The man didn't like, that the child crying on the street, he called CPS and police, removed all on video. CPS of course reacted...

Good day! You know, there's information in many posts about how cruelly CPS deals with families. It's no secret, that there is a whole network of organizations, with which CPS is associated. And also there are "well-wishers", these are people, who show themselves not at all as it should be. Remember, we discussed the hysteria of the child on the street? Recently in the city of Rostov-on-don in Russia there was a glaring case for me. A resident of Rostov-on-don appealed to law enforcement agencies and wrote a statement to the guardianship authorities, seeing a woman on the street with children, one of whom cried. The man, who is presented as Dmitry Vaulin, reported about it in Facebook, having accompanied the story with video of incident (subsequently removed). "The child of this woman shouted for 15 minutes. I went out to see, what was going on, whether it was her child. Called the police, wrote an application to the Prosecutor's office to find out, whether it is her child, addressed to the Department of custody of minors" - said Dmitry Vaulin. This is video clip.

It is in Russian, but I will tell you the general meaning. In a video you can see: a woman carries bags of garbage, pushes a stroller with a baby in front of her, and leads a crying boy about three years of age, next to the older girl. The boy shouts, that he wants to go home, mom tries to calm his son, explaining, that they need to throw away the trash. Having noticed "operator", the woman suggests the child to wave in the camera: "Wave, there the uncle organized leisure (she means, that the man removes them on the mobile phone camera". The boy refuses. The operator said on camera, that he'd already called the police, and in the caption said, that he had asked the Prosecutor's office. The author of the video insistently asks the woman to introduce herself, give her address and confirm that this is really her son. "I have my own children, but I have never had such a thing," he says.

Also, a man approached passing by the residents of the house with the question, do they know the mother of many children, and whether it is her child. "I think it's an abnormal treatment" - he says. - "I think the juvenile division will determine if the family needs supervision. I didn't get the answers from this woman, and I suspected it wasn't her baby at all. As soon as the custody Department answers me, I'll delete the video. What if they need help?" - said in response to the author of the video. He later denied access to much of his publications. These words are an excerpt from the interview, that Dmitry gave to the local channel.

Well as CPS could get past this situation? Of course in any way. Here's their comment from the interview I watched on TV: "If children, especially small ones, cry on the street, it's usually. If we are informed about the improper performance of parental duties, we must establish this fact (improper performance), and first of all, whether there is a threat to the life and health of the child," — said the employee of the institution, adding that actions in such cases are taken in accordance with FZ-120 " on the basis of the system of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency." CPS said, that in the near future will check this family.


I think so. Dmitry Vaulin would never dare to behave like this with a man, and with a woman — he can, of course: a woman will not be able to protect herself in such a situation. A woman can't even run away, because she has children. Above it you can mock as they please, and feel like Superman in a billowing cloak: she's a bad, unfit mother (or mother — the author of the video somehow assumed, that this child is actually stolen, because "the child does not like her mother"), tormenting the child, and the operator Dmitry — hero, which is now save all and at the same time learn to live. In fact, we all understand the main thing: Dmitry Vaulin does not give a damn about this child. A person, who really cares about a child would do the only right thing: offer help to his mother. You can pick up her garbage and throw it yourself. You could offer to carry a wheelchair so she could take the child on hands. It was possible to ask directly, what assistance she is willing to accept. But the goal is to help the child Dmitri was not. He had a completely different purpose: to feel superior to another person. To do this, he tried to humiliate and intimidate a fragile woman with three children. A woman, who is so obvious in this moment very, very difficult. Dmitry says: "this situation has never happened with my children!". But my question is, how much time Dmitry spends with his children? Because every child sooner or later, one way or another, but it happens, just a classic children's hysterics and right on the street. And the woman in the video behaves like a super-calm person, she does not scream, does not hit the child. She understands, that she will have to drag her son by the hand, since he does not want to go, because she rolls a stroller with a baby.

You know, my husband rarely sees my daughter tantrums, she is now a 1.8. But it happened yesterday. We walked and our daughter fell asleep in the stroller. Because of the noise on the street she woke up in a bad mood and didn't get much sleep . To the same she has now such period, when she wants everywhere walk herself. And it does not matter whether we are in the park or on the road with cars. The husband got the baby out of the stroller and we went on, the daughter refused to go by the hand. Soon we had to cross the road. I told my husband I'd take my daughter across the street. But he did not listen to me, took my daughter in his arms and moved across the road. And then it began. She began to shout loudly, waving her arms. Husband tried to put her on her feet, but the daughter was squirm, wriggle and could only lie down on the asphalt. It lasted about 10 minutes. All this time, the daughter screamed and did not let anyone near her. However, she can or lay on the ground or stood still, but went nowhere. Needless to say, as passers-by watched at us. 10 minutes later the daughter calmed down, smiled and went on. My husband was shocked. He said to me, "How are you going to walk with her, when the second baby comes along? After all, this will happen in 2.5 months!!!". I laughed at myself and wanted to ask what I was more interested in how he would do it)))

If I were in this woman's shoes on the video, I wouldn't be able to stay calm. In that case, I'd be charged with more aggressive behavior. In the near future should receive information about the actions and reactions of the CPS in this case. I want to call you! Of course, we have to pay attention to the abuse of children, if we see how the parents beat the child and so on. But everything has a limit. It is necessary to distinguish the daily situation from violence. Often moms in such situations really need help, especially if they walk at the same time with two children. Don't pass it by. But not in order to shoot the passing on camera, but in order to help!

Thank you for reading through!

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My gosh I really feel for this woman, that man is really trying to humiliate her.. Good for her that she stays that calm.. Difficult in that kind of situation. I hate when those tantrums appear on the streets, since my first encounter with CPS I fear people acting like this man that made the video. While she is remaining so calm, still he feels the need to record this.. Thanks for sharing

Thank you for your response! I wonder its patience too. And that man could not calm down and continued to shoot video. He didn't thought, that it might provoke even more of a child on a tantrum, because the child sees and feels attention. In social networks, almost everyone condemned the behavior and actions of men.

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all the children perform tantrums in public and she did nothing bad, on the contrary I try to calm her down. Giving children everything they ask for at the moment they do so generates important psychological consequences such as the impossibility of postponing gratifications.

I fully agree with you! But apparently this man has his own opinion on how to behave with children.

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