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RE: If A Social Worker Interviews You

in #familyprotection6 years ago

I went down all the avenues to try and find a lawyer, I can't afford one, and I couldn't find one who would work pro-bono. Other than that I joined the HSLDA, but the lawyer I talked to basically said it was too late. I already let them in, and they already have enough to hang us on, based on their standards...we are at their mercy now.


Things can always get worse, so do the best you can do from here. That's all you can do. Beg mercy for your sins if they become a factor, and sin no more, is the best advice I can offer there.

Don't limit counsel to Pro Bono, but seek continually. I went through 5 lawyers at one point, until I found the right one. She took payments of $100/mth for two years. Did a great job, because she believed in me.

Keep looking until you find the right one.

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