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RE: Ella es Andrea, tiene ocho y es más fuerte que yo.

in #family7 years ago

I can't imagine seeing a beautiful little girl you love so much being in such danger. I reckon it is that you desperately desired to protect her that made you so weak, while she, perhaps, could not really understand the danger, so was able to matter of factly just decide it was time to go.

It is not my desire that the agony of Venezuela is happening. I can only guess at who might be causing it. If you find that some political forces are doing this to your people, know that, just as you are not in charge of your country, neither are we Americans.

Politics makes strange bedfellows, they say. Well, it is worse how politics separates those people that would be good company for one another.

My prayers for you people will be heard tonite. Please keep posting, because the television shows us nothing. I only know what people, like you, tell in your private blog. I want to know, so that if there is something I can do to stop it, I can take action.

Vaya con Dios!


Yes, I suppose that her absent of understanding was what did that she was continuing forward. I thought I was taking care of her, but you're absolutely right.
For your understanding and also for your prayers I express my deepest gratitude.
I really hope we get out of this soon.

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