So This Is Freedom - Theft is Over If You Want It - Enjoy with Troy!

With humbleness, I offer the song parody, 'So This Is Freedom,' based on John Lennon's 'Happy Christmas (War Is Over),' We are taught to believe that we are a free people. Yet, it is only a fantasy and an illusion. Children are being kidnapped and trafficked daily by the CPS. Big brother tyranny has taken away our freedoms and rights. Only apathy stands in the way. We must wake the world and claim our lives. Theft is over...if you want it. How badly do you want to celebrate your freedom?

The Illusion

As we embrace the season, we are thankful for the the good freedoms we have. We know there are others, who are less fortunate, and we remember them. Yet, in the back of our mind we wonder... Do we REALLY have freedom?

So this is freedom for children today.
As babies are taken and trafficked away.

Fantasy Freedom

What if I told you it was an illusion. Just enough liberties to keep you believing in the dream, yet, dumbed down enough to not be a disturbance. In the mean time, liberties and rights are being whittled away. You may not see it. But an Orwellian state has taken us hostage, and is even trafficking our youth. The governmental CPS (Child Separation Services as I call them), are quietly stalking and kidnapping babies and trafficking them for some cool cash.

And so this is freedom, the big brother spy,
For voiceless and helpless, ignored as they cry.

A Big Brother Socialist Mecca

We live in an increasing socialistic state. As the monster of tyranny grows with each year, so do the tears of the helpless. Big brother was accelerated with the intentional ploy of 911. They had to introduce the security state of the seeing eye, and had to have a reason to do so. There are multiple wars going on at once. We have a war on population, a war on children and families, a war of financial independence, a spiritual war, and a war on your health. Yet, the innocence of a culture is being taken and the innocent suffer.

A very scary freedom with tyranny near,
If only they'd listen, if only they'd hear.

And The Children Suffer

With the destruction of innocence, compliments of monster government, it is the children who suffer the most. They are our future of this world. Years from now we will be gone from this world. Yet, if we don't care enough to prevent the scar of their future, what kind of care takers are we? Apathy is no friend to them. It only invites tears and pain. We must wake up the world. It only takes a small group to rock the world and end ALL these wars. The evils of the CPS and big brother must be silenced. It is up to us to stand for the helpless, the voiceless...the hurting.

Theft of children and our freedoms are over... if you want it. How badly do you want it?

Will You Wake The Apathetic?

Children need our help. There are pro-family groups out there in the trenches speaking out, standing for truth and justice. But they cannot do it alone. Folks like @familyprotection are a voice for the voiceless. Tirelessly, they spot out the evils of the CPS and darkness of the world, as they fight for freedom. I encourage you to support @familyprotection as the protect innocence and help bring freedom to all.

The Ironies And The Music

The parallels of these two songs underscore the message. John Lennon heard the cry of the weak and underprivileged. He recognized multiple wars. Class wars, racial inequalities...and yes the Vietnam war. Yet he knew that it was apathy that was in the way. One must see the dream to do it. One must be able to listen and hear. It is only then that the CPS can and will be ended. It is only then that theft will be abolished and freedom can be celebrated.

Let's celebrate freedom together, as we abolish apathy and theft.

Theft is over if you want it.

I chose these words as the background vocals behind John's voice. The audio has the Harlem Community Choir singing 'War is over if you want it.' Both are relevant. Our war against the CPS is over, if we choose not to be apathetic. I waited till the end of the song to attach these lyrics.

Hearing the children sing this speaks to my heart.

Now enjoy the song parody and be sure to support @familyprotection.

So This Is Freedom

So this is freedom for children today.
As babies are taken and trafficked away.
And so this is freedom now isn't it great!
A socialist mecca, a CPS state.
A very scary freedom with tyranny near
If only they'd listen, if only they'd hear.

And so this is freedom, the big brother spy,
For voiceless and helpless, ignored as they cry.
With innocence taken, enslaved in a lie,
A foster care nightmare, as dreams slowly die.
A very scary freedom with tyranny near,
If only they'd listen, if only they'd hear.

So this is freedom for children today.
As babies are taken and trafficked away.
And so this is freedom now isn't it great!
A socialist mecca, a CPS state.
A very scary freedom with tyranny near
If only they'd listen, if only they'd hear.

Theft is over, if you want it
Theft is over now
la, la, ah, ah
Celebrate freedom!
Celebrate freedom! (celebrate freedom!)
Celebrate freedom! (celebrate freedom!)

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What is @familyprotection

If you do not know what family protection is I would encourage you to read our posts and help support the efforts of the fine bloggers who support the freedoms and rights of families. We work hard to promote an support the values and rights of moms and dads, that has come under attack by governments who wish to eliminate the God given authority and power of the family. @familyprotection uplifts the family and is always welcoming bloggers who wish to contribute to its cause. Consider standing for truth and the family. Consider @familyprotection.

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What is @familyprotection

If you do not know what family protection is I would encourage you to read our posts and help support the efforts of the fine bloggers who support the freedoms and rights of families. We work hard to promote an support the values and rights of moms and dads, that has come under attack by governments who wish to eliminate the God given authority and power of the family. @familyprotection uplifts the family and is always welcoming bloggers who wish to contribute to its cause. Consider standing for truth and the family. Consider @familyprotection.

Support Family Protection

THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection.

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