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RE: Over-Exposing Foster Children To Psychotropic Drugs

Psychotropic Drugs are also linked to mass murder gunmen, many of which are needlessly taking the drugs when they commit the mass shootings. I know this is a conspiracy thought, cut could it be possible that the overuse of the Psychotropic Drugs be an intentional effort by the powers that be to disrupt society. Perhaps create violence mass murders in the youth and young adult and lead to the gun disarming of a country and society. They blame the weapon rather than the drug which is helping to cause the violence and murder. Thanks for sharing.


Yes this is true. Prozac was commonly sold on the streets in the 90's as a clean acid trip, meaning you do NOT get the coming down "dirty" feeling like LSD when it wears off.

Prozac will give you hallucinations just like most of the SSRIs.

this is very possible. There are so many people on these that if the insurance companies stopped paying for it one day we would not be able to recognize this world. The chaos would be great as a result.

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