
Considering you've posted this exact comment more than once a minute in the past 20-30 minutes, I'd say it's obviously spam. I did look at your blog and saw you posted a reason why you're spamming. Although you say it's for an experiment, I'd encourage against it, as it's only going to harm your reputation as these comments will be flagged. There's enough of this on Steemit already, you're just adding to the problem. I suggest you stop your "spam experiment" if you really want to contribute to the community here.

I agree, that's why I'm not doing these experiments on my main account. ^_^
however the experiment is pretty much done and I only choose a small pool to test, only 150 comments in 3 different format.

Interesting. I read your post here and got a little bit more understanding of what you're doing with this account, I guess. Makes me curious what your main account is....
Anyways, from reading that post, I know you understand my frustration when I found the first comment on my post (that I put hard work into) was spam. There's been a lot of articles written by big members (like @lukestokes) about spam, so recently reading those I decided to look at your account. Funny that this time there's a little more behind the spam than meets the eye. Hopefully your research was useful, meaning this alternate persona will disappear now and you'll go back to making Steemit a better place with your true identity. Hah.

thanks for your attention, the results are added to the post, it was a bit disappointing to see spamming really work but now we have a better understanding of spam, I guess we can fight it with more efficiency.
about this alt, well I didn't make it for experiments per se, it acts as an outlet for my extra energy I can't contain in my main. ^_^

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