in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

"There is NO such a law, but you have no right to let your kid walk alone in the playground",- these were the words of a CPS representative in the court.

But if there is NO law forbidding it, then what's the problem??!

It seems to be strange and shockingly, but such nonsence really happens nowadays!
CPS are eager to find ANY disadvantages of parents to take their kids away.

SO what was the story and its results?

A mother of 4 kids let the youngest daughter to go for a walk in the playground alone, but under distant control of her elder sister. The daughter was 6,5 years old!

The mother didn't have any doubts, because the girl was big enough for such walks, and the playground wasn't very far from their house.

But that time the daughter came back home not alone but with the CPS and policemen...

The thing is that a strange woman came up to the girl during her walk and began to ask, where her mother was.
The girl was so proud to say that she had let her to walk alone, it was girl's pride and happiness because she was big and responsible, and the mother trusted her!
But it was a reason to call CPS for that woman who was a member of the city administration.

In the photo you can see the mother (from the right, with reddish hair, and her lawer from the left)

The mother was accused in bad performing of her parental duties accordingly to the Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, thus in being "a bad mother" who had to be brought to administrative responsibility.

The punishment for violation of this article is a penalty - up tо 5 monthly salaries of parents.

It is huge money for the family with 4 kids! And how will they live these 5 months??

The mother was outraged so much that she decided to fight and protect her parental honour!

The first court was lost...

There is NO such a law, but you have no right to let your kid walk alone in the playground - such shockingly arguments were used by the CPS, and the judge accepted them!!

Then the mother and her lawer understood that they needed "heavy artillery".

They wrote

a claim,
a statement on the challenge of the judge

This is done in extreme cases, when the behavior of the judge disagrees with all ideas about the administration of justice. This was demonstrated by the judge at the first meeting from the point of view of the lawyer

an appeal to a member of the Public Chamber
an appeal to the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child

And they got replies proving that they were absolutely right, and the law protected them!

This reply from The Commissioner for the Rights of the Child says children shouldn't be without adults control in potentially dangerous places, BUT playgrounds are NOT in the list of such places!

Kids CAN walk alone there!

42456-у Ответ Машковой А.В..jpg

The second reply also says that there is NO such a law that forbids kids to walk alne in special places for children at daytime!

And of course, public suport and lous resonance in mass-media played an important role here too.

The mother was stubborn to make an appelation and fight more and more.

And this time her arguments were heard!!!

Claims and support of officials changes the situation at once!

The judge started to follow the laws and listen to the mother's lawer.

So the сourt was won, and the mother could protect her parental honour!

Much lost time, great stress, frightened kids, but at least the result was positive!

The most unpleasant thing for the mother was that her kids started to doubt that their mom is the main in their life, bcause they saw that unfamiliar people could decide, what they had to do and what they hadn't...
It took much time for the mother to explain and convience kids that it was a mistake...

Thank-you @taliakerch for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

thank You, Friends!

unbelievable, but i believe! thanks for translating this and sharing it.. one day when someone comes looking it will be all here to see!

My upvote is followed by a trail vote from tribesteemup, who support great people that respect the 8 Pillars of Tribe Steemup.

thank you for attention, Alex!
I appreciate your support very much!

What write really nice

A pesar de que bien sabemos que No existe una Escuela para Padres donde nos enseñen a dar esos primeros pasos como educadores desde la casa, considero como Docente en servicio, que La educación comienza en el hogar Los padres somos los encargados de dar refugio, paz, seguridad a nuestros niños, pero también educación, tratar de formarlos para cuando llegue ese día en que ellos sean Modelos a seguir, Te envío un abrazo desde Venezuela @taliakerch
Although we well know that There is no Parent School where we are taught to take these first steps as home-based educators, I consider myself a Teacher in Service, that Education begins at home Parents are responsible for providing shelter, peace, security to our children, but also education, try to train them for when the day comes when they are Models to follow, I send you a hug from Venezuela @taliakerch

Who knows what may have happened but for public outcry. Glad she beat the injustice though, really ridiculous to be accused of bad parenting for such a flimsy reason

very nicly done, your discription so real and heart touching. great job

Да... Ситуация напоминает, когда кто-то отправился на охоту, чтобы найти хоть какое-то занятие для себья. (Представители CPS). Может, представителям CPS - просто нечем больше занятся, со стороны напоминает каки-то бредовые мотивы.

детишки им наши нужны, вот и все..
сначала штраф, потом бы уже "на карандаш" взяли семью
4 детей, зачем им так много..

Раньше всех пугали циганами, которіе воруют детей, сейчас даже отдельную службу создали.

I've been hearing that in other instances, too - that's when a judge thinks they're a legislator instead of a judiciary official. "It's not a law but it ought to be so I'm going to rule as if it's one."

Very glad for this mother that she was able to make enough of an outcry to defeat the system!


This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection

Thank your for shareing your knowledge

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