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RE: [RP] CPS Is Getting Real Better - Helped 14 Families And Returned 20 Children Back Home Today Without Any Drama (A Must Read )!

You had me going.

The truth is there are decent caseworkers, and situations where it was in the best interest of the child for intervention and the outcome worked out more favorably than had things continued as they had. I would be curious however to know how many and in what jurisdictions these decent caseworkers are pushed out, or once identified by unscrupulous supervisors are handed cases that are not coveted for malicious activities to keep them busy and ignorant of the travesties taking place.

I have read a saying elsewhere regarding another topic, but it is apt here in describing the overreach that far to often takes place.

If you have a jar of M&M's mixed with poison ones, and you can't tell them apart, do you still reach in the jar and eat some? It is the same with the power they hold. The cost of the evil ones using their positions for money and worse are not worth the cost for having decent ones who do care.

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