
The Child Protection Service (CPS) is a non governmental Organization, that was setup to cater for the needs of abused children, indegent children & the less privileged children.
The organization has had quite a number of people sacrifice for it to be established and stand up till now.
Here's a brief history of the CPS
The history of child protection in America is divided into three eras.
The first extending from the colonial times to 1875 and is referred to as the era before organized child protection.
The second spans from 1875 to1962 .This era witnessed the creation and growth of organized child protection through nongovernmental child protection societies.
By 1962,the third or modern era began: This was officially when the government-sponsored child protective services emerged.
Several occurrences had taken place that infringed on the rights of children, as though they were lesser humans or as if it were a crime to be a child. There were cases of physical ,sexual,emitional and psychological abuse on children.
Oweing to this,several men dedicated their time,energy & resources into establishing an organization that would be responsible for catering for the young once who are expose to such abuses .
The very case that now finally led to the establishment of a Organized child protection emerged when a nine year old Mary Ellen Wilson, who was always beaten and neglected by her guardian whom she lived with in Hell's Kitchen
This case was taken up by religious missionary to the poor,Etta Wheeler,who took several steps in a bid to helping Ellen. He consulted the police,that declined to investigate, sought assistance from child helping charities, but they lacked authority to intervene in the family
He eventually got help from Henry Bergh, the founder of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals who was advised by his lawyer, Elbridge Gerry, to take a legal approach to rescuing the child.
So it all started with Saving one child form the maltreatment she faced from her Guardian, along side existing and subsequent matters of this nature,to what we have now that gave birth to the CPS.
But this was suppose to be a good course that will be looking out for our indigent children and their well being by ensuring the world is a better place for them to grow in.
Question is,Is the CPS still functioning for the purpose it was created?
Today,its an entirely different story all together,it is now a case if the accuser being accused. The CPS are now the very ones molesting and abusing our children. Beyond that,they are also breaking up so many families and become the projectors of the very reason it was created to Prevent.
Our parents are now regarded as suspects or potential child abusers, in our very before. There is now no joy in parenting due to the ills and havoc caused by this supposed "Child Protection Service".
Photo credit: google.com

Before I go on, I would hereby declare that 30% of the earnings on this post will go to @familyprotection in furtherance of the campaign against Child Protective Service. This is my humble contribution to support @familyprotection .

Several homes and families have been ruined left in devastation by the CPS, since the creation of the CAPTA Law in 1973 ,thereby leaving a trail of broken homes,dreams,hearts and shattered childhood.
Photo credit: google.com

They say they are "Intervening" when in reality, they are Constituting more problems ,they say they are "Protecting", when all they do is Abduct our Children and shatter our homes.
They take advantage of low income earners and threaten them and out of fear,these parents let them into their homes and they leave a scar that might never go away.
Parent's rights to raise their kids free of government intrusion has become a cause célèbre for conservatives. Which have caused activists to take actions,such as; Christian fundamentalists regularly demonizes the Child Protective Services for their atrocities. Michael Farris,an homeschooling activist wrote a thriller tilted:Anonymous Tip , about CPS’s evil child-snatching machinations.
Further more,a republican Senator ,Mike Lee of Utah,recently added a “free-range kids” provision to the reauthorization of the Every Child Achieves Act, a federal law funding elementary education,arguing that "parents cannot be subject to civil or criminal charges for letting their kids walk or bike to school at whatever age they deem appropriate" to which I'm in full support.
Here's a story which shows how the CPS terrorize parents over trivial issues in a bid to yank their child off them for their ulterior motives.
According to Jessica Carter, for example, CPS visited her in 2008, while she was living in a suburban Seattle apartment complex. A white woman married to a Puerto Rican man, Carter was a mother of two at the time. An anonymous caller had accused her of leaving her infant son at home while she went out and about the building. She suspects a busybody neighbor reported her after seeing her run downstairs to collect her mail while her son napped in his crib.
Carter’s son was asleep when the CPS worker arrived, and his bedroom door was closed. This, the worker warned Carter, was unacceptable. The worker “told me that CPS’s stance is that I should have eyes on the child at all times,” Carter says. When she objected, saying that this would be impossible, the CPS worker accused her of failing to take matters seriously. “I was terrified I was going to lose my children,” Carter recalls. “I was so scared she was going to come back and remove them, I completely changed the way I parented for a really long time.”
This story still is culled from https://www.thenation.com/article/has-child-protective-services-gone-too-far/

What in the world are they talking about, so a parent can't just leave a "sleeping" baby to answer the door,then if that were the case,parents should also follow their kids to school and stay there in the class room till their done.
I mean it is crazy and absurd,if parents have to literally stock their children just so they can prove to the Government and CPS that they are cable of taking care of their own children,before they would be left alone in peace. Hmmm,what a life? Parenting was suppose to be a thing of joy,but with the CPS around,this is near impossible.

Photo credit: google.com

I will however like to quickly add that in the midst of our advocacy and writings, that we also take out time to pray for this course as children are a gift from God (Psalms 127:3 NLT).
Photo credit : google.com
It is with utter most importance and concern, that I write to join my voice with that of others who are already doing this,with much thanks and respect to @Canadian-coconut for dedicating her time and resources into advocating and publicizing for this(much respect ma). I would also like to thank @markwhittam and hickorymack,plus also call for more individuals, organizations and institutions to speak up NOW,so this menace can be stopped once and for all,as it is better for us to take action now because we might just be the next in line, thank you.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @affluence for supporting @familyprotection

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Great post @affluence. I totally agree with you and I love that you are supporting @familyprotection project which is saving families from being all broken up and destroying the children's lives. This project is amazing and it need a lot of our help.
Thank you for this informative post and for spreading the word out there.

This is the least I can do to help out,our children deserves better and I hope you are also advocating for this,thanx a lot too

I absolutely agree. Wolves guarding the hen house. Time to speak out, people! @affluence I commend you for standing for what you believe and REALLY caring for the most helpless of our society, the kids. Here are some global numbers I'd like to share:

  • An estimated 24.9 million victims are trapped in modern-day slavery. Of these, 16 million (64%) were exploited for labor, 4.8 million (19%) were sexually exploited, and 4.1 million (17%) were exploited in state-imposed forced labor.
  • 71% of trafficking victims around the world are women and girls and 29% are men and boys.
  • 15.4 million victims (75%) are aged 18 or older, with the number of children under the age of 18 estimated at 5.5 million (25%).

People think slavery is over but it's far from true. https://www.humanrightsfirst.org/resource/human-trafficking-numbers

I really appreciate your comment. Thank you for sharing this statistics so we could know the extent to this and put in more effort

Dear that for sharing nice information about to protect our child. I appreciate your presence in both area physical and financial. This should be the aim of our life to fight against wrong thing in our society.

It is up to us to ensure the world is a safe place for our children,and this we must,thanx man

Once a few of these these child snatching scum get what they deserve maybe the ones that are left will start thinking twice.

According to your publication, it is up to all of us to ensure the welfare of the children.

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