CPS UK: A Class System Run Amok

in #familyprotection7 years ago

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[This will probably be my last post under the @familyprotection tag. Although CPS abuse is important as well as rampant worldwide, it's a small part of a cancer of corruption that permeates both government and society... CPS is merely a tool- a symptom- part of the enforcement mechanism that along with police and family courts, serve the globalist elites that want to destroy families because they are the fabric that holds societies together. To focus on CPS alone limits and restricts my ability to expose the problems in their entirety (if that's even possible).

I will continue to support @familyprotection, financially- as circumstances permit- but certainly in spirit and any other way possible... I encourage everyone else to do so as well- I can't emphasize enough the importance of their work. If they wish to continue supporting my efforts, I would be honored... if they wish me to write posts in the future, I'd be more than happy- I have a wealth of material- but my crusade for children and families has taken me in another direction. My research has uncovered corruption so profound and perverse that I need to expand outward to expose the corruption that is endemic in society, the entertainment industry and government- as well as institutions and organizations outside of government (yet related).]

In the UK exists a very pronounced class structure that has existed for centuries and permeates not only the culture, but the institutions of government and society as well. Although this is undoubtedly not the only explanation for the child abuse at the hands of government agencies, it does provide a viable framework through which to view the government's role in covering it up. By inaction CPS/Social Services and police have allowed behavior so contemptible that it transcends and cultural considerations- as the Rotherham, Rochdale, et. al. cases and, moreover, it exists from the bottom of British society (where it is sometimes punished) to the vert top (where it is largely ignored).

The Jersey Home For Boys is as good a place to start as any- I was determined to find cases of abuse that didn't involve pedophilia and this may or not be one. Allegations of the home being a recruiting ground for Jimmy Savile are rumored, however, we'll leave that alone for the moment. What is well documented are cases of the workers at the home brutally beating, locking in solitary confinement and otherwise torturing the children- none of whom were listened to when they told authorities. In the ensuing investigation (that took decades to get underway) the home was described as "an ineffectual, neglectful substitute parent." What is astounding is that in the subsequent report there was absolutely no mention of the abusers... not one was named.

In a manner typical of the British judicial, Social Services system, the children victimized (many of whom are now grown) got an apology and a promise to "fix the system." Not one arrest was made and no charges filed. After all- the victims were only orphans. I can speak from personal experience when I say that in the UK, like any other society- orphans do NOT matter. Now, this was only one small island... this is a problem that is rampant throughout the British system.

Kids For Cash- UK

As is the case in the US, social workers in the UK are directed to remove children from loving homes so they can be adopted out. Although not as clear-cut as in the US, the motive is undoubtedly financial... Remember, when you look for any government abuse- follow the money. However, in the UK there is another dimension- the class/eugenics dynamic at work as well. The British have always had a penchant for "improving" others. This video shows (among other things) the case of a young couple who were deemed "mentally unfit" to keep their child... not because they were in any way impaired, but because they were "too stupid" to raise children in the eyes of the state. What I saw was two loving young people determined to keep their family together at any cost.

One UK Social Services whistle blower was placed in a mental care facility for having the audacity to speak out against a corrupt, abusive system. Her story shows both the hubris and elitism of the state... In this case in the UK, but the same dynamic exists across the globe. The awesome power of government must never be questioned- there will be consequences. As in the US, perjury is encouraged to support the "compelling state interest," rather than upholding individual rights and the rights of families. From what I can discern, the pressure to lie put on social workers in the UK by their higher-ups... just goes to support Kids For Cash, British style. Anyone concerned with CPS corruption in the UK needs to listen to this woman

In the last case, a terminally ill child is being taken from loving parents, whose only wish is to keep their child with them and fairly pain free until her untimely passing. The government (CPS/Family Court) wants to place her in foster care with people that she doesn't know and who don't care about her. Without morphine the girl is in excruciating pain and the "medical experts" fear that it will adversely affect her liver. However, without her morphine and steroids there is a danger of cardiac arrest. All the parents want is two simple things- to spend the child's little remaining time with her nad to have her as pain free as possible. But this has gone past this... this is about the power of government and the audacity of two people to question it.


Please support @familyprotection

GIF by @papa-pepper



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Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @richq11 for supporting @familyprotection

The people in govern-cement are willing to use violence, and the people outside are not.

Else, CPS wouldn't go near any homes.
"You come round here trying to steal my children? Don't expect to get back to town!"

I guess it is a case of ... here in the states, we lost the right to use the gun for self defense, but we got to keep the gun.

Maybe this is an area where masked vigilante justice might work.

dunno about that.
some places it's purty easy to dispose of bodies..
"what CPS agent? I don't know what you're talking about? I haven't seen one."

Having managed cemeteries for over 10 years I can speak with some authority about disposing (Whoops) I mean burying bodies... Ah, it's good to be the king (or Dr. Death)

crabs...all along the seacoast..
and abandoned wells...a LOT of other places..
a great many of those old irrigation wells are damn near two foot across..... if not bigger.....and hundreds of feet deep...and all they have covering their top is...MAYBE...a chunk of concrete.

of course there are always hogs..

Hogs are great, all they leave is teeth (and not in any particularly recognizable form). At the cemetery (HYPOTHETICALLY) we could just dig the hole a couple of feet deeper, deposit any unwanted clumps of cells, throw some dirt on it and when the vault guy comes the next day he sets the concrete vault on top and the whole thing gets filled in bada boom bada bing!

Oh course I would NEVER do anything like that HYPOTHETICALLY!

Of course not.
I was also speaking purely hypothetically.
research for my books don't you know.
I have no direct knowlege of any such thing.

Why of course not... what a silly thought. I didn't see a thing!

Out here in the desert, if you want to plant a fruit tree and have it survive, you need to dig a 6 foot deep hole through the caliche so that they can get some drainage.

Well there you have it! Nothing like killing two agents... Whoops, I meant birds- with one stone! Although having lived in Phoenix and Texas, I can attest, caliche is mighty hard digging!

What people outside are not??? In Arkansas we have a saying... "You better come hard or stay the fuck at home!"

Its probably that CPS targets nice homes, with nice parents.
If CPS shows up to the door and there's a gun or a lawyer, they seem to leave them alone.

Cps targets people that don't have the resources to fight back for the most part. They leave people that can afford lawyers alone.

there was a lady in the US who just blasted the social worker who took away her kid. Went to her workplace and BOOM! 1 foot shorter, instantly. She also blasted 2 or 3 of her family too, so not a nice story really. Can't help relate to it though. I'm a dad and it would be 'ding-fucking-ding' if it happened. No gun's but someone's loosing a nose lol.

The abuse on children is so sick that it frightens me the reality of what our world truly is. And these folks get by with this crap. Thank you for your articles that you have written in family protection. You and I both know that the scope of this criminal and perverted action goes beyond the CPS. I hate to know where the rabbit hole leads however I know there are so many directions to go above and beyond the CPS. I for one will continue to read your articles as I educate myself and in my own small way try to help in the efforts to put an end to the scandals again thanks

I'm learning as I go as well... This has been a real educational experience. Blaming CPS for the whole problem is like blaming the guys in the engine room of the Titanic. I have a really good idea where the rabbit hole leads... it goes up rather than down- in the case of the UK, straight to the Royal Family. In fact I intend to devote one post to Prince Philip's uncle "Dickie" Mountbatten, the one that groomed him for entry into Brit society (he was Greek). "Dickie" was a notorious pedo, the Jimmy Savile of the British Jazz Age!

Indeed you are right. The rabbit hole does go up. It is my belief but the rabbit hole leads up the pyramid through the elites to the shadow government Illuminati Bilderberg Group. Everyone else are just puppets for their bidding. As this is a global problem and a global epidemic it would make sense in a global Authority running this crap. If you are not familiar with the Bilderberg Group I encourage you to investigate them. However as you are awake I assume you know all about this. Again thanks

Funny you should mention that... In doing research for tomorrow's post I started watching a vid that confirms everything I wrote today, plus adds the pedo, eugenics and Bilderberg influence!! Just wait until tomorrow!!!

Exposing pedophilia within the system and government is family protection in my opinion.
They are the ones that make the laws and policies.

I agree, but @familyprotection may not. They focus on CPS abuse and I don't want to misuse their tag... I try to uphold high standards and so do they.

The you tube clip of the lady working in social services - was a in interview by Brian Gerrish I believe, - from UK column.(www.ukcolumn.org)

There are literally hundreds of hours of information concerning child abuse in the UK on their you tube channel, and they report all the time of on going cases of injustice. (primarily UK)

They have a daily news channel monday to friday - (1pm uk time)

I would recommend everyone to help support this channel.
One of the good, independent, UK news channels.

Yes, I agree! For every video I post, I probably watch 10 to make sure my info is consistent! This is indeed a good channel!

Yes, I agree! For every video I post, I probably watch 10 to make sure my info is consistent! This is indeed a good channel!

I don't know why that didn't post yesterday (my comment). The video today in my post is also Brian Gerrish (I think he's my new hero). I like that he's thorough and he has a great wit: "You can trust me because I have a suit on!"

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Criticism of How Culture Can be Implicated in the destruction of children and covering up crimes against the children.

Wow. That was one shocking video. What an account she gave. Shocking how they were changing her documents to create 2nd, 3rd, 4th, personality. I need to go somewhere to scream now. lol. What a fucked up country I live in.

And then threw her in the Bug House to shut her up!

Fucking insane when you hear first hand how the terrorise someone.

Sad to hear your leaving the shores of @familyprotection, have enjoyed learning from your work. I will keep checking in bud, of coarse. Great article and nice to see you using a UKcolumn vid. Gonna watch it now.

I don't want to leave, but my research is taking me beyond CPS as the culprits. It's like blaming a war on the soldiers. I just don't want to misuse their tag. I tried to contact Mark on steem.chat but he hasn't said anything back... So I guess they don't want me to write for them

I doubt that mate, from what I can see your post's do well and have good content. Definitely not taking the piss like some do. I know what your saying. There are a lot of good social workers in the firing line. Like everything bro, it comes down to those families that have all the money. MONEY = POWER and to stay in power you have to be corrupt(ed). That's all there is to it.

As bad as I beat up you Brits, most of my heroes seem to come from there lol! One, Lord Acton, had it right... Power Corrupts! By the way, he was good friends with Gen. Robt. E. Lee. When the Civil War broke out they couldn't correspond for obvious reasons... So they wrote messages and sent them in letters between the wives.

I'd have thought they would at least tell me something... I'm still going to post the same stuff. Today... Kincora!

Governments (all of them) are insane. Some are more psychotic and psychopathic than others. It's safer to avoid them as much as possible. Your life and liberty may depend on staying OFF of their radar. Don't attract their attention.

The UK is living proof that the insanity intensifies and grows with time... It's like a cancer!!!

As I have said before, I appreciate your articles and research, and your willingness to be a voice that brings these horrors and wrongs to light. I have certainly gotten more of an education, and thank you for that! I knew there was "a problem" but had no idea as to the depth of it.

You know what... So am I! Every day when I start my research I wind up learning stuff I never knew. Like just now I learned that Jersey isn't even part of the EU! Thanks so much for your support- it means a lot!!!

The thing I don't understand is, what is it about success and power that makes people want to go around abusing children? Is there something about the pursuit of power that's genetically linked to the drive to abuse?

I mean, all I've wanted out of life is to be left alone so that I can read and write, have a nice glass of scotch, go running, and maybe take some pictures or make some art. And maybe help the people around me be a little more comfortable and self-fulfilled. If I had the power and resources of the royal family, or or Jimmy Savile, I'd be happy to retreat to a private island and live out my days in peace.

But now it seems like anyone who finds some success in life can't wait to go around doing the most deplorable things imaginable. What's with that?

I don't think it's genetic (except perhaps at the very highest levels like monarchs inbreeding) It's more cultural and behavioral. It's like if you eat steak every day, you get tired of it and want something else. When you have almost unlimited access to money and power you seek more exotic types of thrills... which almost inevitably involves the thrill of illegality.

I read a story years ago about some rich guys shooting their wives up with insulin and having sex while they were in an insulin coma (they got caught when one of the wives didn't come out of it and died). To normal guys like us, it probably doesn't make sense- except that I research this stuff. We live in a world run by sickos!!!

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