Major Updates to the FAQ Page - Pull Request Submitted!

in #faq7 years ago (edited)

The official Steemit FAQ Page is a key tool for recruitment and retention!

It is vital that users understand the platform, and have a place to turn to if they feel lost or have questions. The Welcome Page has been a great tool for getting users started on the platform, but we also need a full blown FAQ that explains all the ins and outs for users who really want to know how everything works.

Today @pfunk and I submitted a pull request to update the Steemit FAQ Page with new content! The pull request has 140 questions/answers, as well as a table of contents with links to each question. The links will allow users send individual questions/answers to other users, or link to them in posts/comments.

You can view the updated FAQ content here:

Note - while the FAQ is up on GitHub, the links within the repo (like the table of contents) will not work. Once it is up on a live site, the links will work.

The process to create the FAQ page started 8 months ago when @ned called on the community to contribute to the official FAQ. The community responded and provided tons of great questions and answers! @shenanigator compiled all of the content into a single official FAQ. Pull Request 935 was submitted to add the FAQ to, but only a very small percentage of the questions actually made it up.

The FAQ pretty much sat there for several months, until @transisto noticed that @pfunk and I were working on the Welcome Page, and suggested we try to tackle the FAQ too. We checked in with @sneak, who gave us the green light for the project, and then we proceeded to make the updates.

We spent weeks collecting content from many sources, most notably posts from @shenanigator and @thecryptofiend. Once we had all of the content that we wanted to include in one place, we started the long process of copyediting. @pfunk and I each took several iterations through the content, editing for various things. The questions/answers needed to be clear and accurate. They needed to provide useful information to users. They needed to use correct terms, spelling, punctuation, etc. It was a lot of work. Huge props go out to @pfunk for his amazing editing skills!

Once we had everything in place, we sent the final draft to Mitchell ( @zurvanic) from Steemit, Inc. to review. Mitchell had some minor updates to make, but overall he liked what he saw. After incorporating his revisions, it was on to the pull request. All of the content had to be formatted into HTML/markdown, and links had to be added. The table of contents was created, and that was it - then it was on to testing!

Thanks to @bitcoiner for allowing us to use his test site for some final checking! After a few last minute tweaks, the coding was done, and we finally submitted the pull request!

Here it is!

Note - the PR is not accepted yet, but we plan to work with Steemit, Inc. to make any edits necessary to get it approved. We hope to see it up on the live site soon!

A HUGE thanks to everyone who contributed to this project!!!

This is a culmination of effort from tons of people in the community. From @ned seeing the need and calling for action months ago, to all the people who contributed questions/answers, and everyone mentioned in the post above. This has been a major undertaking that we should all be proud of. Hopefully once it is up on the live site, it will lead to improved growth, a better user experience, and improved user retention going forward!

Great Job Everyone!


Amazing work timcliff and pfunk! I just took a peek at your github link and wow, that is some seriously thorough updating! A quick note - if in the future you guys need someone to create any complimentary graphics, gifs or icons etc... I have graphic design experience. You can give me a shout on if interested.

Again, great work!

Awesome, thanks!

Regarding the graphic design, check with @sneak. He is the development manager. You can reach him via email: sneak at

Look great @timcliff, well done!

I'm starting a thread here for feedback. If anyone has any 'constructive criticism' or additional content to suggest, please let us know. If there are any show-stoppers, we will work to get them into the current PR; otherwise we will start a list for the next round of updates.

Thank you for updating FAQ. Gladly, I will read this new FAQ. Nice ! :)

Left you feedback on the PR review.

Thanks @sneak! I'll review and make the necessary updates tonight.

Can I create a Steem account without an email and phone number?

Might want to include a link to AnonSteem in this section. :)

EDIT: oh wait, you have one in the very next one.

You're not going to believe this.. about 30 minutes ago, I was thinking about revitalizing and updating my FAQ.. or at least considering it.

30 minutes later, I see I have a feed notification, and it's @timcliff with this post. lol. Talk about in the same mindset.

Glad you are doing this... so many new users, many of them feel like they are hunting around in the dark trying to get things figured out.

Thank you to everyone, including @pfunk et all....

I feel like we are always in synch @intelliguy!

By the way, I'm thinking May 26 will work for the Beyond Bitcoin Hangout :)

This is amazing as I have been gradually growing frustrated with Steemit Documentation State, having to dig into months old post to have a bit behind the curtain view.

Really informative post ! Thank you !!

Very good.

we have changes often enough and having the FAQ updated will be good for existing and new user.

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