The Talisman by Daniel Gimness

in #fantasy7 years ago (edited)

John first noticed the object sparkling in the glass display case of the storefront he walked past every day on his way to work. As the weeks passed, the pendant still lay there on its velvet cushion, the translucent ruby crystal held by a golden inscribed crescent seeming to beckon, drawing him in.

On a particular nasty day of virulent weather in London, the rain was coming down in torrents, clogging the gutters as it raced down the street in waves. John cursed the sky as rainwater ran down his nose, regretting that he hadn’t left his brownstone apartment with an umbrella that morning.

His steps carried him past the store again. He looked up at the weathered paint-flecked sign above the shop: Abe’s Oddities. Soaked to the skin, he decided to take a break from the elements and entered the store. Stepping across the threshold, a bell jingled in the background.

John took a couple of steps forward, his wet shoes squelching as his eyes tried to get accustomed to the gloom. He finally heard the creak of a chair and the tap-tap-tapping of a cane on the hardwood floor. A grizzled beard appeared around the corner, followed by a creased face. The old man pushed his spectacles back onto his nose. “Yes, can I help you?”

“How much do you want for that pendant?” he said, jerking his finger in the direction of the display case.

The shopkeeper stroked his beard. “Well that is very special indeed. It has been sitting there awhile though, so I tell you what, I’ll sell it to you for 20 pounds.”

John hesitated for a second. He glanced back to the twinkling pendant and his pulse quickened. He fumbled in his pocket, pulling out a wad of bills. “That seems to be fair, I’ll take it.” As he picked the necklace up and placed it around his neck, the ensconced jewel seemed to flicker, the temperature in the room dropping as a cold shiver ran up his spine. He shook his head; I must be imagining things.

Walking home, his skin continued to feel clammy. He experimented by taking the necklace off and then putting it back on. Each time he wasn’t wearing it, he felt better. He started to get a queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. Turning around, he hurriedly retraced his steps back to the store.

The bell jingled again, the grizzled face appearing momentarily. John held the talisman outstretched in his palm, as if it was contagious. “Here, I’ve changed my mind. I want to return this.”

“Didn’t you see that?” the clerk said, pointing to a faded sign above the door. “No returns: All sales final.”

John shook his head bitterly and left the store, slamming the door behind him―the glass rattling in the frame.

That night before he went to sleep, he laid his purchase on the nightstand by the side of his bed, and settled under the covers. As the night wore on John had strange dreams as he tossed and turned in his sleep. Sweat beaded on his forehead as his eyelids flicked open―his heart racing as he glanced over to the table. There was a glow emanating from the talisman! Like some demonic light-show, the jewel turned red, then green, flickering back and forth, casting an ominous shadow on the ceiling.

John lay in bed, his body frozen with fear as his tongue became thick in his throat. He finally summoned his will, grabbed the talisman and ran outside, the greenish glow shining between the folds of his hand. He raced down the boardwalk and reached the bank of the Thames, streetlights casting baleful shadows as snow started to fall. Drawing his arm back, he cast the bane as far as he could into the churning waters.

“Be gone from my life!” he shouted. Shivering, he turned around and headed back towards home, grateful to be rid of the object. As he opened his front door and walked into the darkened kitchen, he started back. There on the table was the glowing talisman! He felt a painful stabbing in his head as the object fed off his fear, bringing him to his knees. He clutched the edge of the counter, looking around frantically for something with which to smash the necklace. Too late… he fell to the ground; the last thing he saw as he looked up was the blazing jewel―a perpetual scream reverberating in his head.

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