in #family7 years ago

Ever want to get a job done in a fun way?

I find it highly unfortunate that many people have lazy children who only want television and pizza. Unfortunately, a lot of the responsibility for those children turning out that way falls on their parents. Personally, I'd rather have children that are more of a blessing, so we teach them and train them to be just that.

Earlier today, during a break time between breakfast and some other daily activities, the @little-peppers were playing outside. Since I had all sorts of things that I wanted to get done, I walked out and asked them, "Who wants to bless Papa?" I specifically remember our oldest son "Monster Truck the Pepper" replying with an excited "I do!"

I then explained that we needed to harvest some more of dried Chinese Red Noodle Bean seeds to plant next year and share with friends. I told the children that if they were careful, they could limb the bent cattle panels that the beans were growing on to grab some dried seed pods down.

Sure, I could have just walked over and grabbed them some, but what fun would that be? This way, they could choose their own amount to work on, and have some jungle gym type fun in the process.

Soon they all had picked a handful, and it was time for the "work" to begin. It is great to see children actually accomplishing tasks that benefit their families, and even more so to see them do it with big smiles on their faces.

Once I told them that they had enough beans to work on, they all came out of the garden to move onto phase two of this task. It is a very simple task that children can easily accomplish, it's just a matter of encouraging them to actually so it.

All that they have to do is break up the dried shells and pick the beans out. Some instruction on sorting the beans to make sure that only good ones are kept is needed, but they received this instruction earlier in the year and still remembered.

Here you can see how the dried beans fall out of the broken shells and can easily be picked up to save for next year's garden.

Honestly, @mama-pepper and I do not have a lot of experience in parenting, but we do have a lot of incentive. Like anyone, we cannot force our children to behave or respond a certain way, but we can instruct and encourage them to help develop their character and prepare them for life.

Too many people these days raise their children as if they were a curse, and then the children grow up to be just that, because it is how they were raised. We would rather choose to view them as a blessing, and raise them accordingly. So far, things have been working out very well. There are a lot of difficult moments, but our responses and reactions in those time will help shape our children, whether it is for the good, or not.

Hopefully this post can be used as a small bit of encouragement for other parents out there. Ultimately, as with a lot of life, you reap what you sow more often than not.

Children can be helpful, it just might take some effort to train them to. Also, there are usually some fun ways to get the job done. Another good example is shown in this video I made a couple of months ago.


As an added bonus, you should see "snack time!"

These children actually ask permission to eat healthy snacks fresh from the garden as well. Our oldest son requested some fresh raw kale and gobbled it up while he was working! So much for kids not liking vegetables. They will just grow up how you raise them folks, and how you raise them is your choice.

Imagine how the world would be if everyone was capable of eating healthy and working hard with a good attitude, even while they were still young! One child at a time, we can at least make sure that some people like that in the next generation. Be blessed.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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GIF provided by @malos10



Thanks man! Glad that you can relate!

thats for dang sure! appreciate your posts - they are incredibly empowering to parents and hopeful!

Sterling Silver freshly made Steem Coins, Golden ;)

Its amazing how you get the kids to work together @papa-pepper. I like the idea of using the goat as an incentive.i also got three kids and they work pretty well together but i always looking for ways to reward them...NOT TO USE SWEETS as an incentive..lucky my kids also like veg..nice post @papa-peppr and @little-peppers!

Don't use sweets, I agree! Just have to teach them, they'll grow.

We really should teach our children to do task while they were young..

Yes we should. It is better that way.

You are absolutely right, parents not only have to spend time with children, but also are obliged to teach them everything that can be useful to them in life and better, of course do it in a playful way. You are a happy person and you have a great family! Thank you @papa-pepper

Thank you too!

Hey Bro ! Another great video. Proof that children need "Direction, NOT mandates" ! Seeing your children working that nature is where it's at !!!

Well done Bro !, Keep up the good work !

Btw ! would you shoot me an email ? [email protected] have a cpl questions and an idea you may be interested in .. !

Your friend JTS

I'll try to remeber to email you tomorrow.

Everything is right, children should be vaccinated with their own work and help from their parents from the very childhood. In the right case, to old age, we will regret that they have not properly raised their children.

I think that too many do regret how they raise their children.

So refreshing to see happy, healthy children eating vegetables, getting exercise and fresh air. Good work @papa-pepper!

This is so great! <3 to you and yours!!

Awesome pics mate and great fathering job. The problem with the 21st century 2017 is humans are over medicated, lazy, stuck to screens 24/365 and schooled/programmed to be a pawn of the institution/establishment. If ever I am blessed enough to have kids I will home school them and keep them as far away from the 'way of the establishment' as possible, as you clearly are. Congrats and well done. There is a right way and a wrong way, and clearly you are doing it right. Cheer$:)

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