CPS court "ringers"..."Doctors" who get paid to cry "ABUSE!"

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

The ancient English Star Chamber comes to mind whenever I read about the way people's rights are ignored or shunted aside in these quasi-courts that have been created by "Child Protective" "Services" (CPS), I believe, just for that purpose. The Star Chamber was known, throughout the middle ages, as a court that had all the trappings of a real court, but that was, in reality, nothing but the place of show trials staged to assuage the people but to enforce the PER-DETERMINED WILL of the king.

When "Child Protective" "Services" and the corrupted "justices" of the quasi-courts decide that certain children are eminently adoptable, and want that $6000 check for adopting children out, this is what I believe often happens at "Family Court," or "Youth Court," or however else the charade may be styled, locally. It's gotten so bad that I can honestly spot the signs of a setup before even reading much of the article in question.

Consider, if you will, the following:


This is another one of those sad stories of "medical kidnapping" that are becoming ubiquitous all across the western world. In this case, the baby was born with a rare bone-loss disease that made the child's skeleton fragile and very susceptible to breakages. The baby suffered several rib injuries during birth, and also a punctured lung. The lung problem was diagnosed right away, but not (what should have been) the very obvious cause...i.e the broken ribs.

The parents (The Cradys) were very, very responsible from the time the child was eventually released to go home, calling frequently with questions, and taking the child into see the pediatrician at the slightest hint of an unusual mark, or rash, or dimple. I got just a couple of paragraphs into this article, when I read this:

"The Cradys say they were forced to stay at OSF under constant supervision for the next week while DCFS called in a Child Abuse Pediatrician, Dr. Channing Petrak, the Medical Director of the Pediatric Resource Center. In her report provided by the family, Dr. Petrak ruled the fractures and other injuries were 'suspicious of abuse'.”

This call by the hospital to DCFS--Illinois's acronym for their "Department" of Children and Family Services"--was initiated by medical personnel because the baby had suffered a new fracture that the parents were obviously concerned about, and so they took him in to SEE THE PEDIATRICIAN (which is almost always an indication of NO ABUSE.) But when I read the words "Child Abuse Pediatrician," I immediately laughed and Googled up "Channing Petrak complaints."

(The Crady Family. Image courtesy of theweek.com.)

Sure enough, I found exactly what I expected to find...dozens of results of parents and others talking about this female doctor being essentially a "Child Protective" "Services" (or "CPS"-- the more common acronym for DCFS) "ringer," i.e. a person who makes a substantial part of their income testifying in court. We've all heard of these "medical experts," more commonly in the context of an actual crime investigation, often a post-mortem type situation. But I had, until yesterday, never heard of CPS calling in special "abuse provers" to make their case for them...lol...

The "abuse reporter" had determined that the healed ribs that the doctors had discovered upon the baby being returned for a check up were "abuse," with zero real evidence, and fortunately, these parents weren't as easily cowed or bamboozled as some. They did what I did, and googled. Amusingly, they came across this same article that I did (about another set of parents who'd had a similar run in with the same "abuse doctor" a decade before) and called the other parents for advice.

(Dr. Channing Petrak, courtesy of week.com)

Here is the next excerpt from that link:

“'While we were in the hospital I contacted Michelle Weidner and she got me in contact with this radiologist out of Springfield and by the grace of God he met us at like 6:30 that night at the hospital.' That doctor was David Ayoub, M.D., a radiologist who specializes in these types of cases.

'There’s no question in my mind that they were abnormal bones, bones that showed fragility,' Ayoub declared. From Chandler’s X-rays and interviews with the family, Dr. Ayoub determined Chandler had metabolic bone disease, possibly infantile rickets, and said the healed fractures that appeared on the x-rays dated back to in utero and/or the birthing process.

'In utero fractures I’ve seen reported. They’re not unheard of, but they are exceptionally rare.' Ayoub began. 'Now, Chandler had x-rays at birth which is a little bit unusual. Why? Because he had a long injury at birth, which is one of the first clues that his ribs might’ve been injured at birth. If the ribs are weak at birth and the child passes through the birth canal what happens is those ribs don’t hold up so they are pushed into the one tissue with much greater force than they would otherwise'...”

(Dr. David Ayoub, courtesy of ageofautism.com.)

The Cradys got another doctor who was willing to also directly contradict the CPS/DCFS ringer, and between these two reports and the obvious concern of the parents, they eventually got their child back. But, per usual, no CPS or quasi-court staff appear to have been fired or disciplined in anyway. The Cradys, of course, missed several "firsts" with their baby boy, and will never get their time back, or forget the pain and suffering they went through merely for being good parents.

Here is a final brief excerpt from the reporter for Channel 25:

"We tried reaching out to Peoria County States Attorney Jerry Brady multiple times for comment and clarification on the case, but he told us he couldn’t comment due to the fact the case was in Juvenile Court, and would only tell us it involved a 'procedural issue.' A representative from DCFS who declined to go on camera told us over the phone it was a 'difficult case' that was 'well-argued on both sides,' adding that as social workers it’s their job to protect children, and they are often presented with conflicting information."

(Image courtesy of quora.com.)

Do you see how they ALWAYS have some excuse for not talking to reporters?? Since when does a case "being in Juvenile Court" trump the right of the people to know HOW THEIR TAX DOLLARS are being wasted and used against them?? I'd like to get that State Attorney in a room in Abu Ghraib and find out what he really knows about the internal discussions that were had over these parents actually fighting back and winning. I think water boarding was declared not to be "torture," right?...lol...

A "procedural issue", indeed. I can almost guarantee that the "procedural issue" in question involved making sure that their ringer was not exposed that way again, or how to get a better ringer for future cases. "Well argued on both sides," sure sounds to me like that State Attorney was really saying, "Uh...yea...they fought back, and we weren't really expecting that."

(Image courtesy of terriblywrite.wordpress.com.)

So...if you ever run into family or friends who are being subjected to medical kidnappings like this, please bookmark this article and remember it. Being forewarned about CPS/DCFS tactics like these can be the key to keeping families together.

Let's all pull together and make sure we put CPS through THE RINGER ourselves from now on, and stop letting them run roughshod over the rights of the people, the Constitution, proper legal and judicial procedures, and basic human decency.


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I wonder whether this series of events would even have panned out if Channing Petrak could only give evidence for free. It just guarantees corruption when you pay someone to give evidence in court. Witnesses should never get paid.

I totally agree. Expenses maybe, but that's it.

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