Another nasty blog cussing out this rancid succubus of Satan who has been stalking me.

in #family6 years ago (edited)

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I originally was going to censor this post labeling in NSFW. I was going to write it specifically for my Moms eyes only. Normally I would be cussing out society like I do for being the lawless abiding shitizens they are, getting on with my life like I have been doing not having to worry about bullshit family drama that I cut all ties with years ago. Now after receiving another rude nasty hateful comment from this sick mentally ill succubus of Satan, the cockroach who claims to be my fucking mother, I don't care. I want everyone to read this post knowing the TRUTH about who she is and why I cut all ties with her and my family several years ago.

You see folks, I made the mistake of making one last video for youtube back in May letting my few youtube followers I had know that I was moving here, in hopes that they would join up. Instead, my sick mentally ill mother joins Steemit as a result. Now she stalks me here, trolling my every move on Steemit SMH. My mother was following me on youtube so I figured coming here to Steemit I could get away from her, and all the sick government spying and censorship that has been going on. Making me another youtube refugee. I figured Steemit being crypto based using this new blockchain technology my mother wouldn't sign up. I was wrong. SMH

Before I begin I want to say publicly, that this is stalking, harassment, and defamation on her part. Which is a crime. Her actions are harming me. Next I plan on having her served with papers if this blog post isn't enough to make her leave me alone once and for all. I will HAPPILY have my own mother put behind bars. This is her last warning. She is no longer apart of my life and never will be again. I've moved on. I do not need her or her sick and depraved family in my life anymore. This blog is me once again defending myself from her.

Good, now that all that bullshit is out of the way, my story...

I don't condone burning bridges but if one must be so inclined to burn a bridge GO BALLS OUT! Don't burn the mother fucker, blow it the fuck up! Why burn bridges when you can blow them up? It gets the job done much quicker and looks a lot more awesome!


Sigmund Freud is right!

I've always suffered from depression and low self-esteem as a result of my mother and other family abuse I forced to endure growing up. I was always abused by my mother and the rest of her racist white trash porch honkie redneck piece of shit family. As well as abused by all of her loser piece of shit boyfriends including her latest boyfriend she has been whoring herself out to the last decade now.

Both my parents hated each other. As a result as a little boy growing up I was always in the middle. I was too young then to know exactly what they were fighting each other about but all grown up now, I know. Which is why I've cut all ties with these fuckers. What we are born shouldn't dictate what we become. Growing up, all I wanted to do was play and be a kid. Didn't we all? Not have to put up with abuse from these shitty racist fuckers who call themselves my parents. I grew up hating both my parents and family.

I'm still on talking terms with my father only because a few years ago, he actually admitted to me that he was a fucked up father and that he was sorry for all the abuse I had to grow up with. It allowed me to understand that a lot of the abuse I grew up with was because of my mother. She was such a sick cunt when it came to work and jobs, she was always fucking my Dad over losing gigs and stuff. My Dad was so hateful and nasty towards her because he was always having to defend himself from her for shitty decisions that she was making back then. My Dad has done more for me in the last three years then he ever has done in my entire life. He even plans on coming up from Florida to Arkansas to visit so he can meet his grandson after he is born. Something my Dad has NEVER done ever in my life.

My mother claims she and her family love me. Hmm, really? A family that never had anything to do with me? Family that did nothing but make fun of and abuse me because of how she raised me? Family that hurt me, making fun of me because I have a disability I never knew that I had till I was 29 years old? Family that couldn't even pick me up at the airport because they were too busy spending all their money on drugs and alcohol and complained gas was too expensive to drive an extra few miles out of the their way to pick me up as a result? Family that let their baby sister, my aunt, die from a drug overdose from hanging out with all the wrong people? Family that consists of a big fat white trash porch honkie redneck racist sexist pig of an Uncle, who can't remember his own kids birthdays because he is too busy being drunk all the time like the piece of shit that he is!? The same Uncle, that got drunk one night and came at me with a gun in his hand!? The same Uncle, who is too lazy to clean up after himself so he cooks his meals in dirty pans? The same Uncle who eats at McDonald's and leaves his trash on the table for someone else to clean up rather then throw it away, and then uses the "N" word calling blacks niggers for being lazy? So who is the real nigger, HUH!? The same Uncle, THE SAME UNCLE, you thought it was better for me to be around growing up rather than my Aunt Karen and Uncle Chuck on my Dad's side, who were great people, nice people, people that would would never cuss at or abuse me like that worthless racist piece of shit did. People who loved and cared for me. I rarely saw them growing up. Gee I wonder why? You hated them! You hated them because they weren't racist libtards like you and your white trash piece of shit family!!! So you can eat shit and die Fritzie!!! You are NOT my mother! Fuck ALL of you Fritzmeiers!!!

The best part about my life is my mother and her racist white trash piece of shit family is no longer in it. Change your whole life simply by changing your mind. What we are born shouldn't dictate what we become. Just because I was born white trash doesn't mean I need to die that way. The Earth is my Mamma. Three years ago I cut all ties with this family completely when they left me for dead houseless on the streets living in a van only to be fucked with by these blueISIS thugs known as cops. Can you blame me? Put yourself in my shoes for a minute folks... My Mom's been whoring herself out to this rich white arrogant Jewish cocksucker who has more money than god for a free place to live for almost a decade now. Three years ago, this rich white Jewish cocksucker who has grown kids in their mid 40's that have never worked a day in their lives, flies me round trip from Portland to Connecticut to tell me everyday for the week I was there to get a job. This same rich white Jewish cocksucker three months later then writes a $3000 check to pay for his daughter's rent who lives in Manhattan. Meanwhile I'm disabled, houseless, living in a van. How would you feel? Let's just say you now know why we have mass shootings in this country. I know I'm not entitled to anything, but it is the principle, the level of hypocrisy, that makes me so livid about this. As for my mother, I can only hope that when this rich ass cocksucker dies that these rich kids of his who have never had to work throws such a disgusting cockroach of a woman out on her ass in the streets where she belongs. They are rich so why would they have anything to do with someone like her for? The oldest son owns FOUR Porsche's and a Patek Philippe. The daughter was from a later marriage but still got to go to law school for free thanks to Daddy's money. WOW! I wish we all could of been born just as fortunate as these fuckers.

And that's not all! When I was in high school I discovered that my mother had not one but FOUR abortions. My mother was always stingy and complained about not having money. She would always yell at me for stupid shit like using too much toilet paper and stuff like that. Well gee I wonder why we had no money!? She was too busy having to pay for all her abortions she was having! My mother loves killing babies folks. While at the same time denying women's right to defend themselves by being the gun grabbing libtarded cunt that she is. When she wasn't whoring herself out to all these abusive piece of shit loser boyfriends, staying at their places for days on end not ever coming home leaving me to raise myself, she was out having abortions. I support a woman's right to choose and all but FOUR of them!? One abortion is bad enough and I would think that after one you would learn after that SMH. Hell, my mother might as well be that sick CIA cunt wearing that "I had an abortion" shirt flashing the Illuminati hand sign in that picture. If humans weren't a commodity there would be no need to have abortions folks.

With all of this being said I'm glad there were times growing up that I gave this woman Hell doing bad things just to piss her off. It was the least I could do. I'm nasty and hateful? Well look who taught me!? Mom's like Fritzie are the reason I'm a nihilistic misanthropist. Only I grew up and purposely don't start fights with people I resent like she does. Unlike her, even my own father admitted that he fucked up as a parent. Not her though, she can do no wrong, and people who can do no wrong can't ever be taught. When in doubt, go back to the top and read the Philosorapter. She won't acknowledge any wrong doing on her part. I changed my life by going off grid for the most part only continuing to go even further off grid as I get my life and family developed. This way I can live a happy life homesteading like I've always wanted and avoid racist shitizens like Fritzie. My son is going to be raised right.

This is who my mother is so you can find her here on Steemit:

Notice, She has been on Steemit for three months now and has done nothing but stalk and troll me. She even says so in her intro blog she posted! Seriously, I can't make this shit up! I've done nothing but ignore her because I refuse to fuel her fire. Like I said, the best part about my life is she is no longer in it. I'm the happiest now that I cut all ties with her. She clearly only signed up for Steemit to start a fight with me because that is all she knows how to do. It is sad folks. She cares NOTHING about Steemit or the Steemit community. She cares only to harass me. Or harass anyone who disagrees with her. I ask that if you read this do NOT engage in conversation with her. She is only trying to start a fight. If you are concerned I ask that you flag her posts and move on. Down vote her till she is in the negatives so I can mute her ass and be done with her forever. Thank you!

And before I forget, you can go back and read my blog post from 3 months ago here... Apparently this blog wasn't enough to get her to leave me alone. I can only hope this one does.

Stay Un-Tune-Ed

Join the TRUTH Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!!!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.
Do no harm but stand your ground.

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
We are a Dipshit Democracy. FUCK Amy Goodman!
fritzie meme2.jpg


What we are born shouldn't dictate what we become.

I feel ya man, I really do. I was born to two teens. They divorced after two years. Your story is very similar to mine.
Break the cycle! We have to! I struggled in the beginning and still have slip ups. But I explain my emotions to my kids so they understand. That it isn’t them, but me. They know my mother is a twat and a liar, and my father is a liar that buys love with gifts. I was never wanted, I was told by my mother that she wished she had an abortion or put me up for adoption. I get it man, I do.
Love and Light 💗✌️

Thanks @alaskahippie! Wow sorry to hear about your mother too. What a cunt!
What is funny is even my cousins can't stand my mother. When I Aunt died 17 years ago that really changed them. They changed in a way seeing the light with my mother. She does to them what she does to me, shove her unwanted bullshit down everyone's throats. And if we don't accept it, we are the assholes SMH. She lives for free with this rich asshole and then has to go around each year telling my piece of shit cousins how to live their lives like a control freak she is. She cares nothing for them, only her social standing to feed her ego that she is a "good" person. She is an energy vampire sucking the life out of everyone she is around for her own benefit because she can't have a life of her own. She is sick.
When that shit happened 3 years ago it was either sever all ties and move on, or become a mass shooter. It still makes my blood boil thinking about it. So I erased her from existence. Which is why I won't respond to her here on Steemit. She is only trying to piss me off starting a fight like she does.

I haven't heard anything about her so I though she left you alone on here. Apparently not. You're about to be a father and you do NOT need this right now. You don't want your child to have the first impression of a stressed out angry man for a Dad. Get a restraining order if you need to. Let her go. I know you ignore her for the most part. I know you do but don't let her get to you! You control your reactions, not her. Sorry, I know you know all this. You need a restraining order dude. Can you flag her off of here?

Anyway, credit to your Dad for trying to learn from the past and move forward with a relationship with you. Credit to both of you for trying to create what you didn't have. This is good for both of you in so many ways.

Hugs, support, and friendship from Squirrel Bait 🌈 ❤️

Thanks for your support @squirrelbait! I'm planning on taking legal action if I have too. I still have the address to her rich white piece of shit Jewish boyfriend's million dollar condo in Miami.
Sadly I can't flag her off of here, only mute her which I've already done. I only unmute her when she leaves comments so I can flag them.
Don't worry she doesn't got shit on me. If anything I'm letting her dig her own grave by behaving this way. If she was using Steemit to interact with others doing her own thing that would be fine. She has had over 3 months to do so. has she? NO! Only troll me in the past three months. Clearly enough proof right there that she doesn't give a shit about Steemit nor the Steemit community. She only signed up to troll me because she can't accept the fact that I disowned cutting all ties with her. Clearly she has a mental illness which is why she continues to do this. Oh well, if legal action is what it take I will do so.

howdy Rainbow Man..well I have no idea of what to say but I wanted to show my support and I love free speech and that's one of the reasons I support you.

Well thank you Jonboy! I hate having to bring out a bunch of personal family drama but when it is purposely trolling you here on Steemit and you can't block it, I have to do to something. And if my 1st Amendment Rights don't work, my 2nd one will. Before that though I'm taking legal action.

well I hate to see legal action taken..what kind of legal action can be taken anyway?

Probably just a no contact order.

Why don't you entertain the thought that much of the dysfunction we experienced as a family way back when is from your father's gender dystopia? It affected us all, now that we know that is what was happening. And also, you should never doubt that you were loved and your Dad and I were very close when you were a wee child. We were inseparable the first six years of our marriage. What changed? Gender dystopia and you...We did a dance for joy every day you were a baby, when you were young...we were all happy. that the dark clouds blew those memories aaway is a real shame I regret for you. Survival was still is sometimes...For that I am very sorry for how it affected you...

Where on earth did you get the idea that I thought I was a perfect mother? I certainly wish you nothing but the best of life, and that has always been true. I am sorry for anything I have done to elicit the anger and hatred in you. I am glad you love your Dad and his family. The Fritzmeiers will be fine without you, but I will always miss you. Have a good life, Theophilus...I still delight in the reflections of me I see in you and always will...but the hatred and anger, that is not from one in my family has that but you...and you choose not to be in my family any I said, I am in recovery from being Theo's mother. You read my blog...

I will not reply to any more of your posts. It is what you say you want from me. I am very sorry I have hurt you. I tried so hard to be a good mother to you. I love you with every part of me.

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