Part 5 - The Discussion (original fiction for steemit)

in #fantasy8 years ago

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Part Five


a voice rang out piercing in its sudden arrival in the complete darkness, Sam turned and looked around the pitch black space squinting in vain to enhance her lack of vision. "Who are you?" she blurted out - uncertain of her current situation,

"I am a friend"

echoed a reply, the voice sounded gentle and distant to her straining ears.

"Where are you?" Sam questioned further "I can't see anything" she continued half mumbling to herself,

"That is not the question you should be asking"

the soft voice replied. Sam felt a sudden rush of fear, using her hands she started feeling along the the ground around her but she felt nothing - it was as though she was suspended in mid air.

Her heart started to pound in her chest as panic set in, "Where am I!" she screamed out in sheer terror.

"There is nothing to fear Sam"

the cool calm voice responded and with it Sam felt the calm wash over her - the beating of her heart slowed and she felt at ease.

"There is no reason to be afraid, I was sent by your sister"

the voice continued, Sam jerked back in response - her mind reeled - no one had heard from her sister in over seven years.

"I know"

the voice came again, "But?" Sam started in startled response - she had not uttered a word -

"There is nothing to fear"

the voice in the darkness urged again.

Sam felt a surge of panic take hold again, but this time she refused to listen to the disembodied voice -she started swinging her arms and legs wildly in an attempt to make contact with any surface.

"I'm sorry"

the voice continued


A small light grew in the distance, as it grew Sam could finally see her surroundings and it was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It was like sunrise over a land she had never seen before, there was a massive dark green forest in the distance. Looking down she realised she could see she was sitting on top of a luscious green field covered with vividly coloured flowers, swaying in beautiful waves in the breeze.

Sam stopped mid admiration - the breeze she thought to herself - but there is no breeze I don't feel it on my face. Looking down she realised she was now standing but couldn't recall getting up, the long grass came up to her knees but she still felt nothing.

"What's going on?" Sam demanded,

"I thought you might find this more comfortable"

the disembodied voice continued. "Where are you?" she pushed further looking around her new surroundings,

"I am here in the same way you are"

came the response.

Realising her repeat mistake Sam tried again "Where are we? What is this place?",


the voice replied and somehow Sam felt she saw a smile as if it were imprinted in her subconscious.

"We are in your mind"

the voice answered and Sam was left stunned, multiple questions were running through her mind - but how? she thought and went to ask the voice.

When again the voice responded

"I am a Kawahlin, we all share have the ability to connect a human's mind or that of any other being or animal we choose".

"But" asserted Sam,

"I know what you're going to say, when you do because we are connected - in this place what you say and think are expressed the same".

Before Sam could speak the voice continued

"Your sister is fine, she couldn't come back for you as it wasn't safe so she sent me in her place. She asked that I watch over you and protect you from harm should it find it's way to you, I'd say harm has caught up with you at last".

Where is she same thought,

"Hana is in a distant land, she has travelled far since leaving the Kingdom of the East. She has been in many battles, lost friends and discovered things that would shake the core of our small world. She couldn't come back to get you herself because wherever she goes the enemy will follow, she would never risk bringing their wrath to you".

Taking in all the new information the voice offered, Sam wondered to herself if her sister truly sent this Kawahlin she would have told them a way to prove it. The voice's laugh was enchantingly joyful and again she felt a smile and warmth with it

"Hana told me if I ever need to find you, to look for Ben - if he's not with her, he's on his way to her"

"That was seven years ago" Sam lashed out in embarrassment "Hana was always tormenting me about Ben, it's just not true" the voice laughed louder still but still beautiful and sweet sounding like music "What's so funny?" questioned Sam getting quite huffy at the amusement the voice was getting at her expense.

Regaining control of their laughter the voice continued

"The only reason I found you was because I followed your friend Ben".

Like what you've read so far?
To find out what happens next @krystle !


Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 6.7 and reading ease of 86%. This puts the writing level on par with Stephen King and Dan Brown.

Nice @krystle
Shot you an Upvote :)

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