it was used to prepare the embalming products that were used in the burial rituals of the pharaohs and the great lords. The Arabs were the first to transform it into a commercial extract, and it was they who extended the use of powdered Aloe.
The Aloes, although it is true, that its use at home has been preserved throughout the generations and the culture of the people, it is not until the end of the Second World War that we rediscover the therapeutic power of aloe, by verifying that the inhabitants of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who suffered burns, after a treatment with aloe, healed more quickly and in many cases, without signs or scars.


Aloe vera can never be combined with these two factors: the extreme cold (less than 0ºC) and the excess of water, on the contrary, it perfectly resists the lack of water, and also the pests.
Properties of Aloe vera. To grow aloe vera is recommended to do it in a clay pot since you will not get better results by doing it in a plastic pot. If you are interested in knowing how to grow it, you should put common soil and put 50% peat. Do not forget to place a two-finger gravel drain. Well, once these steps are followed, you must cover the plant until the leaves are born, therefore, you should wait approximately two weeks to water it. If you want to know where it is best to place it, then in a place where there is no shortage of sunlight and in winter you should protect it from the cold. You will observe its reproduction through children that will be born around it. You must separate them when they already have a growth of four fingers in height, you can do it in two ways:


Try to find with your fingers the union of mother and child and separate them (with all their roots), and you can take advantage to cut the roots of the mother if you have very long (very careful not to damage it), add vegetable fertilizer when you go to plant the "children" and let them spend two weeks to water it and do not expose them directly to the sun.
Make sure there are no other aloe vera plants nearby, as there are different types of aloe and your plant can be pollinated by another class and the seeds become hybrid (be careful with that and keep in mind that the wind is a pollinating agent what you should take care of)



The use of aloe vera in beauty matters is spread day by day. By easily penetrating the 3 layers of the skin. Epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis, allows to eliminate bacteria and accumulated fat that usually clogs the pores of the skin. On the other hand, being rich in vitamins, enzymes, minerals and natural nutrients, allows the reproduction of new cells. Using aloe vera consistently can prevent early wrinkles and delay normal age. It can be used without problems under makeup. Another common use in terms of beauty is treated as sunscreen, contributing in cases of prolonged use, to eliminate sun spots.
Aloe vera plant. It is excellent to counteract the effects after shaving, when the skin is damaged by the passage of the blades, avoiding redness and rashes. It also prevents and eliminates small streaks.


Aloe is excellent for preventing scalp conditions such as dandruff and fat, by applying its juice as champo or conditioner. On the other hand it allows to achieve a healthier and brighter hair by rubbing a leaf previously cut in half, all over the head and leaving the hair to dry for a while or even until the next day, when it is removed with water.


Aloe vera is an excellent preventive for cavities while protecting the enamel of the teeth. For bleeding or swollen gums, sucking a piece of pulp is a good option, since it reduces pain, it is also very good for toothaches and reduction of phlegmons.
In the case of afta, since it is an inflammation that affects the membranes of the mouth, very painful indeed, it can affect even the feeding. In these cases it is advisable to chew a piece of Aloe pulp and then swallow it so that it also acts on the palate, esophagus and stomach, at least once a day. In cases of cold sores, aloe should be applied, and then washed with water.


Aloe vera reduces and even completely eliminates the effects of allergies or other similar reactions. To know if a person is allergic to aloe vera, there is rubbing a little on the lower arm and wait. If the area begins to itch or turns red, it is a sign that it is allergic to aloe and its use should be avoided. For respiratory conditions such as asthma, several pieces of Aloe should be placed in a pot with water and put to cook, breathing the steam or rubbing with their juice the nostrils, which considerably reduces the discomfort.


When applying Aloe in burns and hairs, the pain diminishes considerably, besides helping to avoid infections and subsequent scars. The healing is much faster. It is ideal to apply on the skin before being exposed to the sun, since it is an effective protection against ultraviolet rays. By applying the juice on the skin, slight burns are immediately relieved. For more severe burns, a piece of aloe pulp should be rubbed over the wound, which allows the cells to continue heating, spreading to neighboring cells and, in some cases, causing death by heating cells.


Used for years as an effective home remedy, a piece of unpeeled pulp should be placed over the previously cleaned wound and fixed with a bandage. It not only heals wounds but also reduces scars. It is a treatment that can take a long time. It should be applied to scars, juice or pulp, both in the morning and at night, and can be combined with Vitamin E, which makes it even more effective.


To treat hemorrhoids, it can be used in two different ways. Being mildly laxative it can be ingested (a piece of pulp) in the morning or also introduced into the rectum after evacuation. If outside use is necessary, the open sheet should be applied on the affected area. The treatment must be constant until the complete disappearance of the hemorrhoids.


In these cases it must be applied outside the varicose veins to obtain excellent results.


In this type of treatments should be taken into account that we must be patient and very constant, applying daily, between 2 and 4 times a day, Aloe juice until complete elimination.


To treat acne with aloe vera should be applied more than once a day on previously cleansed skin. Aloe regenerates the tissues from the inside to the outside, absorbing excess fat. During the first days it is very possible that the condition seems to get worse but this is normal and only requires patience. Used regularly, Aloe also reduces gradually the scars caused by acne. It should be applied in the morning and at night for as long as necessary, also ingesting a piece of pulp in the morning for a much more effective treatment.


A piece of aloe pulp is applied directly on the bite of any insect, which allows immediate reduction of pain and a faster healing.


It is an injury that usually appears in summer and more frequently in men. It is characterized by the appearance of fungi and the treatment consists of applying a gauze soaked with aloe juice around the fingers, letting it act throughout the night.

Tired feet
Placing the feet in hot water with pieces of aloe and rubbing them with them is a good treatment for tired feet. You can also make massages with aloe juice, as it has a revitalizing effect.

Chewing a piece of aloe vera to undo it and then swallow it can make those who feel heavy after drinking too much alcohol or food feel better.


Then we show you some homemade formulas with Aloe Vera is a cream, a restorative, an anti mosquito, etc. For the day to day.

• 500gr of Aloe Vera pulp
• 500gr of premium quality honey
• 3 tablespoons of liquor


• Peel and wash the leaf to extract the Aloe polish.
• Crush very fine pulp
• Add the honey and 4 tablespoons of dry liquor, and mix well beaten.


I hope that my article has served you well.



It helps to avoid infections and subsequent scars, this amazing plant has been used throughout the history of humanity and has great healing power.


SteemChurch Farm (@farms)

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Very good uses and applications of aloe vera, is one of my favorite plants

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