Oh crap!!!! Well, so its Derek huh??? While he may be a looker he is just a wolf is sheep's clothing. I am screaming at the top of my lungs to Talia not to trust this sly attractive man... don't do it Talia!!!! Runnnn!!!!! Will she hear me??? I need to call Mom!!! Ummm mom, your daughter is being manipulated by the devil!!!! Helpppp!!!! Awesome chapter Dreemie!!! Omg I'm on the edge of my seat!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Well if Talia can cross over into other worlds - maybe you can cross over into hers!!!! try it @monchhichi23!!!! yell louder!!! LOLOL
hehehehehe i was reading your comment to my hubby and he was cracking up!!! :)
That's exactly what was in my head Dreem lol... Derek sucks ... he needs to go... Brooke needs to stab his ass!!! just sayin hahaha
With a chopstick!!!!!! Lololol