CPS Has Kidnapped Me! - The Alvin Chipmunk Sequel of Abuse - Enjoy with Troy!

in #familyprotection5 years ago (edited)

In humbleness, I offer song parody. 'CPS Has Kidnapped Me - The Sequel' based on the Christmas song, 'Christmas Time Is Here' from Alvin and The Chipmunks. When a child is stolen by the CPS, they go through the painful separation from mom and dad. These new foster care stranger do not provide love that real families offer. If they are lucky, they may get visitation with mom. But time passes and these young children are moved from home to home. Eventually, they come across abusive foster care guardians who may physically, mentally or sexually cause harm. They are in danger. Will you help these children... the Alvins of this world find freedom and family?

The First Chipmunk Parody

It was a year ago I scribbled the first commentary and lyrics for Alvin called, 'Visitation Time Is Near.' and it went something like this...

Visitation Time is Near

Visitation time is near
Mom and Dad will soon be here
This foster care just cannot last
Hurry mommy, hurry fast
They sold me to this stranger's home
And here I sit so all alone.
I can hardly stand their hate.
Please mommy don't be late

The visitation and emotional separation.

Christmas is fast approaching and some children may get their special present neath the tree. However there are countless others who will be lucky if they see mom or dad. You see these kids have been legally kidnapped and trafficked by the CPS foster care system and are now spending Christmas and every other day in a stranger's home. They experience the insensitivity and hate from their new guardian and are forced to go through the separation away from mom and dad. For the very young, this is particularly traumatic. It will scar them and color their future. They will not share the dreams and memories with their real families.

These children will not have a mentor to inspire them. They will not be motivated to reach goals and embrace life experiences. They may drop out of school, get in trouble with the law, or develop psychological baggage. Finally spiritual guidance may be absent. And all because of the greed of the filthy money hungry CPS.

I personally grew up in a divorced household not knowing my dad. Many divorced children were granted visitation. I did not. I feel the divorced separation for children back then was only a stepping stone for evil. It eventually moved it to the next level of the CPS foster care system.

The lyrics address the emotion from the very young child's perspective. They are not happy and yearn for their real parents. Eagerly they look forward to it. The visitation is this band aid alternative that puts the kid on a high and brings them down hard when the visit is over. Again the separation is hard...and unnecessary. They deserve to be with their real mom and dad.


But A Year Has Passed

Alvin, has been in several foster homes the last year, and it has gone from bad to worse. The CPS is still making money off this kidnapped child. In fact he is steady income for the social workers. They are looking to recruit more Alvins...Theodores and Simons. The governmental CPS has end of the year quotas to meet. The greed of money is nore important than the welfare of the child. How sad considering this is the season of giving.

The CPS holiday present consists of grief, pain tears, depression, anger, abuse...all wrapped up in a baggage of emotion.

And Alvin May Not Last!

Presently, that sad sweet child chipmunk has been placed with abusive foster parents, who have hurtful hands and mean words. They force sex on him against his will. His trembling voice can be heard in this song parody as he pleads for someone to set him free from this abuse and danger. Will you help him?

This May be Alvin's Final Plea

Alvin will soon be four years old. That is if he can get free from the abuse of the CPS foster home. Only then will he stand a chipmunks chance of living to see his birthday. If not he will end up CPS road kill for selfish greed of the governmental filthy system.


Will You Help Set Him Free?

There are pro-family groups who are selflessly working to free the Alvin's of this world. They believe that children are our tomorrow and not the property of a corrupt system that traffics. Folks like @familyprotection on Steemit are tirelessly speaking for the voiceless children. They defend family and hate filth. Truth and justice are paramount to them. I encourage you to support @familyprotection as they bring freedom to the Alvins of this world.

The videos

I offer two recordings to accompany the song parody. The first is the video from the Chipmunk Movie. It offers a quick clip of the original footage of the 1958 David Servile recording. . The second is an original 1958 recording with David Servile. There is some photos from the 1950's in the video for nostalgia. Which ever you choose, may the message of the parody speak to your heart.

Now enjoy the song parody and be sure to support @familyprotection.

Video recording from the movie

Original Audio Recording with 1950's photo nostalgia included

CPS Has Kidnapped Me

CPS has kidnapped me
Someone come and set me free
Sold and stolen here I cry
Pain drips from my tearful eyes.

Hurtful hands and eyes so mean
I'm bruised and battered in between
Four years old I soon may be
If someone sets me free.


Hurtful hands and eyes so mean
I'm bruised and battered in between
Four years old I soon may be
If someone sets me free.

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What is @familyprotection

If you do not know what family protection is I would encourage you to read our posts and help support the efforts of the fine bloggers who support the freedoms and rights of families. We work hard to promote an support the values and rights of moms and dads, that has come under attack by governments who wish to eliminate the God given authority and power of the family. @familyprotection uplifts the family and is always welcoming bloggers who wish to contribute to its cause. Consider standing for truth and the family. Consider @familyprotection.

Support Family Protection

THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection.

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Thanks for reading and listening. Feel free to comment, upvote or resteem

Thank-you @enjoywithtroy for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.
"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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So, okay, you fpund your niche and make many posts here. Mostly what you are doing is for the good...but I find the fact that you add your nik to the title trivialises the pain of those you write about and insults our own sensibilities.

  • What is there for us to enjoy?

Thanks for your thoughtful comment.

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