Reading. Why I struggle to get my boys to read and why I'm doing something about it.

in #family7 years ago


The struggle is real. Getting my boys to read is like trying to get three little octopuses into a string bag. School encourages them to read by handing out "reading points" if I sign their reading diary for three days over the course of a week. That's how we roll at our school here in the UK. Reading points.

I don't want my boys to read because they get reading points! I want them to read because they want to read!

We all know why reading is important. As babies, being read to exposes us to a wide vocabulary. We get used to the rhythm of words, the sound of our language and of course, a it's good time to snuggle. As a child gets older, it's a good idea to point to the words as they are read, giving kids a good idea that reading goes from left to right, top to bottom.

Once a child can read for themselves there is much a parent can do to encourage them further. In our household we have lots of books in book cases all over the house. I pick them up from charity and thrift stores for a few pence whenever I am in town. Every weekend we head to the library for a morning. There are regular craft clubs there plus the odd event promoting the likes of Harry Potter or Wimpy Kid.

Anything that sparks the imagination for the written word is a win for the library as well as the child!


So what do I do to encourage my three little petals to stop boxing each other of an evening, and pick up a book?

Every night is reading night. At bedtime, after bath we have reading time.

My eldest (10) reads his own book, selected from the library. Any author he wants, even if he's read it before it's fine by me. He reads until bedtime then takes the book to bed with him for a few more minutes before sleep.

My middle son (6) reads for 10 minutes to me, from his "banded" book from school. We talk about the book and I ask him what his favourite part was, and what he thinks will happen next. Then once in bed I read an old favourite of his choice, and then something new from the library. His choice but it has to be new.

My youngest (4) I read to. He has a selection of books from our weekly library trip and I read him a couple of his choice. I don't mind if they're old favourites or new ones. I just want him to enjoy it.

But I still forget to sign the reading diary.


My mom read to us every night before bed. It was a very good habit that lead to my love of reading and our teachers also encouraged us to read as much as possible to get a free book of our choice. We weren't rich but my parents always ordered books for us. Reading from a young age is so important

hi. I had included your post in this compilation to share with more people :)

SteemBookLoversMag, No. 6

I get headaches when I start reading books ^^


Reading is one of the most enlighting activities we can do in our life, but since I were kid, I got too much energy to sit in pleace and read, what I can reccomend now I to play an audiobooks with kids. Im in front of computer almost all day in work, then after work, Im on steemit :) So my eyes are a bit tried, and finally when day ends, I just turn off the light and listen to audiobook in a perfect darkness.

Hi @sallyjay Welcome to Steemit!
I just happened to find your post because I followed @lexikon082 down a Steemit rabbit hole. I have always had the joy of reading and I used to read to my boys all the time!

Hi @merej99 I like reading to my boys too - my 10 year old doesn't want me to any more but I've 2 more to read to so will be doing it for a bit longer!

My boys are now 24, 22, almost 21 and almost 19 - the youngest two are in bootcamp right now. Maybe one day I'll be reading to my grandbabies. :D I can't wait! LOL

I'm collecting all my boys favourite books to read to my potential grandchildren!

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