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RE: When does Science Fiction take itself too seriously?

in #fantasy8 years ago

It seems like both shows deal with a very imminent dilemma that we will face some day soon... possibly in our lifetime. The singularity will be reached when a computer has as many artificial connections as a human brain. Theoretically, at this point, the computer, or robot, becomes conscious. Obviously this very idea seems "Sci-Fi" at best and "Syfy" at worst, but it is almost unimaginably unavoidable. At the point when a computer is by some very feasible metric smarter than a human, it will start creating on its own. This could mean it creates its own ethics codes or it creates its own computers: offspring. I love having to consider these dilemma through the visually pleasing media that is Science Fiction.


Already computers can beat Humans in games like chess.
Unless a way can be figured out to program such things as ethics into the machines programming and a 'fail-safe' to prevent it from getting out of control - The machines will attempt to, and probably succeed in taking over.
At that point it may use Humans as slaves to service it - Or, it may decide that biological life is 'dated' and no longer necessary.
Sorry, but we must consider 'worse case scenarios' before it is too late - There are computer scientists, and men such as Bill Gates, and Elon Musk who have also expressed this view.

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