My Children are Free!!!

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone!!

I have an exciting announcement to make! While the kids were on spring break, we enjoyed each other's company so much that we decided to take the leap into homeschooling!!

I homeschooled up until 3 years ago, and at that time, my son was 3 years ahead of his grade level. Due to postpartum issues after my 5th child, I sent them to public school. But I'm back! I'm alive and strong, and I'm once again ready to initiate this journey together as a family!! Just this morning, I registered them with the department of public instruction, per the mandate in my state.


Yesterday the conversation went like this:

Me: "I can't believe spring break is almost over!"

Jared: "I know right? Back to the indoctrination camp...we should just homeschool them again."

The kids unanimously: "Yes! Homeschool!! Homeschool!! I want to be homeschooled!"

We looked at each other for a few seconds, and I said, "Ok! Let's do it!"

It was as simple as that.

But will it be...


I'm a little nervous about people poking their noses around where they don't belong. Namely CPS. They've been in my life before. I went to them for help, and they took me to court and put conditions on me that I had to follow. If I didn't follow them I could've been held in contempt and had my children taken can read my story here.

On top of all that, homeschoolers are often unduly targeted. I know if they grace my doorstep with their presence, @familyprotection will be there every step of the way. They have given voice to many victims of this corrupt system. Thanks to @canadian-coconut, @markwhittam, @jamesc, @thethreehugs, and the many other supporters of their efforts to spread the word about CPS.

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Despite the slight tension I feel, living in a country where our freedoms are slowly eroding, I'm excited about what the future holds! Making our own schedule, unfettered learning, field trips, freedom! Wish us luck and protection on our new adventure!!


Thanks for reading!

Love, snowpea ❤

Thank-you @snowpea for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Despite the slight tension I feel, living in a country where our freedoms are slowly eroding, I am excited about what the future holds! Make our own schedule, learning without restrictions, excursions, freedom!

Homeschool is not an easy task, but surely your children will give you all the strength in this new project, I think it's great to see them grow and give them the opportunity to develop through each rhythm, we are all different and have the opportunity to grow with freedom is possible, surely many moments you will feel overwhelmed but I know you will do a great job, the instinct of parents does not fail.
Excuse my English use translator

Translated with

Every sign of defiance against the established order is not gonna be taken lightly by the centralized government.
But on the bright side, homeschooling gives you the chance to help form your kids into truly exceptional individuals, since public school only breeds more sheep. CPS should be off your back provided you certify them with official titles(at least in my country homeschooling is allowed provided you pass mid term and final term exams at state schools, I bet in yours too).
I would have loved if my own parents took the time for it when I was a kid!
Also, remember to help them socialize with other kids, social insertion is also a big part of a kids learning process.
I congratulate you on your dedication and courage!

Thanks for your support on my endeavor, it means a lot! So far nobody has been on my back about it, so that's nice. In our state there's actually a lot of freedom regarding homeschooling. I just go to the department of public instruction website, enter in the number of kids and their grades, and agree to give the children 825 hours of instruction in the basics (math, science, language arts, ect.) per year. No tests, follow ups, or certifications. Some states are more strict, and every now and then the media reports on a horrible news story of homeschooling gone wrong, then people call for stricter laws, but here in Wisconsin homeschoolers fought hard for this freedom. Thanks for your comment! :D

Wow! Hang in there and glad to hear that you're back at it. Now that we have five of our own, we can sure relate to some of the feelings that you've had before! I am so glad to hear that your family has made that decision (again!) You can do it!

Thank you @papa-pepper!! Yes, 5 is challenging lol, but it gets easier. We appreciate your support. You are a great inspiration to us!

I'm always curious though with the choice to homeschool, often education is the least important thing you get from school. Did you find they had any socialization issues going from home school to public school the first time? Also for better or worse school trains you to work in the system. More than likely that's going to be important for your kids to be able to do at some point. How do you prep them for that?

@cygon, thank you for your comment! I will answer your questions that best I know how:

Did you find they had any socialization issues going from home school to public school the first time?

Last year we were in a demographic with a hearty bunch of wealthy kids, and my daughter was bullied a bit because we were living in a shelter and she got made fun of for her limited wardrobe. This year we got our house back and we're in the right school son was teachers pet, my oldest daughter made fast friends, and my 6 year old daughter was a very popular fashionista, wearing jewelry everyday, and always taking her Shopkins filled purse to school. They are all extraverted. I, on the other hand, left highschool as an angsty, angry, almost mute, isolated, depressed teen. "Socialization" did nothing for me.

Also for better or worse school trains you to work in the system. More than likely that's going to be important for your kids to be able to do at some point. How do you prep them for that?

At the church I used to attend, most of the members had already successfully homeschooled their kids into adulthood. We had an engineer, a couple linemen, a nurse, a couple of daughters whose job it was to draw up blueprints for their father's tiny-home business, a couple homemakers. At this point in time, "the system" has room for everyone. :)

My children are no different, they will find their way. By the way, I'd like to point out a couple of things that traditional school doesn't teach everyone:

  • How to take care of finances
  • How to start your own business
  • How to clean up after yourself or keep house
  • How to cook your own food
  • How to care for a baby/child

Don't you think these are important things to learn as well? Our school system fills our head with knowledge that is useless to most of us, and our teenagers are screwing around and catching stds in the name of socialization, we are prepped for university, in which most of us won't even get a job within our major, then we're leaden with debt for the next 30 years. Just my take on it. ;) I am happy to bypass the entire thing, send them to a tech school to learn a trade if they wish, and let them take the joys they gained into adulthood. Just me.

Such a wonderful response! We too plan on homeschooling our son and any future children! Good work mama! Sending all my love and support to you and yours!

Congratulations... I fought CPS for 10 years homeschooling my 4 kids. Enjoy it while you can, I'm afraid that they will end it- maybe not right away, but chip away the way they do with everything else. I'll be doing another piece for FP tomorrow about it- congrats again, it's the right choice for sure!

Thank you @richq11! I really hope we don't get any trouble for it. So far no one from the school district or anyone else troubled me about it, so my hopes are high. :)

You have this covered! No problem! It is the only way to go. Happy kids, happy parents and happy family!

Absolutely!! A great choice all around. :)

You have a lovely family! Good luck with your homeschooling!
That's exactly what happened to us years ago - my daughter was just moping around that spring holiday was over and it was back to school. A conversation we've had plenty of times before. This time we decided - screw this! The next day she was out of public schooling forever!)

That's awesome!! It's great to know someone else had virtually the same experience! Much love @ladyrebecca! ❤

That’s awesome! Best of luck to you and your family. Your kids will be much better off in the long run and will be able to become free thinkers. I think you will start to see a rise in this trend in the near future.

Good job guys. Such a inspiration. We have two kids and we will definitely home schooling them. I wished my mom and dad had that option too, but.... wish you all the best 🌺🌹❤

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