
Perhaps certain individual states/provinces/regions are slowly moving in a better direction, but then there are plenty (probably the majority) that are the same or just getting worse. I know that in the province where I live, certain towns/cities are worse than others. My town is one of the very worst, and even a lawyer I spoke to last winter, in a neighbouring town who has taken on cases against CPS, says that the place I am in is way worse than the other towns that he has served. He also told me that he has been backing off from these types of cases, and hinted that he has been pressured or threatened. At any rate, he can't take it any more.

Yes, we have a long way to go to win this. That is why I think the the most important thing that we can accomplish here at @familyprotection is educating parents of what they could be facing if they do not know their rights and if they blindly co-operate with a CPS investigation. Most (but not all) of these injustices can be shut down right at the beginning if people are educated.

I couldn't agree more. MASS EDUCATION of parents is critical.

That's one of the reasons I cheer every time the censoring social media platforms take a another black eye. From everything I've seen, Steemit is almost unanimous on the need for CPS reform (or abolition.)

If all those social media users get sick of the censorship at the other places, I am hoping your efforts will expand beyond your wildest dreams here as Steemit grows. A critical mass of people understanding the dire nature of the problem MAY eventually force changes at national levels that will level things out and enhance parental rights.

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