Power In Numbers - Unified Against Evil - Enjoy with Troy!

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

Hi there folks. I am listening to the election results here in the USA. It appears that they called the results quite early tonight. I have heard of some election rigging. Even in my own immediate voting location, we supposedly had a voting machine break down. Really? There are some saying this is a a siup with possible election fraud. There will probably be investigation over the next month. It seems there is always election fraud or rigging.

It reminds me of the CPS foster care system. Sadly the system is rigged against the traditional family. Lies are fraud and courts are rigged against the welfare of the child or the interest of the parents. Evil finds pockets to thrive in. It uses those pockets to manipulate and intimidate. If you are told a candidate is projected as the winner, you are less likely to vote. You may not feel it makes a difference. In the same way, when a family is told lies of intimidation, it can break the spirit of morale.


Numbers can make a difference. This is NOT a war that can be fought alone. It takes a majority to pass legistlalation. Each of us @familyprotection work together in the trenches in this war against the CPS. @article61, @builderofcastles, @cfs.leaks, @ crosheille, @canadian-coconut, @empress-eremmy, @eco-alex, @ironshield, @kryptocoin, @krnel, @misslasvegas, @practicalthought, @richq11, @informationwar, @snowpea, @sacred-agent,@steeminganarchy, @thethreehugs and the list goes on and on. In fact it is live and never ending. We all work together for the end result - The welfare of the children and family and the suppression of evil.

There is power in numbers. As the old cliche is united we stand divided we fall. Moms and Dads need to be united when fighting the CPS. Never! I SAY NEVER NEVER call the CPS during a personal dispute. You are only hurting yourself...and your children if you do. You cannot show any cracks in your relationship. Showing emotion to the CPS is not an option. Just like poker do not show your hand by your face.

Again there is power in numbers. I often have thought that is would be smart to join forces in a national or international suit against the evils of the CPS. Sadly one family can be over looked. However it is much harder to ignore a movement of families unified against the evils of the system. In a way that was what the Scott Campbell series I did was leading to. We need to assertively take back the family. We need to use all resources available to us and then some. Unity is power. Consider the benefits of joining forces for a positive win win end result.

I would encourage you to impact the world and fight evil. Consider joining a pro-family group like @familyprotection and let's all work together for freedom for all.

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Support Family Protection

THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection?

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Thanks for reading and listening. Feel free to comment, upvote or resteem.

Thank-you @enjoywithtroy for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

Brilliant call to the community, well done mate and it is an honour to be part of FP with you all.

Thank you. You as well my friend. Blessings.

Evil doesn't find pockets.
Evil creates them.

And since no one has had a light to shine into those corners, they have grown.

CPS is just a front for trafficking children.
Children used for blood transfusions.
Children used for blood sacrifices.
Children used for the harvesting of the worst emotions. Through torture and rape.

If you start from this point, you can understand why CPS is set up the way it is.

Even a CPS agent doesn't "know" where your child is.
Kids disappear all the time. No one has a full view of what is happening to the children in their care.
It is designed this way.

It is not this way because "we have to keep the parents from finding their children," or "we have to protect the children at all cost, by extreme secrecy."

CPS is not a poorly run govern-cement institution that just needs some tweaking. It was designed, from the ground up, to be a nefarious organization, with a good sounding front place on it.

I completely agree with you. Thank you SO much for the comment and break down. Folks need to know this otherwise it goes under the radar. Thank you for your part in the information war @builderofcastles

It's almost like evil looks for empty people, where the seed of the word is not germinated in their heart. Satan snatches it up and it never grows. Their hearts are fertile soil, ready to grow whatever ideas land there and the devil has many sowers - schools, media, books, television. Once the lie is sown, people will guard the idea in their minds and shelter it from anyone willing to pluck it out. They hold on to their own destruction as if it was their righteousness. They have been deceived to believe that the deception and evil is their salvation.

"Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots." Matthew 15:13

Indeed well said. Evil know how to get around the system when possible. It destroy the soul and leaves a shell. Thanks for sharing @ironshield.

On the subject of the voting machines: I was a poll worker and then a precinct chair for a number of years (my first election was at 18 and I worked the last when I was 28 - had too many nursing babies since to be able to work).

One of the most frustrating things was hearing from relatives about the "broken voting machines". Most people have no idea what that really means or how the machines work.

The tabulators can and do break down, but that does nothing to the counting of votes. There are quite a few systems in place - including the physical paper ballots - that provide even the generally incompetent poll workers (I'm sorry...most workers really don't understand what they're doing but voting systems are designed to compensate for this) a way to keep the election running fairly even if the machines are having trouble.

Hearing a report of a voting machine having a problem doesn't really mean anything for the fairness of the votes counted...

Thank you my friend for explaining that. Blessings.

You're welcome! I'm not sure I've ever really been able to reassure anyone, but out of all the potential election problems...it seems to me like the machines are far less indicative of fraud than things like the stuff going on in Broward and Palm Beach, which is all human activity and not machine-driven.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

Thank you as well I hope you're doing okay blessings to you

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