in #family6 years ago

When we first started our family I wanted to have five boys. I wanted to be able to field an entire basketball team with thebigsweed's offspring. Well, after 3 boys we needed a little break. Fast forward seven years and my wife and I were blessed with a little girl. Her name is Erica. For such a young lady she has an old soul. As she has grown into the young lady that she is today, she has filled my heart and soul with so much love and happiness. To say that I am proud of her is an understatement.

November 6th was my birthday. She was supposed to be born on November 6th also, but she didn't quite pop her head out in time. She started to grace our lives on November 7th 1990.

Erica is up for the weekend and sharing time with each other is the best gift we can get and give.

Her gifts to all family members are usually hand made. The birthday card for my 66th birthday followed suit.

This is a picture of the front of the card which was designed and penned by her. The time it had to have taken to produce such a piece, speaks volumes in itself.


The penned note on the opposite side brought emotions of pride, joy, love and respect to the surface. There was no hiding the tears that flowed down my cheeks as I read her love letter to me.


What more can a parent ask for. As mothers and fathers, such kind words of gratitude and respect, remind us of why we placed the responsibility of raising a family at the top of our list.


She may have not been able to be the point guard on the boy's team I had envisioned, but she could have been on my girls team if we would just continued having more little girls. Her name and accomplishments now hang on the wall next to my son @ryan313, in the same high school that I attended so long ago.


1000 point scorer
All Conference
All County


Hope you enjoyed! thebigsweed


HOW NICE..... I’ll drink to all that well said👍⛄️🥞🥃

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Daughters ARE awesome. I raised three, and just one son.

You've obviously done very well with you baby girl..CONGRATS!

My youngest daughter is also 28, and just got married, so all four of mine are married now, and just learned our 4th grandchild is on the way this morning...

Congratulations on the big news, 4th little guy on the way. Boy or girl, do they know. Daughters are awesome!

Actually, both 3rd and 4th are in the oven. Don't know sex of either, but I don't think they care too much, and I know we don't. As long as they are healthy.

That is all that matters. Being old school, I enjoy the suspense, but that seems to be out of vogue. My best friend's daughter just had a little one about four months ago and did not know in advance.


On top of going old school they both have a great sense of humor. This is the picture they shared with us when they announced their being expectant parents. Something just does not fit.

The pants...I would

Nice try. Father's stomach Mother's hand.😁😁😁

howdy sir bigsweed! that is so wonderful. It's fantastic really! great post.

Thank you for the kind words! She is a constant joy in my life.💖💖💖

yes sir bigsweed, it looks like she takes after her old man!

Thanks for the compliment. You reap what you sow.

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