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RE: Life, Death and in Between

in #family5 years ago

I don't get around to reading many these days .. but I'm glad I read this one.

I'm so sorry for this, my friend. Reminiscing on a life well lived and loved...

I felt like I could taste the mushroom sauce and see his mischievous smile.

Our beliefs and faith are very personal, aren't they... What brings one person peace brings another confusion or... Panic attacks!

But one thing we can be sure of..
Regardless of what we believe, a little bit of that person lives on when we share the joy and love and care that they brought to our lives.

That's what remains... Love.

Sending you a huge hug, sorry you won't be there for when he passes- but your friend sounds like an amazing "brother" that will certainly understand.

Just plan a get together as soon as you return to share some good memories of his dad



Oh dreemy. Thank you so much for your friendship and for this lovely note. I ended up making steaks last night with the mushroom sauce. 😌

Ned’s dad passed away this morning. I am not sure how fast or slow the plans for his celebration of life will fall into place. Today is sad. 😔 But I am glad to still be in town an will be seeing the family tomorrow.

Deep breaths.... 😪

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