Bellingham, WA: The Latest DEAD CHILD laid at CPS's altar.

The beat just goes on and on. Despite obvious red-flashing signs everywhere, CPS failed to do its job...of course. The grandfather of a little girl in Washington State is screaming for justice after little Hazel Homan was shaken so hard that she bled out, internally, via multiple brain injuries.

Per usual, CPS ignored so many obvious SCREAMING warning signs that it goes further than ever to prove that their real "mission" is something other than the publicly-claimed one. There was plenty of contact here, so there is ZERO excuse for what happened to Hazel.

(Hazel Homan during better times...courtesy of

Here is the link:

Here is an exceprt:

"Police say Hazel was physically tormented for the last 6 months of her life by Dixon while Hazel's father Brandon Homan was at work.

'The child was walking around in pain for the last 6 months,' Pederson said. Court documents state a medical examiner found signs of four bones breaking and healing, including a broken finger, wrist, knee and hip bone.

Police also say there were bruises to her neck, chin, chest and groin. Police say in August, a family member noticed a scar on Hazel’s chest that appeared to be a cigarette burn. They also mention at least two visits to the hospital for a hand burn and eye injury."

(Homan's arrested for murder. Image courtesy of

Brandon Homan, the father, fought his own mother for custody after she had cared, well, for his daughter for over a year. The grandmother KNEW her son was an irresponsible and untrustworthy individual with a girlfriend who was even worse. She went to the wall to try to keep custody of her granddaughter and no one--not CPS, not the corrupt and totally CPS-compromised courts, and not the law enforcement community-- paid her any heed.

And now Hazel is dead, and her grandfather is taking action:

"(Jason) Pederson says his granddaughter was never in the right care and he blames Child Protective Services. 'They took her from a kind and loving home where she was always happy,' Pederson said."

It remains to be seen whether Mr. Pederson will be able to generate enough local outrage for even a real, serious and thorough investigation into CPS malfeasance will even take place, let alone whether he will actually receive any form of hollow "justice" for the loss of another beautiful American child. Make no mistake. Hazel was MURDERED by the fact we have firmly given over the CHANCES for real and compassionate intervention to an incompetent, extremely overpaid, and over-bearing government agency.

The "system" is so broken that nothing but abolishing it altogether is likely to have any effect on making our children actually safer.

R.I.P., Hazel. CPS may try to just "move on" and forget, but the good people of America never will.


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What a horrible, preventable tragedy!

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