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RE: When Kidnapped Children Get Adopted (FamilyProtection Series -- Tammy's Story)

in #familyprotection7 years ago

That is just horrible!!

Our middle son had suction problems, but a small chiropractic roof-of-the-mouth adjustment and he was fine. Our youngest son was born big and then lost weight because mom had stress or something holding back her letdown. He was eating, just not enough to keep his chubby weight. Unfortunately we were on WIC(in america..Women, Infants and children) a food assistance program. On one visit they checked him(we had already spoken with mom's midwife and had an action plan)... They freaked out about his weight loss..... You have to take him to the emergency room. "WHAT!?" He was our third. We weren't so easily shocked. We waved it off, but they were saying we HAD to go. I said we are fine.... But they called the police and brought a CPS person.

Fortunately there was no Stealing. But we were nervous as everything for 6 weeks or so. We got off WIC 3 weeks after that(would have sooner...but didnt want to cause further cause for alarm), AND HAVE NEVER BEEN ON ANOTHER GOVERNMENT PROGRAM AGAIN. Not even Obama care. No thanks!!!

Don't give them the opportunity to get their foot in the door.

Sux that THERE even a home birth is their sufficient excuse. Ugh.


We were on WIC back then as well for our first two babies. I never thought about how a program like that would open doors for them to come in and try to regulate. Thank goodness we never had any issues back then but just knowing they had all of those reports about our babies and their health and growth is eye opening. We know now not to get involved with any government programs. They make it hard for people to resist. They offer you all of this free food for your baby and services but the catch is them in your business and able to accuse you of something because they have records on your family. It’s a shame...yea you can keep your help we’ll get by just fine.

I am so glad that your family stayed safe. They are waiting to see who they can easily prey on next. We as parents must all be vigilante not to help them gain any grounds against us.

Thank you Linda I am glad we stayed safe too. We could have been targets being apart of that service for nearly four years. I’m so glad we decided to stop signing up for it, it’s probably way worse even now.

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