Mr. Fred Rogers Talks To Parents About Discipline - Enjoy with Troy!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #family6 years ago (edited)

Have you ever wondered if you are disciplining your children properly? Do you feel you are doing this parenting thing by the seat of your pants. You are not alone. Mr. Fred Rogers from the neighborhood speaks with parents about their experiences and his in parenting children.

We may remember him from his long running TV show, 'Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.' Although some folks may not know that he was a Presbyterian minister or that the word discipline is affiliated with the word disciple. He points out that discipline's purpose is to prepare the child so they can make it on their own when they one day leave thee nest. It is born out of love. Enjoy the kind voice of Fred and a needed conversation on child discipline.

The Video is about 28 minutes. The liner from one of the participants is below.

My 1982 PBS star turn. My mom and I were on Mr. Rogers, but we did not get to go to the neighborhood of make-believe. My bit is around 16:30, but I'm going to upload just my clip separately as well. This was IMPOSSIBLE to find... It was out of print from PBS, and my wonderful boyfriend found it on eBay. I then had to buy a VCR and an analog capture device!

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Thanks for listening. Feel free to comment, upVote or restem. - Blessings - Troy


I spent a lot of time watching Fred Rogers growing up. I liked him, wasn't too fond of the puppets.

I understand. Blessings and thanks.

He was a great man. Dearly missed by many.



Indeed Fred Rogers was. We need Fred Rogers today in the world to help neighborhoods and carry on the torch. Thanks @creatr

Hey Mr. Rogers, wow wasn't he a sweet man? Thanks for sharing Troy❣️

You are most welcome

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