UNICEF...the global CPS. Make the connection, people.

A global pedophile network requires a GLOBAL protection network. The United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has been THE true EMERGENCY for patriots and parents in SLOW MOTION and IN YOUR FACE since the 1950s. They've become so familiar that they are literally sucking the lifeblood out of the body politic of Christendom, and not one of the victims is doing anything to REMOVE the LEACH.


While pretending to "protect children" and to "grant them rights," they continually and constantly put children more at risk by "empowering" "child protective" "services" (CPS) national-government-sponsored rackets in every nation on the planet that does not vigorously oppose them. Last week, we exposed their work in forcing "modern" CPS networks on third-world nations that don't yet have the over-bearing national "tradition" of allowing government to seize children from families under the flimsiest of pretexts and with the barest "color-of-law" legal cover.

Today we expose more of the UNICEF danger v.v. families and children, thanks to a group called "Family Watch, International," which does more for the safety and well-being of children, globally, with less than 1/10,000 of the resources of UNICEF than all the U.N. apparatchiks combined.


Here is an example:


Here is a key excerpt from the link above:

"I am writing from the United Nations where right now all the governments of the world are fighting at the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York over a seemingly simple term—something called 'comprehensive sexuality education' (CSE)...

CSE is the number one tool used to promote abortion and radical sexual 'rights' for children. For example, IPAS, the largest manufacturer of a handheld abortion kit, is hosting an event at CSW called, 'Without Abortion, it’s not 'Comprehensive Sexuality Education.'' CSE is at the heart of the abortion movement as it refers children to abortion clinics including Planned Parenthood and trains children to become abortion advocates.

We have also found shocking information showing how CSE (backed by multiple UN agencies in partnership with Planned Parenthood) is used to undermine parental rights and promote, among other things, abortion rights, promiscuity, and transgender ideology. All of this is clearly documented at StopCSE.org."


I am old enough to remember clearly when local school boards began to insist that schools inculcate children, first in high schools, but gradually in lower and lower grade levels, with public (i.e. SECULAR, anti-family) "sex education" classes beginning back in the late 1960s and 1970s. At first, kids like me were allowed to "opt out," but that is becoming increasingly difficult, of course. CSE is simply a ratcheting up of the concept, with the added element of "empowering children" to DISOBEY PARENTS and to experiment with radical ideas and practices that most adults have had no idea they were even hearing about at school.

UNICEF was involved FROM THE VERY BEGINNING in very surreptitiously pushing and funding the original sex ed movements of the 70s through front groups, grants, etc., and now they are upping the ante by pushing ways to get kids separated (at least under color of law) from parental authority so that these NOW SEXUALLY-ACTIVATED AND EXPERIENCED KIDS can be "properly used" for elite gratification of all twisted sorts.

Most of the nations of the world have given UNICEF and their partners in the various CPS agencies, nationally, full access to the children by becoming signatories to the horribly anti-family United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Christianity, and other major world religions teach that children are under the authority and gudeance of PARENTS until the reach a certain age. But, the UNCRC is the vehicle through which UNICEF is successfully and gradually breaking up families, and getting societies to accept that this is somehow best for the children.

(Courtesy of healthyplace.com.)

The global pedophile network is extremely well-healed and protected. This is why whenever people in a major western nation like Britain or the USA get a brief spurt of information on their MSM, it is quickly squelched and disappears from the news cycle. Government officials above a certain level, npoth nationally and at the U.N. can not advance without being "blackmailable" and it almost always involves some type of vulnerability due to illegal sexual activities, most often involving minors.

As former high-level Dutch Ronald Bernard (

) film maker Stanley Kubrick (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120663/) State Senator John DeCamp (read "The Franklin Coverup" or Google it) and many others have tried to warn us, these true-life masters of the universe are often also directly involved with Satanic ritual involving child rape, and even child sacrifice.

(Ronald Bernard. Courtesy of volkwordwakker.nl.)

All of this illegal and horrific activity is being covered up AT THE VERY TOP through the United Nations. All one need do is read up about the behavior of "peacekeepers" in any location, globally, where their presence is permitted and of any duration. Rape of women and young girls quickly becomes so common that it always makes the local news. These low-level underlings are merely following the example of those who pay their salaries, and they do so WITH IMPUNITY for a reason. Think about it.

CPS is already the chief recruiting vehicle in the advance nations of the world for child seizures. In many, may cases, parents never see their children again, and in large numbers, many of these kids wind up disappearing from CPS custody only to be recruited (or forced) into sex trafficking networks for the gratification of wealthy elites. Just ask Jeffrey Epstein where he got many of his recruits for Pedo Island. Truth be known, it was a high percentage, as his survivors will testify.

(Courtesy of orthocuban.com.)

While CPS is the vehicle, trust me, UNICEF is the driver--especially in areas of the world where CPS systems are not yet well established and accepted by national governments.

Stay aware of exactly how evil the United Nations is. Do NOT let your children and grandchildren drink the U.N. Kool-aide that there is anything worthy of praise in this emerging "Brave New World." The United Nations vision is a world where all children are raised by them and/or their national sub-units with little or no contact with parents. They want parents to have no recourse to their own children, and they certainly don't want Christian/family values inculcated in the children from a young age. This is why it is essential that parents be very careful about what their kids are being taught as early as preschool and in "head start" programs.

Do not assume that because your child's adult contact at school, or pre-school smiles nicely and acts very decent in front of you that they aren't teaching things of which you would certainly disapprove. Stay involved in your child's education. Ask them if they have any books they aren't allowed to show you, and see if you can get the name of the book and do a little research. Go to those PTA meetings and the parent/teacher conferences and ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS ABOUT CURRICULUM, especially in the area of "health studies," LGBT "diversity training," etc.

Make no mistake, this is where the recruitment begins--as young as pre-school now--and UNICEF is behind most of it.

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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