Homeschooling Causes CPS Involvement.

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Here is a list of some cases I have found on the internet where the reasons for removal or CPS involvement are soley based on the fact that these families home school their children.
I have stated a brief summary of the reports under each link. However I encourage you to go read the whole article for yourself.

"Homeschool Mom Arrested, Children Seized by CPS for "Educational Neglect"
A single mother living in Buffalo, New York has had her children removed from her home because while she is legally allowed to home school her children New York has one of the strictest laws about regulating it. The government deemed her teaching to be inadequate. So they removed her children based on educational neglect. Even after going through the process to legally home school in New York and getting the approval from the school board she was contacted by CPS and asked why her children were not in school for 2 weeks. With no contact for almost a month CPS with police arrived to remove her children from her care. This mother stood up for her rights and demanded to see a warrant and she was in turn arrested.

"Families Sue NYC For Reporting Them To Child Services When They Homeschool"
In this case the mother filed all the correct paperwork with the school board and the school board did not recorded it so her son was marked as absent and this triggered a call to CPS for educational neglect. This was also in New York. They were lucky as with a call to Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) for help the case was closed. If they did not call and get the help they most likely would have ended up in the same situation as the first story in this post.

"Homeschooling Family Sues New Jersey CPS for $60 Million for Unconstitutional ‘Home Intrusion’"
In this report the case worker threatened the parents to let them into the or else. Than they were questioned and harassed all because someone called in a complaint of improper homeschooling. This case was closed with a letter stating the parents did not cooperate so CPS had to close the case.

A search on Google reveled many cases that were involving CPS and homeschooling children. However many of them had other circumstances and I could not say with certainty that this was the reason for involvement. So this is why I choose these 3 stories. As they only talk about the reasons for involvement are the fact that these families are homeschooling their children.

Here in the United States each state is allowed to handle home school laws as they see fit. It is Legal to Home School but many states have added rules to that making the subject different in each state. If you go to the link here you will find a map of the USA and it will tell you the laws in each state.

Now I am by no means stating that there are not families that abuse the right to home school and use that as a way to hide abuse of their children. Recent highly spoken about cases are bringing some of it to light. However I have home school our 2 girls for the last 8 years. And we know many homeschooling families and all of them do it for different reasons. The majority care about their child's education and claim the school system has failed them in one way or another. And they struggle to make sure their children have a great education. So when you hear about the few that are bad please remember there are millions that are good. And this recent attack by the news media is nothing more than an attempt to make homeschooling look bad. And it will pave the way for more people to call in those reports of legally and right homeschooling families.

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Image taken from

As I already told you my story with CPS and homeschooling our children I will not repeat it here. However if you have not read it please go to the story here.

In my time we have tried almost every method of teaching our children from using textbooks to letting them research and write reports on everything with no textbooks. We tried using all Abeka one year, we tried Lifepac another year. We tried just going to the library once a week and having them read different books and write reports. When they were little we ran a home day care so the set up was easy to try a hands on only approach where they worked with different objects and we asked them questions about it and asked them to try different things. This worked well when they were little. The thing is even though we tried many methods I can honestly say that each child is different and they learn differently. I know what it is like to have your ability to parent come into question and to be put into a spot where you are judged for everything. I could not imagine being in that position solely because I choose to home school. There are many methods and some that I think are great and others that I think take things way too far out. But I do not know their child and I would not want to judge them for their choices. I have seen in the last few years more and more cases of families put under a scope because they choose to home school. Most families that home school have a smaller circle of friends and a tighter group of people they hang out with as many that do not home school do not agree with it or can not understand the reasons one would want to. The other half of people that do not wish they could but for some reason they can not. Either way there has been more cases with CPS involvement where there should not be.

Why is this so important to talk about and be aware of?
Educational Neglect is still considered as being under Neglect. And this is the biggest percentage of kids that are removed from their families and placed up for adoption. Remember from my earlier post "The Highest percentage sited as reason for removal is Neglect with 61%" Neglect falls under so many different categories but mostly under Medical, Educational, Financial, Emotional, and a any other form they can think of.

During my search for laws about termination of parental rights and school related reasons I found this. This is a screenshot of a webpage.


This is just another reason having so many children removed from their families under the term of Neglect is so alarming. They need to stop using this term and be more specific. This term is used for more than half of the children. It is too wide and open to ones own interpretation.


As I fully support the #familyprotection movement 25% of ALL the SBD generated for this post will be transferred to #familyprotection.
As always Thank you for taking the time to read this post. It means the world to me to finally have a place where I can speak openly and without fear or repercussion.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

UPVOTE This Comment .. & .. DONATE a Portion of the Liquid Rewards from this post,

Thank-you @curlfamilyvlog for supporting @familyprotection

thank you for the vote and resteem.

Scary, but true. Being a member of the HSLDA is a must if parents choose to homeschool rather than government indoctrinate. Thanks for bringing awareness.

thank you for your comment and vote. I fear that the more people that turn to homeschooling the more the government will try to make tougher laws to try to stop them. And now California is trying to make a new law that says if a family decided to home school they are going to make sure that the children are involved with CPS.

Agreed. HSDLA is a must. Thanks for the blog this is really important traffic right now.


And this was the reason I wanted to start @familyprotection.

They tried telling me that if I homeschool my children, they will take them!


some stand up and fight. It is a hard battle but someone has to do it.

Very good post. If homeschooling can be viewed as 'neglect', I was just wondering about unschooling, how is that viewed? Where I live, there are no laws on this issue, so I guess homeschooling would be considered just as bad as unschooling. That is why many of us here try to stay under the radar as much as possible.

unschooling is a type of homeschooling. There are a few different methods from letting the children decide what to learn all the way to whole life unschooling which does not apply any rules or restrictions on the child. There is currently a new law they are looking at in California that is going to require any child that is homeschooled to be involved with CPS. they are trying to make home school a form of abuse. This is happening because of the new forced vaccine laws has had many families that oppose vaccines pull their children from school to home school them. It used to be they could have an exemption but California removed those exemptions. And in turn many children have left the schools causing the schools to loose a ton of money. So they are fighting back by trying to implement this new law. I personally think this case that they are focusing on is either fake or they are just using it to further their agenda.

I am honestly a bit scared myself because I am actually intending to homeschool my youngest child who is still with me (because she is from my boyfriend instead of my ex as the oldest 2 are). We have vaccinated her only the first 2 shots while still in Holland. Not that I wanted to, but my gut feeling told me that if I wouldn't CPS would come to take her (because the investigation had just been closed in our favor, but I knew that they would grab any change to make money of her too). We were finding ways to leave Holland as soon as we could, and I felt that if there would be an investigation due to not vaccinating (which takes 3 months this investigation they open) we would be 3 months longer in that hell with stalking.. I could not take that anymore, so I had to choose between 2 kinds of evil.. luckily we left Holland before her 3rd shot ;) But I know this is a problem here in Hungary, some of them are mandatory, and what horrifies me even more is the fact that they get these shots at school.. they go with a nurse, and the parents arent allowed.. No way I am doing this to my child who may not even be speaking the language at that point. Nobody to comfort her... So I must dive into the homeschooling option, and these kinds of stories horrify me, because again, it is choosing between 2 evils (so it feels)

If you intend to move to the state my suggestion is to go to the HSLDA site that I linked above and check the laws in each state BEFORE you move. Some states have little to no laws and others are SUPER strict with their laws. And than make your choice. You should not be scared to home school your children. It is YOUR right as their parent.

I am not intending to move to the states.. never been there either. We live in Hungary now, but if there will be a better opportunity somewhere else in the world for my boyfriends job (company is a big multinational) we could just be gone here after 1 or 2 years.. who knows.. So I am for sure going to get myself informed about the rules here, but also going to collect info about other countries that are on my " wishlist " for optional emigration ;-)

ok that makes sense

Yes.. this immigration was super last minute (3 weeks from interview till moving) but that wont happen again now she is turning 2 .. got to do good research about these things now :-)

I was homeschooled and it helped.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

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