Following the trend of family separation situations taking place around the world, it calls for every believer in human rights to take a stand to speak and fight for the right of every family undergoing this challenge. What could be the motivation for these inhumane acts carried out against the family institution.

The Child service was created to protect a child from any form of abuse whatsoever but today what are they doing. Yes, importantly we know there is a need to find abused children and protect them,however, the truth is the CPS are not finding children that are really suffering from abuse. Most times, the family who are traumatized are families that never abuse their children.

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Departmental income has become more important to CPS and their offices than actually finding abused children and protecting them. Each and every time they remove a child from the home, they get paid from the Federal Government.

culled from "CPS Corruption Has To be Stopped" ,click here for more details.

From the above, it is very obvious that the CPS are motivated by the amount of money received for each child that are taken into the care system. Report has it that thousands of dollars from excess revenue is pumped into the Child Protection Service and as the saying "money corrupts...." this influx of money has corrupted the system and has led to "the kidnapping of children" from their families. Kidnapping has become legal!

So the question from me to the you all is this:
"The Child Protection Service, are they motivated by honest concern for abused kids or the money they receive for each child kidnapped?"

Let's lend more voice to speaking against this injustice against families.
A big thank you to @familyprotection and all it writers for championing this cause and giving voice to voiceless families at the receiving end of the greed of the CPS.

Stop Separating Families logo English.jpeg
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A child's place is with the parents. A shout out to @healingherb ,my favorite writer on this topic. @canadian-coconut and @dreemit, my favorite Steemian. I also want to thank all my followers and supporters for believing in me. I love you all,dearly. Keep Steeming!

^1 https://cbliss.wordpress.com/tag/injustice/


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