If CPS Ever Talks To Your Children: What Will They Ask?

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

I understand every situation in which CPS becomes involved would be different, but I'd like to inform you of the things the social worker asked my kids when she interviewed them.


  • What is your bedtime?

  • How are mom and dad?

  • Do mom and dad smoke?

  • What kind of cigarettes do they smoke?

  • Do mom and dad ever drink?

  • What do they drink?

  • Do they drink during the day or at night?

  • Do you ever get spankings?

  • Where do you get spanked?

  • Do they ever use anything to spank you with?

  • How many times a day do you eat?

  • What are you learning in school?

  • Do you have any friends?

  • How many bathrooms do you have?

  • Are you on any medications?

  • What's your favorite video game?

  • What's your favorite show?

  • Where do you sleep at night?

  • Do you like being homeschooled?

  • Do your parents ever leave you home alone?

  • Do you feel safe?

  • What do you like to do for fun?

I'm sure this doesn't cover everything, as she spent around 15 minutes with each child, but this is what my kids told me. If they interviewed your kids, I think what they ask them would depend on what the accusations were, but here's an inside view of what was asked during this particular interview.

My advice would be to avoid this interaction altogether as she was looking for any reason to pin us as unfit parents. Today it has been two weeks since I heard from them, and I figure if the kids were deemed "unsafe" by their definition, they would have been taken by now...

Thanks for reading

Love, snowpea

Family Protection.png


You don't know me, this is my first time posting on this platform.

I came across your posts about CPS quite by accident. I was looking at pictures of cats! But I've had my nightmare with these people and I hate to scare you but they won. I ended up losing my daughter to her father who was at the time a drunk with several recent DUI's against him, was a 2X convicted felon, AND who's been shot by the police for aiming a gun at them. He'd also been in and out of mental wards. One who doesn't know about these people would have to be thinking, "geez, how bad were you that he was the better option?" That's got nothing to do with it, as a matter of fact CPS was grasping for anything they could get and ordered psych evaluations on both of us. The psychologist testified that I was the better parent and should have my medically fragile daughter returned to me. This has nothing to do with what's best for the child. It's got everything to do with them doing exactly what they want to do with little regard for the child and 0 accountability. In short, they do what they want how they want when they want.
I'm not going into my ordeal it's really irrelevant to your situation and was 13 years ago. I will say that it happened because I managed to piss the social worker off.

Anyways the reason I wrote to you was to tell you to get a police scanner app. You'll know when they're coming. That is if they think there will be trouble OR if they're coming to take your kids. Broadcastify works great and works on PC and it has a mobile app. Here in Ohio they go to people's houses at 11:00 P. M. it's ridiculous but I hear the calls come across all the time. Most are well after 9.
Here's another thing, I wouldn't give them anything without a court order. Not a urine screen no pill counts - NOTHING. Unless you or your husband has a drug charge or you admitted to a drug problem there's no reason for it. I'm going to tell you something else and I'm sorry to scare you but they LOVE to (it's a favorite tactic of theirs) to create a situation where you have to choose between your children and your husband. They will determine that he's "unfit" and you will have to get rid of your children's father. At that point you are unable to provide appropriately for those children and often they end up taking them anyways. I'm not trying to scare you, but I've seen them do this a million times.
Be careful my dear, I'm so sorry.

First off, welcome to Steemit! If there's anything I can do to help or if there are any questions you have, feel free to ask! Sometimes the beginning of our journey here is a little bumpy. There's a new initiative I just learned about thismorning called @welcomewagon and they may be able to be of service to you as well! It is customary for your first post to be an introduction. You would write one under the tag #introduceyourself (I don't know how much you know about Steemit lol). I'm following you now too! :)

Ok, now that that's out of the way...I'm so,so sorry that happened to you. Sounds like a nightmare. It's obvious that they just do what they want, and I've seen several instances now where they don't even listen to the recommendations in the professional's evaluation. Thank you for the advice on the police scanner...I tried several apps on my phone, but there were no options to listen to the scanner in my county. I recently bought a computer, so maybe I can find something that works using that...

Every story about CPS is relevant, because people need to be aware of what they're doing. Please consider writing a post using the familyprotection tag and tell your story. I would love to read it and learn more about what happened to you. There are many at @familyprotection who I'm sure would support it. They are spreading awareness about CPS, and helping families.

One of my greatest fears is that they will stumble upon my articles and I will piss them off that way, because I know how arbitrary they can be. So far I haven't heard from them in over 2 weeks, so I don't know what's going on...They spoke of pill counts and drug tests because when they interviewed us, my husband admitted to taking my ADD medication. I think my mom also suspected that we were smoking pot and told them that, because they asked about marijuana use several times. After they came, he stopped taking my pills, and we aren't doing any drugs, so the UAs would be clean. This whole situation is a mess though...

Thank you for your comment! I hope to see you around! :)

Thank-you @snowpea for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

Those questions are directing the kids answers into answers that would make most parents look bad. How about some more open ones that would give a true reflection of the parent. Really sad actually.

Yes, more open questions would be preferable. They wouldn't get what they want that way though. Thank you for your comment! :)

A great post. It is a sham e when kids rat on the parents but the CPS offers that free of charge to them. With the type of questions you provided us, it sounds like a psychological profiling or a qualifications test to be admitted into foster care. It amazes me how the pendulum has changed. When it was my grandparents era children were put in a corner when company came and were to be seen and not heard. AND NOW it seems kids have more power than parents. Wow! They could potentially use that power to manipulate parent to have their way. That is messed up royally. Either of these two extremes are wrong. Best wishes and again a wonderful article @snowpea.

Yeah, some of the questions were ridiculous! How many bathrooms do you have?? Really? Thank you @enjoywithtroy, I always appreciate your comments. :)

We'd be in deep trouble from the very first question - my son is unschooled so he has no notion of bedtime, but can enjoy the luxury of sleeping very late.
Practically, any family can be found at fault as we all have different schedules and different ways of doing things. I hope you get rid of them soon.

Since I started homechooling again their bedtimes are all screwed up lol. I wanted to unschool too, but I am under their watchful eye. During the interview she told the kids to go get their schoolwork, and when I told them I haven't started homeschooling yet she implied I was just avoiding truancy laws, so I started them on a free curriculum online.

Luckily, my daughter told them 8pm anyway lol! You're right though, it's okay to be different! They don't see it that way though... thanks for the comment!

This is another informative post to well-arm parents if faced with CPS. These are all questions that could easily make parents look bad if taken out of context.

in principle I reinforce the communication that you have with your children to share what the social services told you, there are a lot of things that they ask to try to look for the faults of family dynamics, they are stalking

We've been asking our children these questions to see what their response would be. @ironshield

That's a great way to be proactive @ironshield!

Be very careful and avoid any talks alone between the case worker and your children. They do not have to talk to them alone, even though they will tell you different. If you allow it they can say the children told them that you beat them daily and it would be their word against yours. Even with no physical evidence it can give them a cause to stay involved with your life and take the children and force them to see a medical. And if you do not vaccinate that can be a whole different issue as they would be vaccinated as soon as they see the doctor CPS takes them to which is usually just the health department. And all that because they lied to take the kids. Than you would have to fight in court to get them back.

great story for a children, inspiration for me i will resteem and follow support me too

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