Social Services is not always against us

I have extreme mixed feelings about social services sometimes good and sometimes bad. I totally understand the hate to the system because they have hurt many people and have torn many families apart. But every once in awhile you will find a social worker who is honestly a great person trying to make a difference in someones life. I know they are few and far between but they are out there.
In my son's and daughter in law case they got one of those rare people. First of all she was a Christian someone who really believed in the family system. When our case first was brought to head she did not lord over them, scare them, bully them or anything else bad. She truly wanted to help. She put the kids to a test and laid out some ground rules and told them what she expected from them. She then sat back and waited to see if they would be willing to work hard to prove their worth. My kids knew they had messed up and decided to do what it takes to get their son back.
Now in our instance changes really did need to be made and they really did have to change their lives. They almost split up but they worked hard and for the first time worked together for the purpose of reuniting their family.
I figured this would take a few months and even more to prove to the system that they had truly changed. But the social worker recognized the changes and became their best advocate. She fought hard for them. So on April 25th the kids got their son back. Honestly this was the shortest time I had ever seen a scenario like ours play out. I do also believe that the fact that the social worker was a christian made a huge difference. She believed in my kids and reunited our family.
Now don't get me wrong I am not trying to candy coat the system and make it out to be a good system because a lot of times its not. May God bless the families that are being harmed and I am truly sorry for anyone who is being hurt. Please do not take my post in any way bad I just wanted to finish my story that I had started awhile ago. God Bless and Good luck

This is my kids having their first camping trip together since they have been reunited

Thank-you @jolly-homestead for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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So glad your family got lucky. So glad everything has been restored. On balance though, the system is DEFINITELY ant-Scriptural, anti-family, and broken beyond repair.

Churches and communities and extended families...NOT GOVERNMENT.


This is such great news. I'm glad that their baby is finally back with them.

Sounds like a lovely lady with a short career ahead of her.

So sad, but so true. Yet I hope she is able to remain as long as possible ... for the sake of the families she’s serving and the eventual destruction of the system.

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a very happy family and fun friends

I am so glad that everything turned out great for your family @jolly-homestead

Could have done with you at my side last night. I was saying to someone on discord about CPS/SS being a necessary evil and that there are lots of cases were social workers have saved children from abuse. Some parents are not fit for purpose and do as much damage as a corrupt social worker. This point didn't go down well, but the hard truth never does. This story describes a couple who had made a mistake and recognised that. In this case the system worked well Just a shame they have to remove the child from the family as that causes harm to the child. Very tough situation and it must be looked at in an open minded way. Much of this system perpetuates itself on it pressurized state. Social workers can't afford to lose their job(probably thankful to have one) so they tow-the-line and carry out rules they know are mindless. Because they think the foster carers are all angels, they believe the child is going to be ok either way(Total misjudgement). The system is rotten, the majority of people are not.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by #thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

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A very sweet Lady at Church was foster parenting, because she thought she might help a kid in need. She got a girl (14) from an addicted Mom, and brought her to the farm. Got her a horse, and into school; but the girl was waiting for the other foot to fall, as it were. She had been bounced around a lot in the CPS system, and trusted no one! The Lady finially figured out how to reach her, by adopting her legally. Now, years later, the Lady is "Mom", and with Mom's support, she also has a relationship with her birth Mother. Sometimes it works, the Girl's new daughter is being taught that the Lady is Grandma!

BUT caution must be maintained with CPS; Most are scum vermin with a vested interest in taking kids! It is easier toi take kids that do Not need to be removed, and sadly there is more money in that anyway. Good parents can be soaked for child support for decades, where drug addicts die quickly (less cash available).

So treat them like the pit vipers they are; and protect your kids from them!

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