in #farms6 years ago

Aloe has always been one of the most widely used herbal remedies for the many virtues and beneficial properties. Perfect as an anti-inflammatory coagulant, natural healing, its effectiveness is now also confirmed by various scientific investigations.

Known since antiquity for many virtues, the 'aloe vera (aloe bardensis Miller) is a medicinal plant native to South America, especially the Dominican Republic, can be grown in almost all latitudes of the globe, as it also easily adapts to dry, humid or cold climates.

It is a succulent plant with fleshy leaves with a plume, 40-60 cm long and with thorns on the sides. If during the year its appearance remains almost unchanged, in spring the plant produces a large red flower that blooms right in the middle of the foliage.

From the leaves of aloe vera 2 components are extracted:

  • A thick and concentrated juice with numerous therapeutic properties mainly for internal use.

  • A gel for external use.

Aloe vera plant: history, culture and habitat

The word Aloe comes from the Greek root Alos, which means salty substance, probably in reference to its marine habitat. According to some scholars, however, the word would come from the Arabic word alua, which means "bitter", which is actually the taste of the whole juice extracted from the plant.

The truth is that aloe vera has been known for thousands of years for its healing properties. We find several citations even in the Old Testament, in the Gospels and in very ancient documents that were used to convey the use of this plant to Egyptians, Chinese, Indians and Arabs.

In modern times, however, its commercialization began after the discovery of an effective method to avoid oxidation and fermentation of the pulp. The spread began in the 1950s, first as an herbal remedy for the treatment of burns and then as an ingredient for moisturizers and juice to drink.

From the botanical point of view, aloe vera prefers warm and dry climates and grows spontaneously in arid and calcareous soils. However, it can easily grow in other climatic zones, propagating it by seed or by cutting.

The cultivation of aloe is feasible directly in pots in the garden or on the terrace. As it is an extremely adaptable and resistant plant, it does not require special care or abilities. If you want to grow an aloe vera plant at home, you should pay attention to the following information:

  • Requires a lot of light.

  • It does not tolerate too hard temperatures.

  • The use of potassium-rich fertilizers is recommended.

  • Requires little water, especially during winter

  • You must transplant in the spring, between March and April.

The leaves are covered with a protective film that allows the plant to filter the air and water. Under this film, there are three layers of cellulose that enclose aloin and the aquifer parenchyma, a colorless tissue consisting of a gel.

Along with the juice, this gel is very sought after for its healing properties. The quality of the gel depends a lot on the type of climate and the irrigation that the plant received during the vegetative development.

Aloe vera gel: properties and uses

Aloe vera is in the form of gel, obtained from the central part of the leaves, colorless and transparent, indicated as pure or as an ingredient for external use. It is a viscous substance particularly rich in mucilage, proteins, lipids, enzymes, saponins, vitamins and minerals.

For this it has anti-aging effects that make it perfect for the care of dry skin and as a regeneration and after the sun.

He has known healing properties that make it useful for external use, in cases of scalds, abrasions, bruises and wounds. It is also effective to accelerate the healing of skin lesions.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunostimulatory and anesthetic capacities, the gel is used to stimulate the regeneration of the skin and prevent infections in case of burns.

Diluted with water it is commercially proposed as aloe juice, but in essence it is always gel, for internal use. Aloe juice is offered as a multivitamin, moisturizer and natural mineralizing supplement, as well as antitumor, although this ability has not been scientifically proven.

Actually, there is also a true aloe juice, obtained from the outer green bark of the leaves. It is a viscous and yellowish liquid that should be used as a purgative at very low doses due to the presence of strongly laxative molecules.

For its side effects (cramps and abdominal pain, diarrhea) of strong laxative, it is not recommended to do it yourself!

Aloe vera: the health benefits

Aloe vera is also used as a syrup and is highly nutritious due to the presence of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals.

As a cosmetic and medicinal strengthens and riattive immune defenses, thanks to the presence of a mucopolysaccharide such as acemannan that, by stimulating macrophage cells, namely white blood cells, helps to destroy bacteria, cells of cancer and other pathogens. These are some of the most well-known beneficial properties aloe vera:

  • Detoxifying and purifying, especially when consumed as a beverage.

  • Anti-inflammatory, useful to treat conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Analgesic, antipyretic, analgesic and analgesic because it stimulates the production of endorphins.

  • Healing and coagulant.

  • Moisturizer for the skin.

In addition, aloe vera acts in the body as a natural antibiotic because it is able to fight many infections including those of fungal origin thanks to its bactericidal capacity.

Aloe vera and tumors

According to some theories, aloe vera can cure some tumors, even in advanced stages. However, the AIRC has repeatedly stated that there is no evidence that demonstrates a certain role of aloe vera in the prevention or treatment of cancer.

In the 1990s, a concentrate of aloe was sold under the name of T-UP to eat or inject that was advertised as an adjuvant in cases of cancer, AIDS, herpes and other autoimmune disorders. The health authorities blocked him with accusations of fraud. Injections in some cases have also been fatal for some patients.

Therefore, creams based on gel and aloe are indicated for the treatment of small wounds and burns but have no antitumor effect.

** Aloe vera: contraindications **

When contemplating the many virtues of aloe vera, one would think that nature has given us a kind of miraculous plant, but also attention to the possible side effects. . Before drinking the juice of this plant you should know that:

  • May have irritating effects on the intestinal mucosa

  • In case of intake at doses other than the very low prescribed, also attacks of diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

  • The products in the market do not contain aloin to avoid this risk, in particular, for the intake of the juice while it is not detected in the external use of the gel.

  • Aloe for internal use is not recommended for the same reason in case of pregnancy.

  • In some cases, aloe can interfere with the action of some drugs. It can cause problems in blood clotting, if swallowed in the form of tablets or juice.

Those who already suffer from allergies to tulips, onions and garlic can be sensitive to too pure aloe and the products that contain it. Therefore, we recommend that you contact your doctor before taking aloe vera products.

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