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RE: The Huge Price Children Pay For Being In Foster Care.. Many For The Rest Of Their Life...........

in #familyprotection6 years ago

I knew of a woman also who had multiple venereal diseases that caused her to have PID, they told her also she would never have children but later in life she did go on to have three children so I doubt it when they tell people these things sometimes.

I had a different experience then you concerning foster care. Foster care wasn't a piece of cake but when I went into foster care in the fifth grade I couldn't even read. My parents were both illiterate. My foster father had a sister who was a school teacher and she came over twice a week after school and taught me how to read and spell, in that years time I spent there I became a book worm, especially Nancy Drew books, I just couldn't get enough books to read, I loved it. After I left foster care I never lost that love of books, I would go on to be listed in junior high on the Principles Academics for Excellence Award several times, had a high point grade average and became the front page editor of our junior high school newspaper. Unfortunately my mom went back to her old habits of drinking and abusing and by the time I was sixteen I ran away to escape the abuse which I meant I had also dropped out of school. I stayed on the run until I was almost seventeen. A month before my seventeenth birthday there was a court hearing and I decided to attend. I went there and the judge said to me that it looked to him like I had taken very well care of myself and that if I went home until I turned seventeen he would grant that I be given a proclamation of emancipation, meaning I no longer would require custodianship by a parent. After awhile I found a program that through the federal government that paid while they were learning a skill. I choose to go to a local college program for clerical training. I couldn't get college credits but I could get high school credits. I ended up with four more credits in English then I needed to graduate but needed two more math credits which I got though a high school program offered at a school across from the college, I ended up graduating with a full high school diploma through that high school that year even though I only took two math programs there during the evening. I graduated the same year I would have graduated if I had stayed in high school. There will be some things I will forever be grateful for for being in foster care and teaching me to read and write is one of them.


It is great that you had a good experience in care. I can honestly say that I wish I heard more stories like yours where care was good for them. Maybe people would feel different. It seems like you had really good foster parents that truly loved helping. The sad thing is many are not in it to help. They see the children as nothing more than a pay check.

It's a mixed bag experience. There were things my foster mom did that I didn't appreciated like hounding me about my weight because I was a bit on the heavy side, we also fought over my hair, she was always wanting to cut it, and slapping me in the face one time because I told her I didn't have to play with her kids one day when the neighbor girl and I were playing and we didn't want them to play with us, she apologized but still it was rather stinging. Overall though they were good people, whereas some of the foster homes my brothers and sisters had weren't that great. I am going to write stories on them in the future, it's just hard to get motivated when it really isn't worth the time spent writing them. Then this site is all focused on the negative aspects of foster care they don't want to acknowledge any of the positives because it doesn't fit the agenda of hate. Personally I think this site would be better off with someone running it that could be impartial. I ask myself why do I want to write more about the overburden foster system due to the opioid epidemic and how it's straining the system while also causing the system to expand into area's once not considered problematic or about the foster care parents who have banded together and why they are fighting the system also or any number of the stories I could do on my own family experiences when someone with a bias agenda won't do those stories any justice....the foster care system isn't just about her and her feelings.

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