Standing for Peace Against CPS part 2

Learning from my mistakes.
More importantly, things that I would do differently. I truly hope that this helps people, if they are confronted with these situations. I am not a lawyer, I am sharing what I find to be true and resonates with me. Please research and look into everything. As I say to my daughter, "Question everything!!"

Please read my previous post so that you will understand where I am coming from! If you have read it already please know how grateful that I am for our support!! :) There are so many layers to this. It is my hope to peel the layers away in my blogs, revealing the heart, and the truth.

A few things that come to light:

Locked gate at my entrance. I should have had one installed after the first visit a couple years ago. I guarantee you I have something in place now. It is well marked, and will serve me well.

Do not let them in your home. I knew this. I swore I would never let them in my home. I caved. I was afraid. I was terrified. It was -45 degrees Celsius. 3 days before Christmas. What amazed me, is that when I was calling friends for support, to release, to cry, to share my plan, most told me that I should just lay down, and let them do what they need to do. We are that conditioned to fear. We have given away our children to the state. We have some how allowed ourselves to believe that the state knows better than us, in raising our sons and daughters. We are ready to hand them over the second they pull up in the driveway. When you allow them in your home, you are giving consent. If they didn't have any proof of the complaints that brought them out, I can guarantee you that they will find something by the time they leave.

Do not talk to the police, CPS, any government agent. They are NOT looking out for your best interests EVER. NEVER. Its funny how we are taught to trust the police, they are our friends, blah blah blah. If they are so fabulous, why do we panic when we get pulled over? In our gut we know that there is something wrong right off the bat. We are afraid. Intuitively and instinctively we are afraid. Why? I am attaching a fabulous post that explains this better than I ever could. Please take a peek!!

Do not accept gifts. For some reason the police brought me oranges and a loaf of bread. At the time, I thought it was a peace offering from the first visit Looking back on that, I believe it to be a way for them to say that I cannot provide for my daughter because I accepted the food. It could have also been considered as me accepting a bribe. In my next posts I will address how this was addressed in my registered letter. How I declared peace. How I revoked any vulnerability.

Do not call them. I should never have called to see the status of my "file". I do need to share that I have yet to receive any information in hard-copy form. I don't even know my"file"number. Even on the paperwork they wanted me to sign, that space was left blank. By calling them you are engaging in the violence and bullying. The idea is to navigate peacefully. That can never be done face to face or on the phone. Get things in writing. It gives you time to think. Gives you a break from the pressure that they apply.
When I called and said that I was not allowing them out, they were here the very next morning bright and early. They knew that they had to act fast. The gate went up that afternoon.

Never trust them with anything. EVERYTHING you say is used AGAINST you. EVERYTHING! Especially when they say they claim that they are there for the best interest of the child. It's garbage. I told them (which they already knew, that the last time this happened, they closed it within hours) They kept telling me that a lot can change in 2 years. Many times that phrase came out. I finally said.. "The only constant is change, you shouldn't be afraid of it." By the way, it was the police that kept saying that. interesting they had so much input for only being the taxi service for the worker. They were here twice. To find anything they could. They are one in the same.

Things to mention:

Do not sign anything. I refused to sign the papers that they brought. I did that right!!! It is my belief, that this is what triggered the attacks on me to continue. Once I stood my ground, the game changed. Had I not let them in. If I had all my ducks in a row, I would have been in a more peaceful situation, and been able to navigate in a much better way.

Research. Read. Learn their protocol. Learn their systems that they are bound to. Use that to help you navigate peacefully. It can be a scary rabbit hole to get into, but it is important to understand how they are governed.

Here are a couple links that have truly served me well. I have great respect for @wwf. I am grateful for all he has done to help us remain peaceful as we steward this amazing place. Take a moment to read his posts. there is a lot of wisdom, ideas, and solutions. These posts really make you think. They are a good place to start.

I will be writing more blogs on this. I truly hope that this helps people. I am proof that it can work. It takes hard work, but is so worth it. I know that there are many different scenarios. Many different rabbit holes that they try to drag you into. I am a firm believer that we can protect our children. We can parent they way that Creator intended. Ultimately you have to do the work. Take the leaps of faith, no matter how terrifying it is. This has to be one of the scariest things I have ever done because it isn't just about me. It is about keeping my daughter safe, protected and loved.

This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by the community @familyprotection
Governments around the world are using "Child Protection Agencies" to take children away from loving families and place them in foster care or group homes, or put them up for adoption.

Thank-you @earthmother for supporting our community.

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This is really good advice that you are sharing with us, so important. You really will be helping alot of families by sharing your experience. I am so sorry that you had to go through this, you definitely done the right thing in reaching out to @wwf. It really is so important to have good support behind you. You keep hold of your power.

I am so grateful and humbled by the support and love of great friends and community.
It is my hope to help people pushed into a corner by CPS.
This experience has caused a great shift and growth.
Thank you so much for your support.

SUCH great words and advice @earthmother. It is stunning, but very true when you and SO many people say:

Do not talk to the police, CPS, any government agent. They are NOT looking out for your best interests EVER. NEVER.
I don't think this can be said too many times. We NEED to instil confidence in people that THEY are in control of their private space, and should give no room for case workers to manoeuver than is absolutely necessary.

It is SO easy for people to be intimidate and co-erced by CPS agents, especially when the fear of reprisals for not cooperating can make people cave in to unethical and even unlawful requests or demands.

Stand your ground, it is YOUR home, Your life, and most importantly YOUR child.

Their actions absolutely show their mis-use of power. The second I refused to sign the medical release form, it turned. In my next blog, I will disclose some of the paperwork. They declared war.
I just want a peaceful place to be. To connect the way Creator intended. Thank you so much for your comments. :)

I am so happy that you are writing about all these events. For release and for the people out there that need the help. Maybe one day I will be using this for myself. My kids are in the school system and if one thing comes up pf any kind they can show up at my door. Maybe from my sons jeans having rips in them. Or a lie to get back at me for taking away the xbox. I've already had a teacher call me because my son said I was in prison. They were role playing and he was an officer. Apparently he is a really good actor as he didn't let down and the teacher had to check with me cause she was believing him. As soon as our kids leave the home and into the schools we lose them in many ways. We have to fight hard so that they are not completely lost.
I am resteeming to get the word out! xx

I remember that!! Know that i will be by your side:) i love you and those beautiful children of yours!
I have heard many stories of how cps talk to your children at school, without your knowledge. I have helped people out of situations like that. Mentored them. I will help Any way that i can. Our children are sacred.

You are a great person Tammy! My goodness, I cant even find the words to describe it

Points all well taken. I'll definitely keep them in mind. Blessings on your journey. Glad to see your posts are doing well.

Thank you @mistermercury ! This has been a terrifying thing to write about. I still have that underlying fear, that they could come at any time. I truly hope it helps! There is hope!!

I was reading your first publication, here are many who make their suggestions to help parents who go through it, unfortunately learn after going through the mistakes, they are not good people or a game

I could not agree with you more. It is not a game. The worker kept saying to me over and over again "the ball is in your court". I told her "that there wasn't a ball ands this is not a game to me"
That was when she gave me 3.days to comply.
I truly hope this post helps. Even if you make the "mistakes", there is hope if you can stand in peace. It's hard work, and you are so right, they are not good people or systems.
Thank you so much for your input and support!

This post was upvoted and resteemed by #thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection. #thethreehugs is currently donating 40% of "ALL" post payouts to @familyprotection.

Im glad you were able to get through this with your daughter still in your care! It's true we dont really know that we can stand up for our rights against these people. We're conditioned to follow the law. So great you had wwf to help you and guide you.

I so agree!! There is hope! I truly want to help people walk their talk, be at peace.
I am grateful for the help of many people. It takes a healthy, peaceful community!

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