Are you going to live abroad? - Get familiar with the laws of that country if you don`t want your child to suffer

in #familyprotection6 years ago

Hello my friends! In my last post I have already told about women from poor countries who are happy to marry abroad and go there without knowing any laws at all. The women should not behave so carelessly because they lose their children in the event of divorce in such marriages. Yes, there are a lot of good men among foreigners but except good people, there are also bad ones. It is normal but women wear pink glasses and the saddest thing is that their children suffer because of their light-mindedness.

Sophia`s story in general seems absurd. Here, everything is so obvious that you do not need to prove anything but to put the debauched father in prison.

Many years ago a resident of Russian city Rostov left for France, where she married a brave guy who served in the municipal police. Everything was fine, until she gave birth to a son. Sophia, of course, paid more attention to the child, and her husband did not like it. He chose a Russian woman  because thought that she would devote herself completely to him and the house. But his hopes were dashed so the man filed for divorce. The couple broke up, but Sophia stayed in France, got a job as a programmer. The son lived with her and only on weekends and vacations he left for his father. Once Sophia accidentally found a photography of her son on a porn site. It turned out that the picture was sent from her husband's email address.

"A former husband, apparently, took this photo when the boy came to see him on the weekend," Sofya said. - I was in shock and immediately refused to give him the son even in the daytime, but then the "children`s defenders" came. The gendarmes took the child and gave him to the father "for holidays". And then there was a trial. One, two, three ... And they gave the child ... to his father! The reason was that "excessive maternal love" is supposedly harmful to the kid.

By the way, it is because of the "suffocating maternal love", the French court at the time seized the daughter of Russian actress Natalia Zakharova. Maria was only three years old then, and since then she has lived in shelters.

So Sofya, trying to attract public attention, created an account in one of the social networks, where she told her story. Protasova put up the court documents there and added her own comments to them. The French justice was outraged by this fact. The court instituted proceedings against the woman for "discrediting court decisions". Sophia was sentenced to 15 months in prison. And then the case was initiated to deprive her of her parental rights on that cynical grounds that she "does not take part in the upbringing of the child."

For many years Sophia had not seen Yaroslav. The court does not allow her to approach closer than 200 meters to the school where he studies, and 500 meters to the house where he lives. Sophia seeks help. But everything is in vain. Her son even does not have Russian citizenship.

The similar story occured in Belgium.

"I've been living in Belgium for a long time," Lyudmila begins her story. - We moved there from Uzbekistan in 1999. My Daughter was only 13 years old at that time. Then she grew up and married a Belgian citizen. He was a very strange guy. He immediately disliked me. But I thought:  it's a common thing when a mother-in-law can not find a common language with a son-in-law. Everything became very bad when the grandson was born. My son-in-law even forbade me to see him when Dima turned 2 months old. The court first took my side and allowed me to meet with my grandson in neutral territory. But then my right to communicate with the child was considered inexpedient, since I quote, "I am obsessed with the health of the child in a fanatical manner."

A little later, the daughter and grandson, to the delight of Lyudmila, temporarily moved to live with her. The relationship between the girl and her husband (their marriage was unofficial) went wrong. But the father showed concern and regularly took the boy to his home. The child behaved very strange after such visits. He was very aggressive, beat his favorite soft toys with his fist.

- And one day during the bathing of my grandson, I saw already too obvious traces of sexual abuse, continues Lyudmila. - I wrote a complaint to the prosecutor of Antwerp about my suspicions, asking him to conduct necessary medical examinations for my grandson and to take urgent measures.

Suspected of pedophilia, his father was not isolated from the kid, and he continued to take him to his house.

- February 25, Dima returned after a week's stay with the father, - recalls Lyudmila. - I again saw traces of another sexual abuse and called the rescue service 112. The kid was taken to the hospital, where he was examined by a doctor who decided to call an expert to take tests. They were taken, but nobody told us about the results. I asked many times and they answered: the results are at the public prosecutor.

Two days later the first court session took place, at which it was decided who the boy would live with. Both parents got an equal right to raise their son, and his stay became weekly at home of each of them. And the Belgian authorities said that the boy's father was out of suspicion.

(Lyudmila with her grandson)

Lyudmila cries: "My grandson continues to be sexually abused."

"Our women who go abroad are not ready for what will happen under a completely different criminal and moral legislation," says Olga Kostina, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation - "Resistance" (she is fighting pedophiles) - As a rule, they are not familiar with legal subtleties. Many women dream to give the child only the citizenship of that country - think about his future education, privileges, etc. And then it turns out that if he does not have Russian citizenship, then nothing can be helped.

However, many example say that even the citizenship of the Russian Federation will not save, because the state is not in a hurry to intercede for the little man who has got into trouble. In my previous post I wrote abut Irina and her husband- pedophile. Her son had a double citizenship but Irina did not receive a reply from any department ... And could it really help in principle? Could Russian authorities demand the delivery of a child?

"Russia can not interfere with foreign jurisdiction," Kostina says. - We do not have an adequate agreement with most countries, which would allow somehow to influence situations when a child who has dual citizenship suffers. Just like we do not have a clear agreement on the extradition of criminals. We can only appeal to charity and make protest statements."

This topic was discussed in the Government of the Russian Federation. The authorities said that mostly children of disintegrating international families became victims of the foreign juvenile justice. " And they admitted: the Russian mother very rarely succeeds in defeating a former spouse, if the court goes abroad.

There are just few cases when the Russian authorities intervene. Is it really difficult to send a letter to foreign colleagues? No,but they are cautious. They are afraid to say a word  in defense of their citizens, so that they are not accused of pressure. It is much better if you are a citizen of the USA, the US is not afraid of any accusations: if anything happens to its citizens in another country. Therefore, all conflicts are resolved momentarily.

The same situation occurs with women from Ukraine and other postsoviet countries. Our citizens are not protected by law at all. 

Only few people know that Russia ratified the pact on child kidnapping. It says that if the kid was stolen by one of the parents and lived with him in the territory of another country for more than a year, then he can not be returned. A parent will be punished, but the child will not be given away. It is believed that for a year he "takes root" - and the change of the country will be an injury for him. An interesting treaty ... It is perceived very ambiguously by human rights defenders. In addition, the seditious thought creeps into the head: it turns out that women can regain their children by stealing them? Is there no other way?

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thats absolutely sad. Woman or kids shoulb be better protected. But you know... its really a disturbing thing.
thanks for sharing this article with us.
Greeting s from the carribean, where this problem are almost the same.
mike Cee
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It is so very true that people need to research the country they may take their children into...including the USA. I have friends who have had problems here in Panama. It is sad when the mom feels they have no rights and can't even help without it causing a problem. Insane that the courts said excessive maternal care was the problem! Better if the mom ignored the kid or was a prostitute and gave the kids a horrible example to follow??

Thanks for enlightening us. I think these laws even promote breaking of homes, things are better left natural.

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