in #fantasy7 years ago


What happens if you wake up in an opposite sex body?

This might sound a bit explicit but well adults with some little and vast experience about life. Give or take, it’s part of our everyday activities what happens or what we do with our body.

As a man, i often wake up with a Boner! I don’t know how weird that is for some but am not bothered, It’s part of my manhood obligation. Now imagine the reversed; waking up and feeling a pair of boobs or maybe waking up with my periods coming, what the hell will i do? What in God’s name are you going to do as a lady and you wake up with something dangling between your thighs as you are rushing to the bathroom?

Then the hormonal discharges start to flow, the dizziness and moodiness that comes with it. Are you going to lose your mind?

Here is a Theory; “If what a man can do, a woman could do better; then what a woman could do better, a man in a woman body will do best. This is a general debate from inception that comes into play here, about female having same or more capacity than male i.e. in human perspective. In animals, that assertion is a fallacy; We dare not compare a Lion to a Lioness!

Switching back to the subject, after you find yourself in an opposite sex body, you began to experience some strange feelings, like seeing a bulge in your pants each time you pass by or talk to a hottie, gasping for air whenever you meet a handsome chunky guy and or having a panic attack each time you see something horrific etc. What about on the flip side? You start to have this strange affection for the bar tender that had been attending to you every night for months, your blood starts rushing each time the blond lady making your hair touches you, trying to seduce the male cop who stopped you for over speeding and so on.

Remember you are still retaining that physical body and looks, but every other thing about you had been altered. Then comes the dilemma; how do you tell your buddies that you don’t want to strip to your shorts and jump into the pool with them? Or how do you tell your as a guy that you need some tampons?


What can i make this look like?.......” what ideas can I incorporate?” These are the legitimate and helpful questions that will flood our thinking when it comes to adapting to the new life, new body, new fashion and other things. You will now be very conscious of what to wear and when to wear them. Unlike in your former self where “all go, goes!”. Amongst other things that keeps coming into the head are;

  • How do i direct my new imaginations along in line?

  • What is like this?

  • Does my past life and this one offers parallel similarities?

  • What else could I adapt to?

  • Is there something similar from my past life I could initiate?

These are the inevitables that will make one stay sane in this alternate life, and will prevent going nuts. If one cannot think along this line, then the alternate being will lose it in his/her newly found entity.



Looking on the bright side, it is another chance to life as to doing things differently from your past self. One must be thinking “what changes can i make to provide more sense of appeal to others”? You must explore all what to do to attract the eyes and ears of the right sets of new people into your new life, remember; you are just meeting them in your new body. What your best color will be, your new sense of touch and smell, what you do with sounds and a whole lot of limitless modifications to your new self is essential to improve your new self in a brand-new body.


The Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis is crucial if you are to survive your new body. Improve on those things that STRENGTHEN you in your formal body i.e things that motivates you and brings the best out of you. Know the things that _WEAKENS _you, demoralize you and those things that renders you less productive. With your new body comes greater _OPPORTUNITIES_, from your experience in the past body you are experienced enough to put several pieces together and decipher a golden opportunity when you see one. The THREATS to your productivity and positivity will be very minimal if you work so hard on the “SWO” parts.

After figuring out the threats to your newly possessed body e.g. some people have allergies, some do not do well with certain climatic conditions etc. Then a solution to those threats is easily achievable; Stay away from food and stuffs that gives you acute allergies, migrate to a warmer or colder climate where your body system will function perfectly.


Most people want to be like everybody else and not stand out in their own personality. I will be honest, sometimes i want to be like @ned, @abit, @berniesanders, @infovore, @gavvet, @htooms, @pharesim @kus-kee, or @furion, @stellabelle or @kaylinart etc. I just imagine seeing myself in these guys body, that will be colossally awesome! But this are just fantasies. Some folks go extra miles and do plastic surgery to look like a celebrity, some make hairdo to look like Justin Bieber or Elvis Priesly or Jay-z or Beyonce or Rehanna.

But those who have sought the limelight have often used sartorial exaggerations……...Alex F. Osborn

Picture this;

You are in a man’s body, but you love Angelina Jolie. How in the World do you plan to look like her considering the masculine figure you possessed? Well, except you are stinkingly rich like the likes of Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, then you can have all the plastic surgeons in the world work on you! In essence, being oneself is the best remedy for unnecessary anxiety and fear of the unknown.

Never check others stopwatch to run your race……………...Old African Proverb

It is not how fast we run some race, but how far we are able to go in the race wins’ medals. You might not make it young, but definitely will make it by Middle or old age.

This are my thoughts, i hope it helps in our day to day quests each time we remember this post about switching into an alternate body, how do we live our lives? Are we gonna live it differently and make an impact or are we gonna stick to the same old ways? It is another of my attempt to be a fantasy writer, another installment of this series is in progress. Be the first to enjoy this deep and figurative meanings to life.

DisclaimerTo all professional writers and script writers here on Steemit and beyond, I am in no way a professional writer, but i do like to write and hopefully you will find my craps worthy of reading and maybe drop some professional guidance for me in my writing quests.


There is a "female" in each and every "male" and there is a "male" in each and every "female".
"Purakh Mein Naar, Naar Mein Purakha, Bujho Braham Gyani" Sikh Guru (Translatio is above).

I like the way this sounds😁..wish I could hear you pronounce those words

😊😁😁....i like that my friend, would have love to add it to my post.

Thank you@oluwoleolaide :))

You are most welcome my friend.

great stuff. see It's a boy girl thing. Makes a hilarious watch

Abi now, just trying out all my abandoned project here...

As for female bodies, they already change a lot more than male bodies. A lot of body issues and self image issues are rampant with females because of having to adapt to a constantly changing body and how other people view or interact with those changes. A woman in a man's body might be relieved and freed to have a mostly predictable and stable body to interact with the world in. A man in a woman's body might be suddenly overwhelmed and have less mental preparation for the amount of juggling and rearranging information the female body goes through.

😂😃 i sure like your interpretations man, looking out for your posts.

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