[GBTTW #7 FamilyProtection] Broken Adults: The Deeper Waters (Alice's Experience After Aging Out - Kidnapped And Trafficked Immediately)

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

What happens to Children after aging out of the foster care system has always been a question that has seen little to know public exposure at all. About 39 days ago, I and Eugene was researching into the cases of aging out of the Foster System, and we decided to reach out to previous alumni of the foster care system. We got both fast and delayed responses from people and many never responded at all. I ended up preparing a documentation of the system's outputs, 8 days later I wrote an article here on Steemit titled " Broken Adults: The Truth About Aging Out Of Foster Care System" found HERE. The information gathered in the course of research and generally written about in one of the articles which I decided to post here on Steemit was disheartening but I just had to report it.

About two days ago, Eugene messaged me saying he recently checked our research email which had now had a couple more mails of which I am at liberty to share in this  post. Below is one of the mail of one of the Alumni whom I would love to name Alice in this post for anonymity sake. This message has been cleaned for clarity sake:

Eugene who had helped me at one point in my life when everything was pale, pleaded  I send a message to you containing my past experiences after leaving the foster system. I stayed in a group home in zzzz county in California. Growing up in foster was a continuous headache for me and I was in foster from 2005 to 2011. I won't forget the joy flowing through my veins when I was almost at the age of major but the worst was about to happen.

While in foster care there were a handful number of girls who got taken from the foster home. We could here footstep at night and talks, we would wake up early in the morning and one of our friends would be gone. This happened randomly through my stay in foster and we were all afraid who could be next, but we were not too bothered because we never knew where they were taken. But after my demise, I am certain they were sex-trafficked, I was somewhat of a lucky girl back then because I was very petite and looked so immature even when other foster kids around me bloomed.  

This was about to change, the moment I aged out of foster care system I was the most joyed citizen in America. I still had my home address and the route was somewhat very vague in my head. I stepped out of the group home very broken, maltreated and un-cared for, but in my mind I knew it was all about to change for the better!. But it wasn't, it was all about to start. The little money I was given when leaving was lost, of which I knew I was careless. Your friend Eugene took me in to stay at his place for the night, someone who he had never met before,  he was so kind to me and we got to eat trough lots of meals that my tongue could not withhold its happiness.

The next morning Eugene gave me some money to get myself home, I was so grateful and merry, its been ages since I was treated with such care, generosity and self dignity. A few minute walk from home, when I would be seeing the faces of my parents whom have been unaware of my location for this past many years was short lived. Two men dragged me into a van and off I was again. In what seemed like a very long time, I was in a basement, I could here the cry and sob of some other girls, instantly I knew Sally was one of the girls. Sally's cry was one I would recognize even in my deepest sleep, we were good friends and she always cried in the night or very often. That moment I was petrified, I began to scream Sally. Apparently, Sally was one of us, I could recognize 6 other girls, because we grew up in the same group home.

We were sold off like animals and sex-trafficked. Auctioned by our buyer who saw pleasure in raping us and brutally beating us for what lasted almost eternity. I for one was broken and prepared to die, but not yet!, we were sexually defiled most of the mornings and auctioned out for the night to random strangers we never knew. We had no knowledge of where we were, and each passing day my life became worst. We were more than sex toys and we payed for no wrong we had done both bodily and mentally. I had no will to live on, I was prepared to kill myself but somehow I always stopped. This happened for almost a year. We were continually drugged and pilled with over doze of contraceptives, our doctor was one mean lady who was ready to personally chop us with a a knife if we gave her any headache. My life was hellish and even death was far from me.

Sadly, my friend Sally slept and never woke up, she died, I was more broken and always asked why Sally had to leave me behind. Perhaps that was the only way out of that dark world we have come to know, death was the only way out. Before my 19th birthday, I was in a van again, all covered up, a whisper greased my ears saying "you are at the entrance of your street, walk straight and go home immediately the van moves", I was shocked and never believed, the van moved and behold I was finally free. I couldn't believe this had happened, I thought I was in a dream and I never want to awake if it was. I ran shouting and screaming, my mum could still recognize my voice, and screamed back "is that you? young child?". I was surprised she still recognized my tiny-suppressed voice even after what seemed like 50 years of being in the foster care and in my prison. I had lots of story to tell, and my mother refrained me from talking that I needed all the rest I could get, mum sat in my room that remained so much unchanged since I left, watching me sleep so soundly. I woke up in the morning she was still staring at me with weep lines on her cheek.

My savior, my helper and my Angel, who set me free I never knew. But As a kid in foster care, i grew up with a unique gift of recognizing every voices I heard and capable of matching them to a face. I most assuredly know it was Mr Tommy. That was the name we knew him by, he always came around, unlike the others we were auctioned to in the evening who sexually use us, he never did touched any of us, he simply always stared at me and asked me numerous questions, I was so smart and occasionally played cards. His stares reminded me of my dad who always acted in such a manner so often I used to call my dad "The Stare". But Mr. Tommy whom I believed was the whisperer had saved me and my life is mine again.

I had a happy ending, well I think, but many of the girls never did, or are still trapped in a place I can't take the cops to cause I don't know where. I have met just few people in my life who had been my saviors. My parents, your friend Eugene who I met last Thanks-Giving again and my Whisperer who I believe was Mr Tommy. My life has been hard to pick back together, but I am trying to enjoy my freedom and live a life I had always dreamed about. But Sally's sobs and cries still replay in my head and I miss her continuously, so much. Even after all that happened to me, I still trust in God and pray that all those girls get back to their families.   

That was Alice's message to me, I couldn't phantom the length, breadth and width of this wickedness. This stories are usually heart aching and killing, reading through her message I could feel the surge of anger seeping through my vain excessively and my heart flooded with sympathy. Why would this kids go through hell all because of what the government started, an agency to protect has become the source of all forms of evil, a source of pain and even death because children are taken from their homes. 

Her story showing that teenage girls have gone missing in the foster institution/home through her stay not once but many times, only gives a pointer that these girls where sex-trafficked, sold out to all forms of evil out there.  This is resounded from the piece of information I gathered more from her mail. Alice kidnapped in less than 72 hrs after she aged out and left foster care, so also was her friend Sally and the other girls she could remember aged out too at some point relative to hers from the same foster institution.

It points to the fact that this people who trafficked them had always been informed by an insider!. This is so evident that Alice was been waited for by this traffickers at her street. It might have resulted to this method because the institution was been questioned and the missing girls from their beds was raising dust so they resulted to a more secured way of trafficking these girls in a way that no one would ever know, since these children are presumed to be aged out and might as well have ran away without going home. Their parents don't even know where they are in the first place 

This system is a sham for protection, and they've scarred the heart of many young adults so much than we can ever comprehend. My last post on broken "Broken Adults" showed the rate and how unfortunate these young adult are, and the odds they face. I wish, hope and pray Alice's stories gets to every soul, every mind, every parent and every body out there so we can fight against this system together and effectively, so no child has to go through these Deeper Waters ever again. 

**The Names used in this post are Disguise**


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Keep loving your Kids and fight for their right to be loved by you!

Peace to you all,
( @kryptocoin )

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Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @kryptocoin for supporting @familyprotection

So sad...hopefully through steemit, we can help eradicate some of the evils of this world.

This breaks my heart! It has to stop.

That was a very difficult read, but so important to hear. Those poor girls. Thank you for sharing this @kryptocoin

I am certainly hoping the recent Executive Order and the many sealed indictments include the heads of this ugly and vile practice that is destroying the lives of the innocent all over the world. Disgusted to say that so much of this heinous abuse is being created, protected and used by many of those sitting in their "perceived" seats of power either by "election" or "assignment" within the government agencies and their systems.

Exactly!, That is why these pain-mongering destroyers are still standing because they are backed by many in "Power". It is strongly political as well. Making money from tearing down families and getting huge profits and other forms of advantages from it. They go at any length to protect the "Abusers" because they are the "Abusers". There is nothing new under the sun and they shall surely come crumbling and pay in this life and any other to come, if there is any!.

I think this Jerry Milner who came on board back in June or July could hold the key to part of the problem and should provide a big part of the solution by redirecting the focus of CPS (a lot of house-cleaning to do there). He needs to stay the course and be held to it.

Thanks much for the link, I read through the article. Well, I hope this sees a positively light of the day.

Woman kiddneping and sex trafficking is most important problem in the world. It's very bad for all about its not stop and every time gross .
Goverment are many try,creat strong law but it's not enough .
Our here in India per day 1000 woman are raped,kiddneping .


Yes it has always been an issue in every place, and the system has opened more doors to make children and young teens fall prey to this maniac-y conditions by exposing them to it. Taking children from a suppose place of "probable future risk" and throwing them right into the RISK!. Monetizing children for all sort of abominables.

I had to stop reading at the point where Sally died. Twas so painful to continue, I couldn't deal!. I just had to finish reading this now..

Who the hell are these guys and why is this still going on?! Separating children from their parents for very weird reasons. 😢

I'm going on an extensive research on this. To fight this! Because I believe every family had the right to keep and love their children.

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