When you think of Medical Neglect what do you picture?

Last week I talked about Educational Neglect.
This week I want to focus on Medical Neglect and how it has become a weapon for both doctors and CPS to use against parents.
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When you think of Medical Neglect what do you picture? I can tell you what I picture is a family refusing to get medical attention for a child that clearly needs it. Like for instance the child breaks their arm and the parents do not take them to the doctor. But that is NOT what most cases are. So lets take a look at what is really going on with these Medical Neglect cases.

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In this article titled. "Is Skipping a Child’s Vaccines Medical Neglect?"

There are a few different alarming comments made in this article but 2 stand out very loud and they are

  1. The doctors want to be able to call CPS on a family when they refuse to vaccinate.
  2. They are stating the reason is not to have the children removed but it is to help persuade the parents to vaccinate.

This is rather disturbing as they are clearly wanting to threaten families that choose to not vaccinate with CPS involvement. They can call it all they want but it is clearly using CPS to threaten families to vaccinate.

This is an older case but it still shows how CPS is used to force what doctors want and take away parental rights to choose the best care they feel is right for their child.

In this case the child was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The parents were given the treatment plan that one doctor thought needed to be done. The parents went looking for another answer and they found a different treatment plan they believed would give their son better chances. Instead of letting the parents decide what is best, the doctor decided that the parents were in the wrong and they called CPS to claim Medical Neglect. The hospital claimed the child as missing and arrested the parents. This case was not in the USA, however there have been cases similar in the USA.

More recently and in the USA a mother had her children taken away from her because she seeked a second opinion.
Her daughter had a medical condition that one of the symptoms was a cleft soft pallet. This disagreement was all because the mother did not want to use the formula that the hospital wanted the baby to use. She was concerned with the chemicals in the formula and wanted to use an organic one instead. The hospital was stating she was being
difficult and called CPS on her. They removed the child from the mother's care.

This is another case and the last one I will talk about today.
In this case a 5 month old was taken into the hospital with flu like symptoms. The mother questioned some of the meds the child was given and than when the doctors were discussing open heart surgery this made the parents want a second opinion. They went straight to another hospital. The first hospital called the police and claimed they feared the child was about to die. At the second hospital the child was cleared to go home. And the next day the police arrived at their home and assaulted the father. And they forced their way into their home and took their baby.

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So now I must ask you do any of these cases sound like they are a Neglect case? To me the answer is NO. And yet I can find case after case of this very same thing happening. When I was a child and my parents were children we did as the doctor said and took what they gave us. But things have changed and people are now questioning their doctors and seeking second and third opinions. This was never the case before we just blindly did what we were told. And if you thought it was not right you were quickly meet with "Well the doctor went to school to be a doctor so they know what is best". With the addition of the internet people are starting to question their doctors more and more as they are able to find out information that was not available to the public 25 years ago. It seems doctors feel the threat and are using CPS to fight back and threaten families into doing what they want with removal of your children.

Medical Neglect is real but the majority of the cases are because families are questioning the doctors and finding answers for themselves that go against the doctors opinions. You might think it is your right to seek medical care that you believe in however be careful as that same doctor will turn on you when you disagree with them.

The use of Medical Neglect is too far reaching in all of the cases that I listed.

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As always Thank you for taking the time to read this post. It means the world to me to finally have a place where I can speak openly and without fear or repercussion.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

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Thank-you @curlfamilyvlog for supporting @familyprotection

thank you. And I honestly wish I could do more.

When we talk about the health of our children we may make mistakes due to ignorance or simply for care, although we can decide which treatment to use in the pathologies of our children we have the duty to provide medical attention if it is necessary

If a child needs medical care than they should get it. there is no reason to not take them to the doctor. But the issues are when the parents try to seek another opinion of a different doctor these doctors are getting upset and calling CPS and claiming the parents are putting their child's life in danger even when they are taking them straight from one doctor to another.

I agree with you totally. This is not neglect to me, but these are parents that are not just following the governments rules, but thinking about what is best for my child.. But I heard several times that CPS marks this as neglect.. Shocking to read, and I am actually still not sure about how to deal with this when our little one needs to go to school .. But we'll figure this out.. thanks for sharing!

We stopped vaccinating when I started to really question the medical establishment. My only regret is not waking up sooner to it. My oldest got her shots up until kindergarten and my youngest at the age of 2 she stopped. We home school our children for many reasons but vaccines are one of those reasons.

I was too scared in Holland to not give them. Just finished a positive report from the board of childprection. And my gut feeling said if you dont vaccinate they will start a new investigation and we wanted to leave the country soon. I knew if they got that info not vaccinating and start this, I could not leave the country.. they would take here immediately.. So I choose the best of 2 bad options.. we left just weeks before the 3rd vaccination was planned though.. I am seriously considering homeschooling myself too.. not only for this, but also because we want to see the world and I dont want to bring her to different schools when we move in a few years. But I must say it scares me a bit here.. Because they vaccinate the children without the parents being present (during schooltime) and Im not sure if they give permission to homeschool..But shes only turning 2 yet, so theres time, and I hope to find some likeminded moms before I have to make the decission ;-) Best to hear from own experiences in this country .. because every country is different I guess.. But I know I am NOT letting my child being vaccinated without me to comfort and explain to her what is happening.. Especially not when she is not mastering the Hungarian language yet. Not a bone in my body that agrees with that. In my mind I think about the horror stories of the school dentist in the early days in Holland. All those people seem to be traumatized by those events.. My child will not go through simular things like that..

wow that is a tough spot to be in. I could not imagine being forced to do anything. I have always stood by my right to choose. I have no fears of leaving an area that tries to force me into doing anything I am not comfortable with.

Well, the overall mindset due to serious stalking did not help. I was scared in my own place.. day and night.. I felt it would be best to avoid the risk in this case for my mindset .. it's done now anyway.. and it was also not long before those shots I found out about what may be in there.. My 2 oldest got all their shots without me ever hearing any doubt from a single person.. All my friends vaccinated without questioning it.. So did I.. I knew nothing about having a choice..

I am so sorry for the life you have had to endure. I can only hope and pray it all works out in the end.

Thank you so much, I have faith that it will be..

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