The Great War - The Endless Stalemate - The Kingdom of Valcanne's Guide to Keltorin

in #fantasy8 years ago

The Great War Continues

This is the historical account of the events known as The Great War. This record is written by King Baronton's Master of Knowledge Iremsi, it provides first hand accounts of the events surrounding both the war and the forging of the five Kingdoms of Balamy.

This historical record has been edited by King Raughn's Master of knowledge Rickharton only adjusting the notes to show the passage of time.

The Endless Stalemate

The following is eyewitness accounts from the Endless Stalemate sewn together to create a cohesive picture of the events of the war.

After the initial invasion, the Blue Bannermen had assembled a fortified line across the Southern borders of Valcanne, Imporro and lower South East Ralteith. By the fourth year of occupation the Blue Bannermen gained ground in autumn and spring, but were repelled and forced back in summer due to the rains and in winter by the snows.

Four years of repetitively fighting for the same ground grew monotonous for soldiers, and with no end in sight there was a sense of dread and despair on both sides of the war. Men started running skermishes beyond into the enemy held land, several didn't make it back alive, similar attacks were seen from the enemy as well - it seemed no one would fair well from this long and drawn out battle.

That was until one day during the winter of the fifth year of the Blue Bannermen's occupation, two moderately sized boats were seen heading towards Valcanne's main point entrance on the Four Tides - through the Valcanti Sea. One suddenly broke away from the other charging towards the Four Tides.

Currents of the Four Tides

It was only as the boat moved within a kilometer of Valcannes mouth of the Four Tides, that the now lone boat was hit by the massive currents that all flow east and out of the Four Tides. The boat was thrust backwards and struggled to continue on it's course forward, when it finally came within range the Kingdom of Valcanne destroyed the ship before it could fully enter the mouth of the Four Tides.

The other ship was seen to retreat, immediately after the destruction of their companion vessel. There were no more sightings of strange ships until the following year, four larger ships appeared in the distance of the Valcanti Sea.

This time three of the large ships moved forward while one remained to watch from the distance in safety, again the ships hit the tides and were slowed but they fared better than the previous attempt the year before. However the ships managed to make it into the mouth of the Four Tides this time, they also managed to mount a small attack of cannon fire before they were destroyed one after the other.

Again there was silence from the sea after the attack, until the following year now in the seventh year of this prolonged siege the ships came again and in greater numbers. This time there was nine large ships, eight approached the Four Tides while one remained to watch on like every other time.

This year the Kingdom of Valcanne were prepared for the ships and had established new battlements deployed along the crest of the river border, on both sides of the the Four Tides awaiting any incoming attack. Valcanne however underestimated the effect increasing the number of ships would have, it took three days to destroy all eight boats this time and the eastern borders of Fentone and Almain were also attacked and damaged in the process.

South of the red line shows Blue Banner's occupied lands

Again the loan boat returned from whence it came, however the following year there was no further attacks and Valcanne assumed they had beaten the threat of attack by ship for good. The skirmishes along the southern borders continued unabated and life had once again grown mundane with the monotony of a war, with no end in sight.

Previously "The Great War - The Kingdom of Valcanne's Guide to Keltorin"
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I also teach World History to needs with special needs! We are going to be running into each other a lot on here. Lol

I have only grown a passion and interest in history mainly ancient history in the last five or so years, I find it is mixing nicely with my love of writing and helping to inspire me with the world I am creating.

Coming up with a complete history for a world is not an easy task, I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew - Any ideas or inspiration you can send my way would be much appreciated, I like the idea of using our history to influence and adapt to another world.

I love your illustrations! upvoted!

Thanks so much @cwbrooch

I've only got a couple of them on this post check out this post for the rest if you like :)

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