
I agree. When you have a job and you start questioning your supervisor it's not going to end up good. If you see wrong in your job that could be criminal a person of good character is going to get a reporter to look into it or file grievances so they can prove that there is something wrong with the system, that they got fired trying to bring forth grievances and then sue the agency for wrongful termination.

The reason why there is something wrong with the system is because the regulations were created to ensure that the middle class is divided and conquered, and to ensure that only the haves (the 1%) and the have-nots (the working-poor) continue to exist at the cost of the middle class.

What does that have to do at all with CPS since it's the majority of the poor whose children end up in their custody?

Oh bless you my friend, spot on!, so very right.

Hello dear friend, the System is a Mega-Cemented platform of corruption, it will all fall on deaf ears, because the system is intertwined cunningly. And another thing, no reporter is going to take such a job or gig, nah!, every one of them are busy with the daily crap news and forgetting what truly matters, moreover, there is censorship too.!. Thank you @sunlit for your contribution

I agree there is corruption in any large structural organization. The system right now is overflowing because of the opioid crisis, your claims they are taking kids just to keep money flowing into the system when in fact the system doesn't have enough money because of the amount of children flowing into the system due to the crisis just doesn't mesh. There simply isn't enough resources available to handle the overflow. Your theory would work if people were sitting around twittering their thumbs on their desk with nothing to do but that's not the case, there's not enough case workers, foster homes, institutions, therapist, counselors, etc., to handle the overload being caused by the crisis.
There are reporters who will take such a task on. The need to feed the twenty four hour seven day a week news cycle pretty much guarantees someone will snap that story up.
When you take this guy and his story into account, anyone who would stand up against their supervisor like he claims would have no problem at all filing grievances against that supervisor leaving a paper trail to prove his claims.

This is a cycle effect, on the very first basis, the unavailability of foster homes, institutions, and all others have only come to play because of the Removal* of children who were never supposed to be removed. Yo must understand that it is a "Remove first" principle they follow.

About the funds you talk about, I will advice you to follow the money trail and you would see it is true. Look at all the Acts and Federal funding conditions that came along with them, map this as well to the number of children flowing into foster care after each of these ACTS were brought. Each county is funded per the number of child they Remove or sell services to. And it has been this way for way long that I can remember. They payment scheme encourages this heinous behavior. Incentive for more number of children.

These are not anecdotal evidences, but facts. Most of these information and facts are not published on the mainstream media because of censorship and others. When this people are the one's controlling "information", they can bend it all they want. Many Caseworkers have lied constantly, and the court battles are always very rigged in perjury.

I do know strongly, that children needs protection, but not by this organization called CPS. We as the populace needs to step forward and create a solution that helps a family keep their children safe, that helps stop caseworkers from perjuring their way through to get a child into the system because of another "+1" pay. This funding have been extended more. And also we need to have a change where children who Really needs protection should be protected and not worsened. I can go on and on because I have seen, known, and followed through many of such related cases in person.

Please I humbly ask you look through some of my previous posts or the below ones I will link here, check out the @familyprotection tag too(you would find so much there). Forget about the mainstream news you and delve into other places that treats this matters. I would have loved to type more but this is the far I can go for now. Thank you so much and I await more of your comments and replies. Be blessed Dear friend.

Hello, yes, child abuse would occur, to deny this fact is to be blind, but CPS (the organization taxed with this labor) has proven to be far worst than an "abusing parent". CPS have and has always been discriminating in their search to remove children from their homes, there have been thousands-to-millions of cases where CPS begin to remove children from "Stable Homes". The corruption of the CPS system is so large that it is now seen as an epidemic to the family units.

Children experience far-far more abuse when under the care of CPS, and there have been so many death as well. Children removed from their loving homes based on flimsy excuses and for reasons that in no way shows abuse. This facts are proven and even the national statistics taken by some government bodies and a lot more private research shows this as well. On a personal base, I have seen and communicated with so-so much parents that have been dealt with treacherously by the System that was supposed to care for this children and families.

Do you know that for CPS workers to receive funds from the federal government, they "MUST" remove children from their home?. They are paid whenever they remove a child, they are paid whenever they provide services for a child. The funds they receive is in Direct proportion to the number of children they remove from their homes, this has led to Legal Kidnapping of infants and children.

There is so much I would like to tell you, but my fingers won't permit me, please check out @familyprotection and my blog as well, and go through the numerous topics and cases that have been reported by parents, by foster alumni, by other people who have been experienced with the system. take time and go through them.

If there is anything that will solve the issues you mentioned, the answer is definitely not this version of "CPS" we see now. Every family need to love and cherish their children care and groom them up with strong moral rightness , this fact is what makes a strong nation. Thank you for your question @hopeinu

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