How to Grow a Renegade: Baby-Led Weaning

in #family6 years ago (edited)


While we eat to nourish our bodies and provide ourselves with fuel for the days labour, there is no question that food also comes with a social component. Whether sitting down for a family dinner, or coming together in celebration, food is often central to our gatherings. We break bread, we raises glasses, and we loosen our belt buckles. When food is so intertwined with social activities, wanting to invite the littlest members of our families to partake in the festivities by offering food should come as no surprise.

R at the gymLeft: Broccoli is a great example of food with a natural handle. As a first food, steamed broccoli offers nutrition, easy handling, as well as introduces a few different textures. Right: Here, at 7 months, little R already knows that wellness includes eating well and exercising!

Planning to Feed the Babies

Before we were even expecting our little renegades we discussed parenting, and food in particular, ad nauseam. We both have parents who have so much love to give but who also show their affection with food. Neither Matt nor myself have a problem with treats, we'd be lying if we said we didn't enjoy eating a goody or two. The problem arises with frequency. When you have three sets of grandparents all living within an hour, visits are often, and so too are treats. We know that we don't want to foster the belief that food equals love.

We also knew that before solids we would be breastfeeding our little renegades as long as possible. There are so many benefits to breastfeeding including supporting growth and development, boosting immunity, increasing IQ, lowering the risk of SIDS, and being cancer protective. Additionally, breastmilk provides the most complete nutrition for human babies, and can save you both time and money by not having to buy and prepare formula.

I was surprised to learn that when babies nurse the sucking action helps to pull their skull bones into place for proper growth. The action of the tongue lifting to the roof of the mouth also widens the palette making ample room for teeth to set properly.

Hand SkillsLeft: Little H is demonstrating the pincer grip by using his thumb and forefinger to grasp food. Right: Surprisingly, the ability to open your hand to bring food to your mouth is a developmental skill.

When babies are born their guts are still in the process growing and closing which means they are at their most vulnerable. By introducing solids before the gut is ready, there is a risk for food particles to enter the blood stream and trigger the body to develop immune responses to that particular food. While formula isn't "solid" it's composition still carries the same risk.

I will add the caveat that formula can be live saving and should absolutely be used where necessary. Our babies were small when they were born and little H was having issues regulating his blood sugar. Because I was dealing with a challenging recovery, our breast feeding relationship had a rocky start and we ended up having to temporarily supplement with formula for a few weeks.

So What is Baby-Led Weaning?

I can't remember exactly how I was introduced to Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) but I didn't take long before I knew it was the right fit for us. We wanted the process of weaning our children onto solid food to be as easy and affordable as possible. Plus, I wanted to avoid preparing separate meals and battling jars of food.

BreakfastA typical breakfast includes plain yogurt and some fruit. Every three days or so we take a break from yogurt to have oatmeal or buckwheat/chia cereal. Sometimes, I'll stir in some unsweetened applesauce or berries to change the flavour. H loves yogurt. He typically eats 1/2 to 3/4 cup while R only eats 1/4 cup.

The BLW method begins with recognizing your babies readiness to eat solid food. Babies will naturally be interested in everything their parents are doing because they are learning through observation but that doesn't mean they're necessarily ready to to eat what you're eating. Signs that your baby is ready to eat include unassisted sitting, overcoming the tongue-thrust reflex, willingness to chew, using the thumb and forefinger pincer grip, and an eagerness to participate in mealtime. Some babies will even go the extra mile and begin to unexpectedly grab food and bring it to their mouths. Waiting until at least six months of age will allow their guts to be in a much more prepared state to accept solid food as well.

BLW advocates foods with handles like broccoli or long sticks such as carrots so long as they're cooked soft enough that your baby can easily mash the food with their gums. This made a lot of sense to me because babies need to develop the skills to open their palm to bring food to their mouths so having a handle gives them easier access to chewable areas.

LunchHere is an example of lunch: baked cod, spaghetti squash, sweet potato, and cucumber. These are White Hot Munchkin Plates which were gifted to us. The design in the middle changes to white if the food placed on the plate is too hot to eat.

However, we found that cooking food so it was firm enough to hold but soft enough to chew was incredibly tricky. Long handled food would easily break off making the eating process challenging. Alternatively, if items were a bit more firm they would bite off pieces large enough to be a choking hazard that they could no longer easily mash in their mouths. We finally settled on cutting foods to smaller more manageable sizes that they would need their pincer grasp to handle.

Our Experience Introducing Solids

While the approach also encourages parents to let your children eat what you're eating we decided to take a slower approach to introducing foods. Since I have food sensitivities we knew our kids could be at risk too. We were glad we made this choice because little H ended up having a bad reaction to bananas and after some digging we discovered that he was having FPIES reaction which is a non IgE allergic reaction to the food. I won't get into the specifics of FPIES in this post but the good news is there is a possibility he will grow out of the reaction between 1 and 3 years of age.

I'll admit that I was envious of the moms who just let their kids dig into whatever they were eating and I began to be a little more relaxed with the foods I was offering. I was tired of preparing separate meals and decided they could just eat what I was eating, until they couldn't. One morning little H broke out in hives during breakfast and he began struggling to swallow. I rushed him to emergency and was told we might never find out what he reacted to, but one thing was for sure, I was going back to slow food introductions.

ChowderHere is one of the first meals we were able to share after a slow introduction of all the ingredients. This paleo ham chowder is packed with goodness and is so flavourful. The kids loved everything including the broth. We picked out the components of the chowder for the kids to eat with their fingers and offered spoonfuls of broth throughout the meal.

We decided to introduce one new food for three days to ensure no negative reactions. Once we knew a food fell into the safe category we could start combining it with other safe foods. After months of being patient we could start preparing our own meals that included all of their safe foods and finally share the same meal. I do still prepare them separate foods but I will use items that are in what we're eating without the sauces or seasonings so preparation is easier.

So What Do Our Little Renegades Eat?

Protein / FatVegetablesFruits / Carbs
Beef SteakTomatoes, Peppers, Onions, CeleryRaspberry, Blueberry, Strawberry
Chicken, Turkey, Eggs*Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, YamsWatermelon, Honeydew, Cantaloupe, Pineapple
HamBroccoli, Kale, Squashes, CucumberOrange, Pear, Apple, Apple Sauce
Cod, HaddockAvocado, Carrots, Green BeansGrapes, Banana*
Yogurt 11% MF, Milk, Butter, Coconut MilkPickles, OlivesOatmeal, Buckwheat/Chia cereal

*Eggs are a question mark for little H while we wait to see the allergist so we have removed them from his diet. Because banana is an FPIES trigger for H only R eats them and even then it's occasional.

Above is a list of the foods we've successfully introduced. We tend to let little R try new things from our plates since she hasn't had any adverse reactions but little H is more restricted. Since I am preparing specific food for H, to make things easier R tends to have the same meal as he does.

Quite often doctors recommend introducing rice cereal because it's blandness is considered low-risk and it's also fortified with iron. However, breastfed babies are able to maintain normal hemoglobin values and iron stores*. In some cases, babies who are exclusively breastfed for one, and occasionally even two, years will receive enough iron from breastmilk to stay healthy. Even though formula, rice cereal, and other solid foods may have more iron content those food are not as well absorbed as breastmilk. Our personal choice to maintain healthy iron levels in our twins is to ensure they are eating whole foods and red meat in addition to breastfeeding.

IronHere is an example of what we might serve for supper. Steak, spaghetti squash, mashed yams, and steamed carrots.

We choose whole foods to allow our kids to experience real flavours because we want them to appreciate food in its most natural state. At the moment, we are steering clear of refined foods to avoid hyperpalatable triggers. Our desire is to foster a healthy relationship with food, where our children understand that, while food brings people together, it exists to nourish our bodies. Does this mean we will never have treats? No. It means that we will not place importance on treats; sometimes we will have them, sometimes we won't and neither occasion will be cause for intense emotions.

We trust that our kids are listening to their bodies while they are exploring new foods. Yes, fruit is sweet and they could develop a preference for it, but so far they haven't. H is a protein fanatic and will typically eat all of his protein before moving on to anything else while R prefers starchy vegetables and fruit. H took a while to place himself on the WHO Growth Chart but now that he's eating solids he's really taken off. We suspect he's doing a lot of catching up right now, which is why he's eating adult-sized meals. Despite both of our twins being small, they are crushing their milestones. Plus, there is no specific growth chart for twins.

BLW has worked extremely well for our family but when I look for new food ideas I typically come across "healthy" muffins, "healthy" cookies, and "healthy" pancakes. While these foods are convenient, I sometimes find there is a lot of emphasis on refined foods. As much as I'd love to toss a muffin on their tray and call it done I want to make sure I am giving my kids the best possible start. Even with whole foods, I am able to give my kids plenty of variety to keep their meals interesting. But at the end of the day, we all have to do what works best for our families. If we decide to build a little renegade colony, I may just resort to some gluten free breakfast muffins.

And if you're wondering, yes, BLW can be extremely messy at times! At one point I felt like I was changing their outfits a couple times a day. I started with cloth bibs and if I didn't get to cleaning them right away they would end up stained, or worse, with mold growing on them. Yuck! I did discover some amazing bibs from Bumkins, to which I have no affiliation. They are wide enough to cover their shoulders and have a pocket to catch dropped food. Little R treats her pocket like a treasure chest and checks it for goodies before and after eating for some extra num nums.

So, what are your kids eating? Have you tried baby-led weaning? Did it work for you?


All photos and illustrations in this post are the original work of Mrs. Canadian Renegade.

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"LED weaning" is how I first read the title.

Lol :-P

Very cool post! The renegade is growing up!! XD

Ha ha!

Yes, they seem to be growing uo at a rapid rate now. There are days where I look at them and can't believe how far we've come. Thanks for stopping by. 🙃 -Aimee

Oh wow, Little H can't have bananas? We like them really cold and in our smoothies.

My baby sister is wanting to eat what we eat. Mom and Dad cooked some carrots and made it smooth. Sometimes we give her mushed bananas, watermelon, apple. But mostly my mom breastfeed her.

Nope, he can't have bananas but we are hoping it's a reaction that he grows out of having. I feel guilty every time I eat a banana too.

Mmm... Sounds like your little sister is trying some really good stuff. That's great that your mom is still breastfeeding her too. There is nothing like sweet mama's milk to fill a belly, plus mama snuggles are an extra little bonus. -Aimee

Hi Aimee, this is wonderful article and wow the things you have to go through to make sure the twins are fed right.

There's a lot of points in this article that I haven't read before and been doing which is awesome. I just now put a name on how I've been feeding our youngest - laidback breastfeeding! I was just looking for comfortable way to nurse her so I've been laying her across or on me. When I was feeding futurefarmers 2 and 3 I did this too. I know I don't have twins but I did tandem nursing with the middle 2 hahaha.

Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed the article. We had a very challenging time getting started, some days it's hard to believe where we are now. Both twins also had tongue ties too which added even more to the complications.

Oh, I am so happy to hear that you found laid back breastfeeding. It's such a natural position and helps the baby to navigate in addition to so many other benefits. Figuring out laid back while tandem nursing floppy twins was probably one of my biggest obstacles but I am so glad I stuck with it. I commend any mama who tandem nurses her babies, twins or not! There is a lot to manage when you have busy little bodies trying to get a meal, snuggles, and all the goodness of mom. Most days I feel like I am conducting a circus act. Ha ha ha! -Aimee

Tongue ties? I have to look that up.

Yes, I didn't know they had a term for it. I just did what was comfortable and was thinking I wonder if other mamas are doing these maneuvers. But didn't think to search it, it works for me so I go with it. Only now put a name to it!

Hahaha it's funny trying to tandem nurse since one baby pushes the other one. Or fight over who gets the left/right. Great job sticking to it though. It is the best thing we can do for our babies. Definitely healthy for both baby and mom too.

Yes, tongue and lips ties have become increasingly prevalent and figuring out why is a whole other rabbit hole. Essentially the skin beneath the tongue that attaches it to the mouth over grows and restricts the movement. The baby can't lift the tongue to the top of the mouth or move it well enough to express milk or swallow. Without a correction it can lead to malnutrition and even speech impediments. We had to have the skin cut by a doctor and then we had to stretch the tongue every 5 hours to ensure the tie didn't grow back. It was absolutely miserable especially for our poor babies because it hurt them. There were a lot of tears shed, and not just by the twins.

Yes! Fighting babies during tandem nursing is quite interesting. Sometimes they even swap or steal sides! Ha ha ha! Last night was sweet though because while they nursed little H was getting little R a back rub. Heart melting. -Aimee

This post was phenomenal! Seriously! So we'll written, so much pertinent information, yet not overwhelming! You nailed it! This is the article I wish I could have read 12 yrs ago! Great work, Aimee!!

Thanks @crowbarmama, that means a lot to me, especially coming from you. I find the balance between giving quality information without writing a novel is delicate. I always worry that I get a little too wordy but I want to make sure I hit the big points. I am sure 12 years from now I will come across something I wish I knew we now too. 🤣. -Aimee

This article is so well written. It truly encompasses the subject in the perfect way. I am very new to steem it. Just learning the platform and trying to start writing some as well. Reading this made me feel like your soul sister. I have always just wanted to do the most natural things for my child and blw was the perfect fit. I new it was what I was going to do before I knew it had a name, funny enough! I really can't wait to read more from you! Thanks for getting this information out! The motor skill development from blw is amazing!

Well, welcome to Steemit soul sister! I think you'll like it here. I have met several amazing mama's here including @crowbarmama, @bthebest7, @minismallholding, @lovenfreedom, @mtnmeadowmomma, @solarsupermama, @trucklife-family, and @yourbrainonrugs just to name a few.

I am glad the article resonated with you and to hear that you planned this method before you knew it had a name - that's innovation. I am amazed at the skills they have learned and how fast they progress and translate those skills to other aspects of their life too. I look forward to seeing what you have to share. Cheers, Aimee

The speed their brains learn is so very amazing! I am constantly trying to help my little develop into an independent individual, sounds like you are too. Thank you so much for mentioning these ladies, I started following them, and I am READY to get to steemin'.

I've could use the information presented in this post ten years ago, but you never know :).

Yes, we feel so lucky to be having our children at a time when there is such easy access to information! But perhaps you will meet someone who wants to try BLW but doesn't know it exists and you can help spread the word. Thanks for stopping by. -Aimee

Eating for children is priceless. Children eat food. so cute baby

Thank you! -Aimee

Thank you for sharing!! this is a massive article and so full of info.
I let my children wean themselves as well ( they all were around 4 years old when that happened) and especially with my youngest grandson, we adopted the shirtless eating method.
Strip the kid to diapers only before the meal. The clean up is so much easier 😂

Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed the article; it's had a really positive response. We have only done a few shirtless meals but it makes sense! I ended up finding some amazing bibs that are really wide and keep their clothes mostly clean. When we have curry or tumeric though, those shirts come off!

My original plan was to let the kids wean themselves but some days I just hope we make it to one year. I have already had sideways States from family for still nursing at 11 months. Some people have the mentality of, if they're old enough to ask they're too old to nurse. Which is such a ridiculous measurement. It's essentially punishing a child for developing communication skills. -Aimee

a boon to those who can breastfeed for their children, because so many can not provide it

Yes, there are many women who struggle with breastfeeding and for so many reasons. On my journey into motherhood I discovered just how difficult nursing my children could be and I required a lot of support and assistance to be successful. I was blessed to have access to the resources I needed on my journey. While I am an advocate for breastfeeding, for those who cannot we are fortunate to live in a time where we have alternative options. No mother should feel ashamed for are unable to breastfeed, especially after they grew an entire human being with their body. How amazing is that? -Aimee

your spirit can be outside :))

I just love that dumbell shot! Fantastic well thought out personal post.

On a subject I'm not qualified to commment on at all but it does remind me of a friend of mine's approach to baby food exploration (a few months on from yours).. it basically involved various veggies and fruits (cut up) on a mat in the garden and one very messy and happy baby.

Thank you, that photo is one of my favourites! Messy, happy babies are simply the best! I have come to terms with the fact that I will likely be covered in some sort of food for several years to come. Those tiny little yogurt covered hands can't help but tug on my shirt when they want more. Ha ha ha! -Aimee

I think I had a slightly more middle ground approach...I breastfed till 20 months and introduced "solid food" at the 6 month mark, but used the baby bullet blender to make purees at first. After a couple months, I started cutting up foods like you do. Quite frankly, my kiddos "downvoted" green veggies right away, no matter what form they were in. We had better luck with things like beans and sweet potatoes and of course yogurt! And spaghetti...that was a hit :) Pixie was simply super picky from the very start, so I don't think BLW would have worked with her. Little Man has always been far more willing to try foods.

They got zero sweets until their first birthday, when they each got a cupcake to play with and try out. Pixie patiently pinched off and ate the sprinkles one by one, while Little Man fisted the whole thing and took bites. The photos are priceless!

I really enjoyed this whole post. How wonderful that you're raising your little renegades on such good meals ❤️

Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed the post! Honestly, they weren't the biggest fan of broccoli but they ate it. I haven't tried it for a while so I should probably add that back into the rotation. They definitely love sweet potatoes but I am shocked at what a protein hog little H is. It's crazy. I am so glad they haven't been too picky. Today I was on the go and spoon fed them flaked cod, oranges, and blueberries at one of our stops and they just happily munched away.

We are also planning on keeping them sweets free until their first birthday. I love that your kiddos had such different reactions to the cupcakes. That's adorable!

Also, I am amazed that you breast fed until 20 months. I wanted to let them take the reins and decide when they're done but some days I just hope and pray we make it to a year. Our journey has been such a struggle and they are crazy on the boob. Total gym-nurstics. I keep telling myself not to quit on a bad day and somehow we manage to keep going. I applaud you and hope we make it too. -Aimee

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