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RE: The Why Behind CPS Abuse

in #familyprotection7 years ago

The educational establishment has been a part of the Marxist/Humanist takeover since Dewey. I've written about it. In fact I have a wealth of info about the Ed Dept from Dewey to the NEA


In the 1950's the Reese Committee congressional hearings, led by Norman Dodd, found that in the early 1900's the big tax exempt foundations of Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford got together and formulated a plan to take over the American education system via leverage through grants. Their objective was to push "oligarchal collectivism". They have been largely successful.

For more information on the history described see the video below:

They did a good job of it too... They fund the NEA who runs the Dept of Ed (started under Carter) it took them a couple of decades. They also "own" medicine- the medical establishment. It's a huge network that spreads through almost every aspect of life. I call it the Kudzu effect.

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