Examining the Decline of the Family -A Historical, Moral and Spiritual Perspective - Enjoy with Troy!

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)


Have you ever wondered why families have so many problems today? How did we go from the 'Father Knows Best' or 'Leave it to Beaver' kind world to DHS CPS It's a mess today world. The Child Protective Services did not show up 20 years ago on the American doorstep by accident. And evil is not in the neighborhood knocking and looking for directions to leave. It is here in all of it's colors.

Yet think about this

The Amish and Mennonites do not have these issues. You do not read about them being harassed by the Child Protective Services. I wonder why???

A strong family relies on a strong father, mother and child all together as one unit. Three legs of the family stool. With those three legs the family can not be broken by the CPS or any other evil filth that lurks. Indeed God is the glue that keeps the stool tight and safe, but there is more.

The turning points that changed the family.


The 19th and early 20th century brought the industrial revolution and automobile, as families started abandoning the farm and flocking to the cities for a better paycheck. For the first time dad was no longer at home with his wife and children. The excitement and countless opportunities lured the family away from the farm.

At the same time the one room school house was established an later the city school. For the first time child were absent from the home and in he care of teacher and educational system. This system would have a profound effect on generations molding and being used to break down the strength of the family.

In the 1950's the modern kitchen was introduced to the mother. With modern appliances her workload was greatly diminished. She could now pursue a career outside of the home and better their material resources. Again greatly reduced her involvement with her children.


With abortions in the 1970 being legalized, we could now kill our children. Those we chose not to be killed could be raised by childcare agencies. We just did not have the time to give our children. Selfishness and greed were more important.

Child Protective Services came on the scene in the 1990's. Suddenly children were being forced into foster care against their will. The CPS was profiting from the tears of mom and dad. Emotional baggage was replacing the family and by this point God was not discussed.

Technology also contributed in the family decline. Consider this.

RADIO - Suddenly the family was LISTENING to a box rather than each other
TELEVISION - The family was LOOKING to a box rather than each other
MODERN KITCHEN/APPLIANCES - families no longer had to EAT with each other
IPODS - with ears plugged, no longer LISTEN to each other
COMPUTER - was a tool for gaming and porn ADDICTIONS that have broken up familiees.


And the Amish

Work at home
Do not use technology
Home school their children
Do not have abortions
Do not use child care providers

And they are left alone. Perhaps the CPS is too busy with every one else. Or perhaps God protects them.

It may be square, but if you want to protect your family, you should seriously consider their example.

Incorporating God in every moment of a family's life is important. @papa-pepper spoke on this in 'Spiritual Food 4 Thought, series ' two of his recent video posts that are well worth watching in God's Plan For Passing on the Faith to Our Children and Generational Warfare What it is and How To Overcome It.

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates Deuteronomy 6:6-9

Remember this is a spiritual war

That being said I would like to segue way into the moral and spiritual aspects of the warfare on the family. I often say that the CPS did not enter the scene by accident. I shared this video and info awhile back with a segment of the Steemit crowd. I would like to share it now with @familyprotection. It is vital to know the game plan of your enemy. Knowing the history of generational warfare helps to understand the big picture. Take a listen as the video is well worth your time. Not watching only limits your understanding. The information below the video explains it.


Have you wondered how the world got so bad. It did not happen by chance. Over a period of a century Satan has worked hard duplicating the demonic spirits and destroying the moral and spiritual fabric. Fr. Ripperger explains the history of this and how each generation inherits the sins of the previous generation. Much of this was the refusal to take up your cross and suffer. I took some notes below explaining the generalities of each generation and including liner notes. The video is just over an hour.

The 6th Generation: Generational Spirits: Lost Generation to the One Current - Fr Ripperger

THE LOST GENERATION - WW 1 Generation( following the Victorian era). Includes Industrial revolution and the automobile. could endure suffering without complaint. This was a generation that did not communicate well. Austerity and simplicity was a staple of the times. Life was hard as they went through the depression.

THE GREATEST GENERATION: The GI generation, grew up in depression but did not embrace their cross like their parents. Went to war out of obligation. Unwilling to suffer. Lack of mortification. Discussion of virtue collapsed. Indulged their children...spoiled them. Loosed discipline. Women went into the work place and learned to refuse to submit to the husbands. Control issues. lacked control of spending. Became angry and bitter. Authority was left to the woman.

BABY BOOMERS: Hippie generation, adopted the beat generation, furthered sexual revolution, never had to deny themselves, indocility, would not be denied, impiety, rejected traditions of fore fathers. Failed raising children, disrespect for authority. cannot be led, With authority becomes like a dictator.ruthless

GENERATION X Y 13th generation, ME generation, narcissistic, amorality, does not like arguing, not religious, nice people, no attention to detail, lazy, avoids work. no drive or ambition, no sense of responsibility, avoids messes, do not own up to things. No moral compass or sense of right or wrong, no time for rules or laws including the law of God. No shame or courtesy, no value for honor. Feminacy is in full swing.

GENERATION Z Plugged into technology, no moral code, left to the day care, no discipline, no moral compass, inversion generation,

6th GENERATION Introduction to the occult, witchcraft, Harry Potter, open worship of other Gods.

Liner Notes

Each generation has a virtue to give the world or a vice to gain. Since the 'greatest generation' we've been in a spiral gathering up demonic influence from neglecting our duties and state in life. What are they? What have been the outcomes? Fr goes generation by generation on this to the current day. For more please visit http://www.sentrad.org & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest.


Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If what you are doing is not working, consider a different plan. I think examining moral and spiritual values is important. You may not have to be Amish, but consider their model of working at home, home schooling and daily relationship with God as the glue that keeps the family tight and free from the CPS grip. . And finally consider being a part of an organization like @familyprotection that promotes and protects the family.

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Support Family Protection

THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection?

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Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment, upvote or restem.


The decline of the family institution is one of the hallmarks of the modern times.

Posted using Partiko Android

Interesting and sad observations...



P.S. Please fix: "sag way" -> "segue."

Yeah sad indeed. a fellow Steemian @richq11 introduced me to this video. Makes sense. Now if we only knew how to reverse it. Get any ideas let me know. Thanks my friend @creatr. Correction made

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