When CPS Brings Voiceless Tears - The Trauma and Shattering of Innocence - Enjoy with Troy!

In humbleness, I offer the song parody, 'When CPS Brings Voiceless Tears,' based on Meatloaf's, 'Objects In The Rear View Mirror.' The innocence of children is shattered by the tragedy and trauma of the CPS foster care system. The world has no respect or allegiance to its value or purity. Baggage accumulates and lives are held in bondage. Littered with the psychological emotional tapes of long ago, the dreamer cannot go far. But through counseling and the help of pro-family groups, they can claim their lives once again! They can be free!

The Creation of Innocence

A child is born naturally into a family. The parent's emotional and blood ties to their child offers a pure and insulated protection from the scars of this world. With adventures and dreams to fulfill, this triad of people makes a perfect team where happiness is felt, dreams are realized and love is always close.

And Its Shattering

Yet, our world has no respect for innocence, and would just as soon destroy it. For years, we have seen this with virginity being destroyed in young girls. Today, our government is paying social workers to break up homes and steal children in broad daylight. And yes, it is all legal...but not moral. The CPS is loaded with incentives to shatter innocence and destroy lives. It is a sick, evil agenda, whose cancer is killing our future..

Tragedy and Trauma

As the child is whisked away to a new home, they are traumatized. If they are lucky, their new foster home, will have strangers who have little interest in their welfare. If they are not so lucky, the child will end up trafficked for sex, physically or emotionally abused or even killed. The memory burns and scars their young lives. They become numb and fearful as their new life takes hold. They are innocent babies. Yet, they are sold away and harvested by our government, without emotion or responsibility. It seems our elected leaders only want to shatter the family.

There were endless whippings, numb from tears was I.
Torn up inside, and yet too fearful to cry.


Baggage and Bondage

With trauma and tragedy, comes psychological fallout. These once innocent children are now tied and bound to a life of emotional baggage. Tapes and scenes replay in their minds like a shell shocked PTSD victim. Nightmares and voices haunt them with painful memories. Questions come without answers. Their lives are littered with the crap the CPS foster care system leaves behind. And you can bet that the CPS is not going to clean up THEIR mess. They already made a tidy bundle of cash in the theft of innocence.

Death of Dreams

Children are supposed to dream and imagine. Yet, when your life is littered with baggage, it is virtually impossible. This baggage clutters and kills the spirit. Why dream? What is there to be hopeful for or look forward to? They don't have their friends or family anymore. Can you blame them?

And if life is full of litter, then the dreamer can't go far.

Objects In The Rear View Mirror

It is not easy to work though your past. It will haunt you and continue to bind you in fear. Yes, objects in the rear view mirror may appear. But they are not as close as you think... and it is the rear view mirror. The singer, Meatloaf, uses this song to express how tragedy can haunt you. He offers examples in his song and expresses how he overcomes them. We hear this also in the song parody. The person went to a pro-family meeting and the healing began.

There was a family meeting on the edge of town.
They were lifting up the hurting helpless from the ground.

The Baggage Cannot Stay

Counseling and the support of a good pro-family group is invaluable to overcoming the littered baggage in your life. You can reclaim your freedom and help others too. There are pro-family groups out there. Folks like @familyprotection are working to support and educate the public on the perils of the system. They believe in family and hold firmly to truth and justice. They believe that families must remain intact and children must dream. I would encourage you to support @familyprotection on Steemit as they protect innocence and instill freedom.

When CPS brings voiceless tears, innocence is forever marred.

You Are Not The Government's Trash

Reclaim your life and help others to find their freedom again! Why be a pawn to the CPS? Trauma has no part in fulfilling your dreams or living life. You deserve better! You are not an emotional trash can for the government.

No child should be put through those dreadful tears.
The CPS will eat you up and spit you out like filth
As you are kidnapped for cash in broad daylight!

The Threaded Parody

There is a real connection of threads between the Meatloaf song and this parody. Both express the trauma and tragedy of childhood. Both express how these are in the past yet can haunt you and hold you in bondage. In the third verse we find healing. Meatloaf found it in a woman and the parody finds it in a pro-family group. Remember these life experiences are in your past. Your present is a new clean page. It does not have to be littered with the baggage of long ago.

The video

I offer one video. This is the official video of the song as produced in 1994. The song was written by Jim Steinman and recorded by Meatloaf. The video shares the emotions of childhood as it goes though the season of summer, winter and spring.The lyrics are a bit wordy, so you may wish to read though it as well. It has long been a favorite of mine. May the words of the song parody and emotion of the music speak to your heart.

Now enjoy the song parody and be sure to support @familyprotection

When CPS Brings Voiceless Tears

My mom and Dad were a perfect team.
With such love and passion planned for every dream.
When I grew up with my sister, Penny.
We were close as any family that you ever knew.
I was always happy and my future bright,
I was taking on adventures and everything in sight.
And there was so many childhood schemes,
And so much time to plan and do.

But I can see it all, the social worker's call,
Oh, the memory is so strong.
They said they had concerns, but the pain still burns,
From a system that went wrong.
They were placing all my future with strangers.
I'd be in trouble with the home they had found.
It's a time when I felt they were stealing and deceiving.
It was a fight to bind my life with the pain all around.

But it was long ago that I was sold away, to a system that would scar.
And if life is full of litter, then the dreamer can't go far.
When CPS brings voiceless tears, innocence is forever marred.
When CPS brings voiceless tears, innocence is forever marred.

And when the courtroom ended and the case was closed,
I lived in terror traumatized in fear and froze.
They were dangerous and mean how they treated
Undevoted, these strangers who kidnapped my fate.
There were endless whippings, numb from tears was I.
Torn up inside, and yet too fearful to cry.
And these stranger's hands were fierce,
As he hit me again and again and again

The system will deceive with lies you can't believe,
Without a friend you are alone.
So many fostered fears, so many wasted years,
Before my life became my own
With countless nightmares haunting me,
And all the baggage that I would pack
The tapes are playing, I hear their voice,
And then it grabs me in my mind and then pulls me back

But it was long ago that I was sold away, to a system that would scar.
And if life is full of litter, then the dreamer can't go far.
When CPS brings voiceless tears, innocence is forever marred.
When CPS brings voiceless tears, innocence is forever marred.
When CPS brings voiceless tears, innocence is forever marred.
When CPS brings voiceless tears, innocence is forever marred.

There was a family meeting on the edge of town.
They were lifting up the hurting helpless from the ground.
And they taught me with support all I know
About the CPS and its theft for pay.
My scars would dimmer and I soon would grow,
Working through defeat and getting past my woe.
The crimes of wrong and the lies they fed.
The baggage could not stay.

And I would live again! Freedom had entered in!
There was protection now in sight.
Pro-families are my friend, all the love they send.
As they defend your every right.
My life had been enslaved in bondage,
So helpless and unable to fight.
No child should be put through those dreadful tears.
The CPS will eat you up and spit you out like filth
As you are kidnapped for cash in broad daylight!

But it was long ago that I was sold away, to a system that would scar
And if life is full of litter, then the dreamer can't go far.
When CPS brings voiceless tears, innocence is forever marred.
When CPS brings voiceless tears, innocence is forever marred.
When CPS brings voiceless tears, innocence is forever marred.
When CPS brings voiceless tears, innocence is forever marred.

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What is @familyprotection

If you do not know what family protection is I would encourage you to read our posts and help support the efforts of the fine bloggers who support the freedoms and rights of families. We work hard to promote an support the values and rights of moms and dads, that has come under attack by governments who wish to eliminate the God given authority and power of the family. @familyprotection uplifts the family and is always welcoming bloggers who wish to contribute to its cause. Consider standing for truth and the family. Consider @familyprotection.

Support Family Protection

THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection.

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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