Characters - Part I

in #fantasy6 years ago (edited)

Captain Riptide
Green, 4 life times young - he's an active scientist for the army of the wisconsin tunnel research facility in a top secret location connected by tunnels and passageways in different areas in the land.

One of the research facilities even has an underground train that can bring you back and forth from one facility to the other. He spends most of his time teaching. He teaches secret classes to the professors of the colleges and other institutions that are in need of his help.

He studies in his sleep and has a secret clearance in both the Red Army of the Art and the United States Military secret forces clearance branch. Molecular dissection, calming spells, science remedies, camping level 2 and biking level 10 black belt ninja. He came from another world before this one. But as everyone here has found out, once your here… your pretty much stuck.

Captain Riptide is the captain of A team and is currently on break in snowy Moab. They are visiting a secret bunker in the the side of a cliff where the red army of art rescued a small zoo of armadillos. They live in exile inside of a mountain side zoo that cost the Army of the Red 4 million dollars to build and is staffed by the oldest man in the country, the armadillo zoo keeper. He will only tour the facility. He will not stay. It is advised that we give the red army a good 4 day period to get the new information through their ranks and recognize that yes in fact, I am not a snake, I am the president of the Red.

Hopefully he will get home safe. Shit is pretty windy out there, but Riptide has excellent subliminal communication skills and can communicate without speaking to most anyone in the world.

She was cast into 10,000 years of cryogenic sleep for switching the poisoned pizza that would have surely taken me out. We have talked. She works with the computer folk, the ones who can control people's bodies like the players in a video game. She's young too, 4 life times. But then again, her demeanor is more of that of a grandma surveying the entire city for the perfect ingredients to make a dish for her and her partner in crime, the scientist. It's a perfect match.

The most dangerous and equipped handle on the server, the one that holds the launch codes and commands the army. The most vicious crime prevention methods and hand to hand combat level 33. She has an entire chest full of dicks that she has chopped off, she calls them her ‘Snipits’. Though both her and the scientist are young they have shown an exemplary work ethic and have risen in the ranks quickly. No one really understands how it happened, but as of yet, their disguises have still not been discovered.

She hails from The army of Coffee, originating in latin america but tied to the rampant release of many congregations in north america. It’s funny how the ones that make the most radical changes in this world are the ones that take hold of, and utilize what they have, to give people something useful. A ceramic mug. A bike. Some bear costumes.

Skip and Twitch
We first met in a prison for the rich.
We were the only ones that got out alive. They forced us to form a death grip on the weak and fend only for ourselves, for that was their culture. Be all you can be by shoving everyone else to the bottom. Now obey the ones who come into our room at night and beat us with lacrosse sticks. Obey the ones that make you dig holes and run in circles until you cry. Obey the ones that pushed that one girl to drink laundry detergent and hitchhike two states just to be sent back by her own grandma.

Beat up that fat kid. Sit on the bleachers. Shut the fuck up.

So we faked it.

And then, there was life. Just regular life. A magnifying glass to spark a bowl in the yard and a one hundred thousand dollar car patrolling the block. A ride in a convertible with a banana flavored joint and house party where we listened to girl music then drove to the police station to just to smoke another joint. Ahhhh to be a kid again.

So then after that we both got drafted into the state of war that we had both been more or less unaware of. I became stuck in a box and he became stuck in a traveling band of gypsies. The collective of the phish. He is now one of the generals of the Army of the Art east coast division.

He taught me, that sometimes, the most powerful thing you can do, is cut the track for only a split second, using only a speck of complete silence, to make what you were saying, just that much more important.

An undercover agent sent to gather information for one of the art squads in the city. Posted at one of the most pivotal and dangerous walls in the country. Inland but still subject to the giant wind and rain generators booming down the river from canada. She has a collection of different disguises. To catch a glimpse of her eyes is a rare sight but when you do, she has 20/20 vision with which to paint the most beautiful watercolor landscapes anybody has ever seen. Uhh ohh your in trouble, and then bang, before you know it, there she is, behind a make shift bar at a backyard party or at your house holding up the roof during a wind generator downpour.

The cops were closing in on us. They had a blockade two locks back. They had already taken their police rafts across the pass in an attempt to flush us out. Their plan was to pull us over on the way out, acquire the map, and leave us in a ditch. That's when Gertrude showed up. Ya, we can just take the river then. She didn't even have to be catty, the cops knew she had found the loophole in their plan. They thought to themselves,

How do you pull someone over in a canoe fort?

You wanna fuck around? We don’t cherry pick up in this bitch, but if you wanna go, we will take the whole order.
Dogs? Ya we can do that. Human shield, gladiator death match, breaking into locks and drinking patron. Bullet proof arms, the whole shebang. We activate him just to warn people even thinking about doing something. When he walks into the room, he sees with heat sensor vision and can detect any object that could be considered a weapon, how easily it could be acquired and how to properly erase that possibility.

When it rains, they cover it. There is too much energy. The aerodynamics of his jaws and forehead are bred for one thing, complete physical dominance. We don’t need to send him into battle, he sends himself in to battle. He likes the underworld. And maybe, that's the reason he doesn't cherry pick, because that's how, he can never be defeated.

Every once and a while they hold these deathmatches in red locks around the city. Every team has a fighter. The fights are in basements and parking lots and even sometimes in the middle of football fields. These fighters are traded and treated just like professional athletes, then go about their daily life as if these fights never took place. The fights can be as vicious as beating a man to pulp on the ground or as simple as knocking them out. But eventually in the land of the dog, the fights become more serious and death is expected. Except. For this one.

Cyborg of security with low contrast vision and an Army of the Art badge clearance that is among the second highest teer along with skorp and the drummer of black sabbath, even dead artists are part of this squad. He knows all the secret dirt paths, short cuts, addresses, locations and history of everything in the entire world. Everything. When we go on missions he is ten steps ahead of the mountain cat that was thinking about stalking us. When we build a dam, it’s an arch. When we build a bridge, it is a tree on its side like a majestic statue. When a cat eats his portion of sausages, he shrugs his shoulders and says, that cat was me.

We wear sunglasses and talk in code. Nothing gets passed without his knowledge and nothing but determination has kept him going since he fell down the hole of the Army of the Art and was pinned in a unending hole of, go to Oregon. The trail man.

He was the first person to break out of a system like ours. From a different dimension plagued by the same cancer as ours. The quest to destroy their planet. It is a lizard planet with sensations similar to ours but different. He was the first person to make it out, and now he is here, in our world, to help us to do the same thing. Free ourselves.

Pink Pants
He is sent to race against time before a locks about to close up. They split up the sections everyday. You go this way, I’ll go that way. When he's around, the traffic booth knows, they won’t close up that area. And just to be sure, we have him on zello and fb to check in. Sometimes we even hear him over the galactic news cam. Evidence? Yes this man threatened to hit me with his truck door because I’m wearing pink biking pants. Yes. I do live here. Yes. I do want to hang out and ride fixed gear bikes and test the temperature of the tap water. Yes I do breed fish and work to much. Yes I could find you if you gave me a description of where you were.

We played a game of capture the flag on the fourth of july. To win, we needed to lock off multiple sections of the city, hide the merchandise, then deliver the package to the river. We also needed to swim in the lake. Like throwing the rockets into the end zone it was the scientist and the reaper that set off damn near 100 dollars worth of menards bought fireworks down over the grain belt sign as the crowd dispersed from what they thought was the main show.

U sho
He truly does have the highest clearance in the city. That is, when there's a live game running.
He is the original gangster. Started at the top now he's at the bottom. Stuck in a time warp. Every time he leaves the blue world, or the immediate proximity someone with a live game in the system, the red world can snatch him up and bring him to jail or a hotel room with poison gas hallways. They can trap him for as long as it takes for the map to say he may be expected in the blue world again. He is poisoned and examined but until the computer says our generations group has lost its head, he can not be killed or kept out of the blue world but they can try to deter him. That is the rank of the irishman. This is represented by gold or white on the map. This is a tough life. Many jobs will not hire someone with as much knowledge of the system as him.

Skorpian has lived for one million lifetimes because he worked for the red army for so long. He has the one of the highest clearances of the red because the prophecy of the computer has computed that his band will one day be honored in the galactic hall of fame.

To fight evil he goes to places where bad things would happen and uses his millionth lifetime powers to cast protection and illusion spells as camouflage to the red lord. He has lived so many lifetimes that he has senses that neither I nor any man could understand. The map of the world is inside his mind and across his vision like a space suit.

He has seen this world smother one billion times before, but now, for the first time in three reps of a trillion we are closer to victory than ever. This will be the last time the evil red lord tricks us all and turns our consciousness in to batter.

He has been punished severely for his help bringing my points to a mathematical certainty. But now that I know we must band together and fight evil by bringing down the government of oil that runs this country.

Sadly this army has been slightly confused since its a secret army and most of them still don’t know who the one with the key is. This is because of the deep saturation of delusion that is rampant inside the culture of the red. Like a game of telephone changed slightly at every rank.

I followed directions and worked with my team to devise a plan, to overthrow the most evil section of the government of the red from inside the world of the blue. There are different crews in the red world, the artist crew, the scientists, the cooks, the sexy people, the beer junkies, and the rock hoppers.

Outside of the world of the blue many amazing things exist.

Madeline Clouds
She has been alive for 42 lifetimes. She has the cutest feet imaginable, the way she walks and plays with the energy. For my whole life she tended me while I slept. In a world of isolation she supported me at pivotal moments during my journey through the world in a bubble i had no idea I was in.

I first saw her in the thunderstorm on weeks avenue. In my head I thought, ‘I’m going to marry that girl in the floral dress.’ In her head she thought, ‘I think there's a fire over there.’ I climbed up the light pole and lighting came crashing down. Dark clouds breathed like a giant seashell and the air was thick.

She let me sleep on her couch and take hot showers.

And even though I was asleep for all those years, it doesn't mean I wasn’t there. It’s like a 27 year long meditation course just to determine how best to be apart of this world. But even then, 42 lifetimes is a lot. That's a lot of stuff to handle. Thats alot of time to fill.

She was so jaded after 1428 years of repeat life that she was certain that there was no such thing as true love.

She thought to herself upon her 41st life's end, ‘let me live once more, let me experience heart break one more time, and I will give this blue world a try.

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